More updates, tis the season! » 

In celebration of the holiday season, we've temporarily changed the layout slightly to get everyone in the mood! We hope you enjoy it. Try out the different themes using the buttons on the top right for variety. You might have to refresh (hit F5) a few times to see the full effect. Feedback and discussion about this is welcome!

We also have the Spirits of the Elid quest guide completed for your reading pleasure. Feel free to contact us with any constructive feedback you might have.

Lastly, we've released two new skill planners. These are the Farming and Slayer Planners. Due to the nature of these skills, a skill calculator can not be used but we have provided these planners to help you out. And as usual, we've also made several little fixes and updates in other content. Happy Holidays everyone!

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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