Tip.It Times & New Calcs! » 

Greeting fellow Runescapers! Three items to tell you about today. First, our weekly edition of the Tip.It Times is now available for your reading pleasure. This week, our Editor explores skill building in his piece entitled "All in a Day's Work". Once you've read the article, you may discuss it or post your comments here. We apologize for the 31-Dec-1969 date on the article, it's due to a scripting error which we're working on correcting.

Secondly, our Max Hit Calculator has been updated, and two brand new calculators are now available for your use. The new Fighting Calculator will help you figure out how many monsters you need to kill to reach the next level for a particular combat skill. The Ranged Calculator works the same way, but with the various types of Ranged skills. Both new calculators are accessible via our Special Calcs page. Thanks to Michael_West for these wonderful additions! Comments, corrections and feedback on the new calcs are welcome, so feel free to visit our Website Updates & Corrections Board to post your comments.

Lastly, we've updated a good many of our skill and other guides, including a major Farming Guide update. We invite you to check out all our guides by clicking on the links on the left-hand side of the page.

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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