Tip.It Times » 

A new issue of the Tip.It Times is available.

Our main Editorial this week is called "How RuneScape Ruined Your Life." Ts_Stormrage talks about how someone might progress through RuneScape and how playing the game might affect his/her life. Makoto_the_Phoenix was kind enough to write a Guest Editorial for us this week called Under-Served. This article is about F2P and how they often get the short end of the stick when it comes to game updates! We also have an interesting interview with a well-known RuneScape artist, Teezkut. Learn a bit about him and check out some of his artwork! Maybe you even saw him at RuneFest? And finally, our fictional series by sacker3 continues yet again with the final chapter, The Mages' Downfall.

There are also two new changes to the Tip.It Times that we would like to discuss!

First, we have changed our article names around a bit. "Featured Articles" are now called "Editorials" and "Guest Articles" are now called "Guest Editorials." Our second piece of news is a bit more exciting ;)

Second, we have begun implementing a tagging system. At the bottom of each article you will see two kinds of tags: author tags and regular tags. The author tags display the author of the article as a link. If you click on the author's name you will be taken to a list of all articles written by that same author. The regular tag category will show a selection of keywords that describe the contents of the article. Examples of keywords include "PKing," "skilling," "bots," "interview," or "fiction." Clicking on the keyword will take you to a list of all the articles that are tagged with that keyword. We are still slowly working on tagging all the articles with keywords so while many don't exist yet, stay tuned and they will hopefully be fully implemented in the coming weeks!!

The Tip.It Times is now accepting artwork and comics! If you would like to submit your artwork to be displayed in the Tip.It Times, please submit them to tripsis via private message on the Tip.It Forum.

After taking a read through the articles, don't forget to discuss, debate and share opinions about them on the forum topic!

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