Fatigue V2.1 ... story in comming to happy end? » 

WHOW today I finally get in touch with Andrew (after beating my poor guy for some time and showing me prison cells) he say that he addressed all major complaints that he get about new system (great work Jagex). Basically most you can read from this news that is posted on official site.

Small tweaks to mining - 15th November 2002
Today we've made the following small changes to mining:

You can now mine twice as much silver before getting tired. This is because it was pointed out that it shouldn't really by harder to get silver than gold. This actually now means silver is easier to get than it has ever been in the past

We've made it 2-3 times easier to get gems under the new mining system, since that wasn't quite balanced correctly

We've added a new mine in the swamp south of Lumbridge with 4 mithril rocks, and 1 adamantite rock, this is to replace the rocks removed from elsewhere. The rocks were moved to make sure everything is the correct distance from a bed for the new system to work properly.

We made bread, pies, and pizza restore TWICE as much fatigue as they did before, which should make these foods much more worthwhile. We predict enterprising pizza sellers will turn up at the mining sites shortly :-)
A few confused players seem to think the new fatigue system actually makes mining take longer, but this is not the case. After testing every single mining site at every single level, we can conclusively say that it takes no longer to get ore, or level-up than before. But it's a heck of a lot less tedious and repetitive.

Remember we've added lots of new beds so you might not have to walk as far as you think, we're hoping to add all bed locations to our worldmap soon to help you find them.

We think the only people who will not prefer the new system now, are of course the cheats/macroers, and a few odd people who bizzarely LIKED clicking on the same point on their screen, over and over and over again.. weird!

All in all it will probably still need some minor tweaks but it look to me that we passed worst moment and even with some good strategies you will be able to get more experience in less time this new way.

Ok now we need some info about new system as it is visible when ore spawns someone can actually measure it and send us results to add, we need a map of this new mine too, and also we need info how much fatigue heal updated foods.

SUBMIT ALL INFO ONLY TO THIS EMAIL: Submit new Fatigue related info

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