Keep Your RuneScape Account Safe! » 


Happy holidays, Tip.It'ers! We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few ways you can help keep your RuneScape account safe! Jagex has written a nice article about it here but we will also reiterate a few of their points:

  • Have a unique password that is impossible to guess! Your RuneScape password should not be used anywhere other than Do not use the same password for fan sites or your e-mail or anything else. This password should not be a dictionary word and should not contain any personal information. A mixture of random letters and numbers is always best! Also remember to never share your password with anyone - not even with friends or family. Jagex Mods will also never ask you for your password!
  • Make sure your computer is secure! Install and update anti-virus software. Make full scans (not quick scans!) regularly - ideally once a day. Make sure you have all of your computer updates installed. It is also recommended that you use a browser addon to block adverts, as sometimes they can be malicious!
  • Don't fall for phishing scams! Phishing scams are when you receive an e-mail from someone who *appears* to be Jagex. They might say that you have received an infraction on your RuneScape account and provide a link to what *appears* to be These e-mails are actually from scammers and the links go to a scam site instead of If you need to navigate to, always type in the URL yourself. Do not click any links in e-mails! For more help on identifying phishing e-mails, you can read Jagex's article about it here.
  • Use a bank PIN! Many people think that they do not need a bank PIN. Then their account gets compromised and they say, "I'm definitely using one now!" Do not make this mistake - set a bank PIN now! Always deposit your valuables into your bank before logging out. Also remember to change your PIN settings so that your PIN takes 7 days to delete. Using a PIN will protect your account in case it is compromised. If your account is accessed by someone else they will not be able to steal your items and odds are you will log in, notice that your account has been accessed, and be able to change your password/recoveries before your PIN is deleted after 7 days. Using a PIN can help save you from losing your items!
  • Keep your e-mail secure! If you have an e-mail address registered to your RuneScape account, make sure your e-mail is as secure as possible! Choose a different, secure password and make sure your recovery questions are set and not easily guessed (not even by family!) or social engineered.

We never like seeing anyone get hacked, especially not during the holiday season! So be sure to follow these tips and share anymore you can think of with your friends!

Stay safe and happy holidays!

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