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Paul Gower (Jagex team) posted at our boards some more informations about mining

Some points I feel i should make about fatigue after talking to various people.

  • Fatigue affectss fishing and mining.
  • It also has a very small affect on woodcutting and stealing from chests.
  • Going to a bed is by far the best way to heal fatigue.
  • Eating food like pies and pizzas isn't too bad.
  • Fish is not good for healing fatigue, save that for healing hits, we've done it like this to make some of the slightly less popular foods more useful.
  • As your skill level increases you will be able to work at higher fatigue levels. So higher level miners will be able to mine at higher fatigue levels, fishers will be able to fish at higher fatigue levels etc.
  • some rocks give you more fatigue than others, this is dependant on ore type and location.
    - Coal rocks a long way from a bed give you less fatigue than some other coal rocks, the mining guild coal rocks give less fatigue.
    -wilderness rocks give less fatigue
  • There are now beds in some wilderness locations.
  • It's possible that the fatigue system may need the odd tweak here and there- though we've put in alot of work to try and get it roughly balanced.

    I think mining and fishing now require slightly more thought from players

    Try and work the best strategies for doing things before stating how things should be different.

  • You can read more about this on our board (if it dont crash over all people going there)
  • Fatigue - frequently asked questions
  • Tweaks to the fatigue system

    As for now from emails we received we get to result that
    a.) Same rock gives you always-same fatigue for any mining level
    b.) Higher level you are more fatigue you will support it is cc. 1 coal for every 10 levels of mining skill.
    c.) Rest recover cc 53.5% fatigue for every "nap"
    d.) Some foods recover less then 1% fatigue
    e.) Fatigue created have decimal part that we cannot see so iron can be 3.2 or 3.15 and it varies from rock to rock :-(
    f.) this is only theory that need confirmation, but it look like that you can mine or fish more if you mine/fish DIFFERENT ores/fishes, there is some reports that you can mine only 5 coal but you can get 1 mithril up to this even if you was unable to get more coal !!!!. And order in which you get ore have its effect too.

  • Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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