Tip.It and the RuneScape Wiki » 

Do Not Copy and Paste!

Hello Tip.It'ers! With the release of RuneScape.com's new Wiki layout, we would like to remind everyone that you may not copy Tip.It's guides and other content onto the RuneScape Wiki. All of the content on Tip.It belongs to us and is protected under our copyright so just like you are not allowed to use our content on your own website, please do not copy and paste it onto RuneScape.com's Wiki! If you want to share Tip.It's content with your friends or other RuneScape players, please give them the direct URL to our Tip.It website!

Please respect our content and the hard work that our team members have put into creating this site for you!

Thank you all for your help and cooperation :)

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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