Beacon Network

This minigame has been rated as High Risk. See the minigames page for a definition of high and low risk.


The kingdoms of Asgarnia and Misthalin have banded together to craft an early warning system - a beacon network - due to increasingly suspicious activity in Morytania and the Wilderness. It runs along the western and southern borders of the Wilderness, and as far east as the Temple on the River Salve. After completing the All Fired Up quest, King Roald will ask for your help in testing out this network by lighting all the beacons. There are a total of 14 beacons, and to receive the rewards, a certain number of them must be burning at the same time. There are rewards available from King Roald for lighting 6, 10, and all 14 beacons at once, as well as a large chunk of firemaking experience to be gained.

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Working the beacons

You can light beacons by using twenty logs of the same type on them, and then using a tinderbox. It is highly recommended to place all of your logs in all of the beacon stands first, and then light them all in a row - this saves time, as the beacons only stay lit for so long, depending on the type of logs used. It is also recommended to use high levelled logs (at least maple or higher).

You can also give the guards at many of the beacons five extra logs of the same type on the beacon to keep it going for longer, although some of them will require payment in the form of an item.

To do it as quickly as possible, you should make use of various teleports and beasts of burden from the summoning skill. You may light the beacons in any order.

Each beacon requires a firemaking level. See below for a table of these values, along with items the guards may request and other skill levels and quests required to light the beacons.

Beacon Firemaking Level Requirements
Location Firemaking level required Items
required to
use beacon
for beacon
Items to unlock guard Other
for guard
Near Paterdomus west of River Salve 43 - - - - 216.2
Near the Rag and Bone Man 43 - - - - 235.8
Near the Jolly Boar Inn north-east of Varrock (low wilderness) 48 - - - Quest: Start Family Crest 193.8
North of Varrock Castle (low wilderness) 53 - - White Tree Fruit Quest: Garden of Tranquility 178.5
North of The Grand Exchange (low wilderness) 59 - - - - 194.3
Edgeville 62 - - - All four Stronghold of Security floors completed 86.7
Black Knight's Fortress 68 - 31 prayer minimum - 53 prayer 224.4
Goblin Village 72 - Quest: Land of The Goblins Davy kebbit hat - 194.8
Burthorpe 76 2 iron bars, a hammer 56 smithing Catspeak Amulet Quests: Icthlarin's Little Helper, A Tail of Two Cats 195.3
East of Death Plateau (WILDERNESS) 79 2 planks, 4 nails, hammer 42 construction Lava Eel - 249.9
East of Trollheim 83 64 agility - - Quests: Troll Romance, My Arm's Big Adventure 201.0
East of God Wars Dungeon Entrance 87 3 jute fibres and a Needle (super restore potion strongly suggested) 60 crafting - 81 summoning 255.0
Zamorak temple (western WILDERNESS) 89 CHOICE: either 2 iron bars and hammer, OR
2 planks, 4 nails and hammer
MATCHING CHOICE: either 70 smithing OR
59 construction
No guard - 198.9
Frozen Waste Plateau (WILDERNESS) 92 - - No guard - 147.9

Beacon Locations
Here is a map showing approximate locations of all fourteen beacons.
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There are many setups that work effectively for this minigame. While the setup below is optimal, it is entirely viable to replace parts of it to suit various needs and limitations of each individual player.

Suggested Items

  • 340 logs* (noted if you have completed the Elite Varrock task set)
  • Amulet of Glory
  • Ring of Duelling
  • Bonesack (e)
  • Lumberyard Teleport Scroll
  • Combat Bracelet
  • Goblin Village Sphere
  • Runes for Spellbook Swap**, Teleport to Trollheim, and Teleport to Ice Plateau*
  • Super restore potion
  • Beast of Burden***
  • All Items Listed Above

Other Helpful Things

  • Teleport to House Tabs, to make quick getaways
  • Saradomin Brew, for concentrated healing
  • Dip in the Salt Water Spring at Oo'glog to gain unlimited run energy
  • A means to get to Canifis, although time is not of the essence for getting there

*Upon completion of the Elite Varrock task set, you gain access to the log storage boxes next to each beacon in the network. You can store up to 60 logs of the same type in each box. You can only deposit and withdraw them in sets of 20. One particularly useful aspect about these boxes is the ability to deposit noted logs into the box and take un-noted logs back out. This will save you many bank trips.

**Note that it is possible to boost your magic level to cast this spell. The standard Magic Potion boosts 5 levels. However, the only purpose of using Lunars is to have Teleport to Ice Plateau. Instead of casting it yourself, you could instead arrange for a friend to cast the Telegroup spell, which brings you to the same destination.

***This guide assumes the use of a War Tortoise.


1. Prepare all beacons first. Gain access to each beacon and give the tenders any items they may desire. ALWAYS keep some sort of item to teleport you to a bank during this part. An Amulet of Glory or Ring of Duelling is recommended.

Bank Bank Bank
Logs: 40
Other: -

2. Run to the Salve River beacon, load it with logs.

3. Run to the Rag and Bone Man beacon, load it with logs.

4. Teleport to a bank.

Bank Bank Bank
Logs: 40
Other: Ring of Duelling, Lumberyard Teleport Scroll

5. Teleport to the Lumberyard, run north, jump the Wilderness Wall. Load the Jolly Boar Inn beacon.

6. Run west to the next beacon, load it with logs.

7. Use your Duelling Ring to teleport to Mobilising Armies.

Bank Bank Bank
Mobilising Armies
Logs: 40
Other: Amulet of Glory

8. Use the Spirit Tree to teleport to the Grand Exchange. Hug the north wall and go under the tunnel on the North-West corner. Jump the Wilderness Wall directly north, without crossing the river.

9. Run east to the Grand Exchange Beacon and load it.

10. Use your Amulet of Glory to teleport to Edgeville, load the beacon.

Bank Bank Bank
Logs: 40
Other: Combat Bracelet

11. Use your Combat Bracelet to teleport to the Monastery. Run to the Black Knights' Fortress and load the beacon.

12. Use your Combat Bracelet to teleport to the Warriors' Guild. Run to the Burthope beacon and load it.

13. Run to the Rogues' Den bank, or teleport to a bank.

Bank Bank Bank
Rogues' Den or Anywhere
Logs: 40
Other: Goblin Village Sphere, Runes for Trollheim Teleport (and Spellbook Swap), Super restore potion

14. Use your Goblin Village Sphere to teleport to Goblin Village, run to the beacon, and load it.

15. Teleport to Trollheim, run northward to the Godwars Dungeon area and load the beacon. You may need to drink a dose of Super restore before loading the beacon. Be sure to restore your stats after you leave, if necessary.

16. Teleport to a bank.

Bank Bank Bank
Logs: 40
Other: Runes for Trollheim Teleport (and Spellbook Swap)

17. Teleport to Trollheim, cross the obstacles east of the Mountain and load the Trollheim beacon.

18. Cross the agility obstacle into the Wilderness. Run south and load the beacon.

19. Teleport to a bank.

Bank Bank Bank
Logs: 40
Other: Ability to teleport to the Ice Plateau

20. Teleport to the Ice Plateau (by your own spell or another players'). Load the beacon.

21. Run south, past the gates, to the Chaos Altar. Load the beacon.

22. Run south and teleport to a bank, or purposely die from the King Black Dragon or a Revenant.

Lighting the Beacons

1. Go to Oo'glog and grab a tinderbox from the bank or the general store. Keep this tinderbox with you the entire trip. Then, take a dip in the Salt Water Pool at Oo'glog. This will ensure you will be constantly running and typically does not run out until you're finished lighting the beacons. Go to Canifis.

Note: The first time you give logs to a tender, use the logs on him or her and select the "Yes, and do not ask me for confirmation again" option. For the rest of this guide, it is implied that you give logs to the tender when you light a beacon (except on the final two beacons, which do not have tenders).

Bank Bank Bank
Logs: 30
Other: Bonesack (e), Lumberyard Teleport Scroll, Amulet of Glory

2. Run to the Salve River. Light the Beacon.

3. Use the Bonesack (e) to teleport to the Rag and Bone Man (or just run there) and light the beacon.

4. Use the Lumberyard Teleport Scroll to teleport to the Lumberyard. Jump the Wilderness wall and light the Lumberyard beacon.

5. Run west and light the Varrock Palace beacon.

6. Continue running west and light the Grand Exchange Beacon.

7. Use your Amulet of Glory to teleport to Edgeville and light the beacon.

Bank Bank Bank
Logs: 30
Other: Combat Bracelet, Goblin Village Sphere, 2x Runes for Trollheim Teleport (and Spellbook Swap), Super restore Potion, Amulet of Catspeak, Ability to teleport to the Ice Plateau

8. Use your Combat Bracelet to teleport to the Monastery, run to Black Knights' Fortress and light the beacon.

9. Use the Goblin Village Sphere to teleport to Goblin Village and light the beacon there.

10. Use your Combat Bracelet to teleport to the Warriors' Guild. Equip your Amulet of Catspeak while running to the Burthope Beacon and light it.

11. Teleport to Trollheim, cross the obstacles east of the Mountain and light the Trollheim beacon.

12. Cross the agility obstacle into the Wilderness. Run south and light the beacon.

13. Teleport to Trollheim. Go north to the God Wars Dungeon area and light the beacon there, drinking a dose of Super Restore Potion if necessary.

14. Teleport to the Ice Plateau (by casting your own spell or through another players') and light the beacon.

15. Run south past the gate to the Chaos Altar. Light the beacon.

Congratulations! You have successfully lit all 14 Beacons!
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Tips and Tricks

Although it seems daunting to get to so many places in a brief amount of time, it's achievable. Some players prefer to do a practice run with cheaper logs, just to familiarise themselves with the route.

  • Load 20 logs into each beacon ahead of time, without lighting them, before you start your lighting run. As long as you do not light them, they stay put.
  • Higher level logs burn longer in the beacons.
  • Plan your bank stops.


  • If you choose to pay a guard, you only need to pay once to make friends.
  • The guard will only accept 5 logs to keep the beacon going after you've lit it.
  • You can choose to shorten the guard dialogue to save some time.
  • You can give the guard a macaw summoning pouch - this will allow you to see the status of more than just the nearest beacons. Right-click the guard and choose "Information" to check. If given to the tender at the Edgeville beacon, you will be able to see information about all the beacons, eliminating the need to give the tenders more than one pouch.


For some locations, a teleport may be more trouble than it's worth. For the stretch of beacons from Edgeville all the way to Paterdomus - once you get to one end or the other, it may be simplest to just keep running.

  • The bonesack (e) reward from Fur 'n' Seek quest will teleport you to the Odd Old Man once a week. Don't use it for your preparation round, save it for the actual lighting.
  • A goblin village sphere from Oldak in Dorgesh-Kaan saves some running.
  • The Black Knights Fortress (a non-wilderness beacon) is near the Monastery, which can be reached using a combat bracelet teleport. Also good for teleporting to the Burthorpe beacon by way of the Warrior's Guild.
  • A Games necklace is a quick way of teleporting to Burthorpe.
  • Normal magic spellbook level 61 Trollheim teleport (2 law runes, 2 fire runes) is useful not only for the Trollheim beacon, but also for the God Wars Dungeon beacon and the Death Plateau wilderness beacon.
  • Lunar Magick teleport to Ice Plateau requires 89 magic, 3 Astral runes, 3 Law runes and 8 Water runes. Keep in mind the need for normal magic Trollheim teleport!
  • Ancient Magick teleport to Ice Plateau requires 96 magic, 2 Law runes and 8 Water runes. Ancients also offers a level 72 Ice Mountain teleport (2 laws, 4 waters), which is another way to the Black Knights Fortress beacon. Again, keep in mind the need for normal magic Trollheim teleport.


  • A Player killer in high wilderness can ruin your whole day. The lack of guards at the top two beacons must be balanced against this concern.
  • A super-restore potion will be useful after trekking through the stat-reducing area near the God Wars Dungeon.
  • A trip to the Oo'glog spa will keep your run energy up (requires As a First Resort quest.)
  • Use a familiar to help carry logs, or to keep your run energy up.
  • Aside from Energy potions and familiars, you can also use the Explorer Ring (a reward from the Lumbridge Achievement Diary) to keep your run energy up.
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Experience Rewards

You can repeat the beacon lighting process as many times as you like for this experience.

Bonus Firemaking Experience
Beacons Alight XP
1 608.4
2 1,622.4
3 1,987.4
4 2,149.6
5 2,149.6
6 2,514.6
7 2,555.2
8 2,758.0
Beacons Alight XP
9 2,839.1
10 3,041.9
11 3,123.0
12 3,244.7
13 3,366.4
14 4,867.1
Total 39,599.9
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Item Rewards

There are also three unique rewards that can be claimed from King Roald for lighting a total of 6, 10, and 14 beacons, respectively. If you lose these, you must repeat the lighting process to regain them.

Min. Level Beacons Lit Pic Reward Abilities
62 6 Ring Of Fire Ring of Fire Wearing the Ring of Fire gives a 2% increase to any firemaking experience you earn. If you wear this and the Flame Gloves together, they will give a total experience bonus of 5%.
79 10 Flame Gloves Flame Gloves Wearing the Flame Gloves gives a 2% increase to any firemaking experience you earn. If you wear this and the Ring of Fire together, they will give a total experience bonus of 5%.
92 14 Inferno Adze Inferno Adze This functions as both a dragon hatchet and a rune pickaxe combined. You must have 41 mining to use it as a pickaxe and 61 woodcutting to use it as a hatchet. One special feature of the Adze is that when cutting logs, there is a good chance that the heat inside the Adze will burn the log, giving both the normal woodcutting and firemaking experience.
Inferno Adze
Pic Name Attack Values Defence Values Other
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Summon Strength Prayer
Inferno Adze Inferno Adze 10 9 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 11 0
Beacon Inferno Adze
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Original Guide by: tryto

Thanks to: Aurhora, Headnazgul, iwatake, Jasquith, Mercifull, Suiku_fv, Tusis

Correction thanks: A Gardener, Applejuiceaj, chams10, chenw2, Jaffy1, Lady_Shahdie, mariquin, niccosdad, pokemama, sithlord_man, Speedyshel, Vulxai, Zaaps1

Last updated by: Warriormonkx

Last updated on: 15-04-2014

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