Tip.It Times » 

Time for another Tip.It Times article! After reviewing the changes and updates released in 2006, our Tip.It Times Editor begins the new year with a bang! The RuneScape Rule 7 and 9 debacle caused so much of a stir in this and other player communities, that Jagex's original position had to be revisited more than once over the past few days. Of course, our Editor couldn't let this slide by without providing the usual insightful commentary on the whole affair. So please take a moment and give Rules is Rules a read.

On another note, I'd like to let everyone know that the Crew is feverishly working on a new guide for the new Barbarian Assault mini-game, and we hope to have it ready for general release very very soon. Thanks to everyone who submitted information to us, we very much appreciate your contributions.

Until next time, Happy 'Scaping, and be careful out there!

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