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Ancient Magicks Guide![]() IntroductionAncient Magicks is a powerful branch of Magic that can be used once the Desert Treasure quest has been completed. They are members only and when you are on the Ancient Magicks spellbook you cannot use spells from any of the other spellbooks, however you can still use all magic abilities. In order to switch to the Ancient Magicks spellbook you need to pray at that altar in the Pyramid, praying again will return you to the normal spellbook. Praying at the altar drains your prayer points to zero however you can still switch spells if you already have no prayer points. After completing the Desert Treasure quest, rather than having to walk through the Pyramid every time you want to change spellbooks you can use a shortcut at the back of the Pyramid instead which takes you directly to the altar. There are two types of Ancient Magicks spells, teleport and damage spells. There are four types and classes of damage spells as explained below, each type corresponds to a single element from the standard spellbook. This can be used to target specific monster weaknesses.
In addition to the four different types of spell you can use, each type also has four different classes of spell as described below.
Shown below are some typical pictures of the animations of each spell. However bear in the mind that the different classes of damage spells have different animations.
Return to TopGetting to the PyramidThe Pyramid is located in the south-west of the Kharidian Desert which seems quite far out of the way however there are a variety of ways to get there, as shown below: ![]()
Return to TopCombat SpellsThe Ancient Magicks spells are shown in your ability book in place of your normal spells. They use up more runes than the normal spells so are considered more 'expensive' per cast. Auto-casting ancient spells requires right-clicking on the spell and selecting the auto-cast option. Each combat spell does damage (see damage column) in addition to the specific spell type effect (reduce accuracy, reduce damage, heal caster, freeze). These spells can be dual-cast just like those on the normal spellbook. Experience is awarded at the end of a kill, and is not based on the spell you use. Damage shown is the standard damage of the spell, without taking into account any modifiers. Your magic level is added to the base damage of each spell, which gives the damage shown in the equipment screen.
Teleports SpellsLike other spellbooks, the Ancient Magicks spellbook has teleports specific to it. While they are not often used, they can provide convenient wilderness teleports for those with access to the Spellbook swap spell. The Kharyrll teleport can also be bound in the portal room of a player-owned house for easy teleports to Canifis on any spellbook. Note: Wilderness teleports will NOT give you a warning screen when you cast them.
* No runes are required for the Home Teleport spell, but the spell animation takes some time so it cannot be used to leave combat. However, it is very useful for players who are lost and need to get back to familiar ground. For players in the tutorial mode for the Burthorpe area, this spell will only teleport them to Burthorpe until the tutorial mode is disabled. Refer to the Lodestone section of the Getting Around guide for more information on lodestones. Return to TopTactics & UsesThe Ancient spellbook is a fairly versatile one with a good variety of combat spells that, when used to their strengths, can give you a big advantage over your opponent. Ice and Blood spells are the most commonly used spells and as such this section of the guide will primarily focus on them. Monster Hunting & Magic TrainingBurst and Barrage spells are the most commonly used spells in the Ancient Magicks spellbook due to their ability to hit multiple targets in multi-combat areas. This in turn makes them a popular but expensive means of collecting charms or training magic. Rock lobsters are the most popular creatures to use Ancient spells on due to their high drop rate of crimson and blue charms as well as one's ability to fight them en masse which also makes them excellent for magic experience. For more information on fighting Rock lobsters, visit our Rock lobster hunting guide. Other popular monsters to kill using Ancient Magicks are Mummies found in the Chaos Tunnels and Monkey zombies found in the Marim Dungeon on Ape Atoll. As with the Rock lobsters these monsters can be easily killed en masse making them excellent magic experience per hour but at a high cost. ![]() MinigamesIt is not just NPCs that Ancient spells are effective against, anyone who has ever played Castle Wars will know how frustrating it is to come up against an opponent with ice spells when you are trying to run back to your base with the opposing team's flag. Few players put much emphasis on magic defence when playing Castle Wars so having a player or two on the Ancient spellbook can significantly improve your team's chance of winning. Similarly Soul Wars is another minigame where Ancient spells are popular due to there being a high concentration of players in a relatively small area. If a few players with Ancient spells camp outside the opposing team's respawn point you can hinder their efforts significantly. It can also be effectively used to take control of the Soul Obelisk. ![]() Clan Wars is another minigame where Ancient Magicks can be useful, although it is not as prevalent here as Castle Wars or Soul Wars due to there generally being fewer players. They can still make the difference between life and death as well as victory and defeat if the clan you are up against is unprepared. Player KillingAncient Magicks were once a terrifying prospect for any player to come up against in the Wilderness, however with the evolution of equipment and fighting tactics they are not so dangerous for the experienced player. "Hybriding" and "Tribriding" are the biggest threat to Ancient Mages as players using these methods will have more than one combat style at their disposal meaning that, even if you freeze them they can still fight. Fortunately for Ancient Mages, there are more inexperienced players than there are experienced ones and also players who are just passing through the Wilderness meaning there are still plenty of opportunities for kills. Ice spells can keep melee fighters at bay while you drain their hitpoints using blood spells or more ice spells meaning that you take very little, if any damage. Be aware though that while you will often get some easy kills with Ancient spells, it just takes one player with a means to fight back to bring your killing spree to a swift end. Of course you can prepare yourself to deal with these opponents, but that is something for you to figure out. TeleportsFew players use the Ancient spellbook for its teleports as they are not worth the time it takes to switch spellbooks and for the most part they are not overly useful. They offer some useful teleports to areas of the wilderness. The most widely used teleport is the Kharyll teleport which teleports you to Canifis, however this can also be tuned to a house portal. ![]() Return to TopCreditsOriginal Guide by: Wisetsm Revised Guide by: BloodAngel Thanks to: Adamskii, Big_Stingman, bs_johannes, bumfluff2010, chenw, Cowman_133, Dragonkng198, DroolMAN, Eeeeediot, Greenito, Gromhell5, Headnazgul, icantcmyeye, Jaffy1, Jard_Y_Dooku, Jdent7, kinggabe, kwimbob, Lady_Shahdie, Lime_Mercury, Lood333, Nyosuht, Octarine, oddfaery2, Paw_Claw, pokemama, Rien Adelric, Runesmithie, Tecmaster532, tryto, Saraownsj00, scougre, v storm v, Vulxai, Wachtwoord, Warriormonkx, 9 O Percent Last updated by: Howlin0001 Last updated: 21-Jul-2013 Return to Top
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