Brimhaven DungeonBy EeeeediotOne of the biggest dungeons in the whole of RuneScape, its entrance is in Brimhaven, on the West side of the Island of Karamja. You need to talk with Saniboch and pay him 875 gold to enter. (Completion of the hard tasks of the Karamja Achievement Tasks allows you free entrance. You do not need to wear the gloves or have them in your inventory to gain free entrance.) Reaching the dragons in the dungeon requires a hatchet. The easiest way to get there is to take the boat from Ardougne. As you can see, there are some Agility obstacles. Where these cross over an area of lava, it will either be some stepping stones or a balance log. Where the obstacle goes from an area to a different area, it is a pipe you squeeze through. The hatchet icons indicate that you will need a hatchet and a certain woodcutting level to chop through some vines to get through that passage. This dungeon will be used by people collecting dragon hides from the Red dragons, and more so, people in search of the rare Dragon Legs drop from the Bronze, Iron and Steel Dragons. Iron and Steel dragons may also drop the coveted Draconic Visage. The higher level the Dragon, the better chance you have of getting these rare drop. To melee the dragons, it is recommended to use Initiate or Proselyte with a weapon and an anti-dragon breath shield. Also recommended is the use of the protect from Melee prayer and refuel with prayer potions. You will still get hit damage, so it is best to use anti-fire potions and you can battle them with virtually no food. Also see the Iron/Steel Dragon monster hunting guide. Happy Slaying! Agility Obstacles and Shortcuts:
Dungeon Monsters Thanks to: Yehoshua I
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