New Website Design Open Beta! » 

A couple of years ago now when we upgraded the forums, and got a nice pretty new skin for them, some of you probably wondered why the forum skin didn't match the website design. It generally looked (and still does look) a lot more polished and up to date than our aging website.

The reason for this was simple, the skin designer didn't pull this out of his head, he designed it from an early website redesign put together by us.

That was quite some time ago, and we decided that if we were going to create a fresh new look for the website, we should also probably code everything from scratch as well, and get rid of many of the unnecessary files and code snippets we have hanging around on the current website. We wanted to do lots of other things too, like making the URLs more friendly, and introducing more social networking aspects.

So the information you're actually probably reading this post for... the URL, and here it is:

With the "open" being for our "Open Beta" which is what we're calling this stage of the launch. We'd like you, our users, to test drive the site, reporting to us any bugs you find, along with your feedback on newer features or changes.

You can report bugs to us in The Tracker. This allows us to easily keep track of your bug as it progresses through to being fixed. There is also a new forum in which you can discuss the website. You should avoid using the Tracker for this, as it is strictly for bugs only.

Also, I can't possibly post this without giving credit where it's due:


  • Mil

Coding Team

  • Cowman_133
  • Dudecrush8
  • MageUK
  • Tecmaster
  • Xena_Dragon
  • All of the Tip.It Staff for random bug testing and such we forced them to do against their will.

Soon you'll also be seeing some Developer Blogs/Behind The Scenes posts revealing how and why things were done the way they were! Please check out This Forum Thread to discuss the update.

Have fun on the new website!

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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