Runescape ISP problems continue... » 

It looks that Runescape ISP still have problems further to many emails we recived..

From KingFrogga:

... all the
servers are sporadically on- and offline, and when a server IS online, it has 278 players online without fail. When I try to connect I get an error message somewhere along the lines of "Sorry! Unable to connect. Please check your internet settings."

From fireboy18:
all 3 servers are down on runescape saying 278 players online but you can't get on and sometimes servers go offline with it saying "can't connect to server check internet connection" it has been down since 10:00am and now its 4:08pm! there is a BIG problem here

Latest news is that Andrew working on it even if we don't know if he is transfering servers to new ISP or he is calling ISP all time occupied "assistence" ..

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