Commodities Guide
The purpose of this table is to make it easier to see which items you can trade in for Investment Credits at the Mobilising Armies minigame, without having to hunt through different charts showing the allowed items, or by scrolling through page after page of items in the in-game Commodities menu.
During the initial Mobilising Armies tutorial, Junior Cadet Mal only accepts unnoted items; however, after the tutorial, you may trade him noted items.
To prevent the list of commodities from being thousands of items long, numerous items have been reduced down to their most basic parts or versions.
For example: rather than listing the item Amulet of Glory five separate times (one for its uncharged state, and four for the individual charged versions) within the list, it is simply listed once as "Amulet of Glory."
This applies for the following:
- Arrows, Bolts, Daggers, Darts, Hastas, Javelins, Knives, Spears: includes normal, p, p+, and p++
- Enchanted Jewellery: includes all amounts of charges
- Fire Arrows: includes unlit and lit
- Mugs/Kegs: includes all doses
- Potions/Mixes: includes all doses
Also, please note:
- Only cut Gems are accepted
- Only cooked food is accepted, unless specified otherwise
- Only clean Herbs are accepted (all herbs can be found in the "C" list)
- # -
4-poster -flatpack-
- A -
Abyssal drain scroll
Abyssal lurker pouch
Abyssal parasite pouch
Abyssal stealth scroll
Abyssal titan pouch
Achey tree logs
Acorn missle scroll
Adamant 2h sword
Adamant arrow
Adamant arrowtips
Adamant battleaxe
Adamant bolts
Adamant bolts(unf)
Adamant boots
Adamant brutal
Adamant c'bow (u)
Adamant chainbody
Adamant claws
Adamant crossbow
Adamant dagger
Adamant dart
Adamant dart tip
Adamant fire arrows
Adamant full helm
Adamant halberd
Adamant hasta
Adamant hatchet
Adamant javelin
Adamant kiteshield
Adamant knife
Adamant longsword
Adamant mace
Adamant med helm
Adamant minotaur pouch
Adamant pickaxe
Adamant platebody
Adamant platelegs
Adamant plateskirt
Adamant scimitar
Adamant spear
Adamant sq shield
Adamant sword
Adamant thrownaxe
Adamant warhammer
Adamantine limbs
Adamant bar
Adamantite nails
Addy bull rush scroll
Admiral pie
Agility mix
Agility potion
Air battlestaff
Air orb
Air rune
Air talisman
Air tiara
Albino rat pouch
Ambush scroll
Amulet of accuracy
Amulet of defence
Amulet of farming
Amulet of fury
Amulet of glory
Amulet of magic
Amulet of power
Amulet of strength
Anchovy pizza
Antidote+ mix
Antifire mix
Antifire potion
Anti-p supermix
Antipoison mix
Apple pie
Apple tree seed
Archer helm
Arctic bear pouch
Arctic blast scroll
Arctic pine logs
Arctic pyre logs
Ardougne teleport
Arrow shaft
Asgarnian ale
Asgarnian ale -flatpack-
Asgarnian hops
Asgarnian seed
Ash potion(unf)
Astral rune
Attack mix
Attack potion
Avantoe potion(unf)
Avantoe seed
Axeman's folly
- B -
Baby impling jar
Baked potato
Ball of wool
Banana tree seed
Barbed bolt
Barbed bolttip
Barker toad pouch
Barley malt
Barley seed
Beaver pouch
Beer barrel -flatpack-
Belladonna seed
Berserker helm
Berserker necklace
Binding necklace
Black 2h sword
Black battleaxe
Black bead
Black boots
Black brutal
Black brutal
Black chain body
Black claws
Black dagger
Black dart
Black d-leather
Black full helm
Black hatchet
Black helbred
Black kiteshield
Black knife
Black longsword
Black mace
Black med helm
Black nails
Black platebody
Black platelegs
Black plateskirt
Black scimitar
Black spear
Black sq shield
Black sword
Black warhammer
Black warlock
Bloated leech pouch
Blood drain scroll
Blood rune
Blood talisman
Blood tiara
Blood'n'tar snelm -pointed-
Blood'n'tar snelm -round-
Blue d'hide body
Blue d'hide chaps
Blue d'hide vambraces
Blue d-leather
Blue feather
Blurberry special
Body rune
Body talisman
Body tiara
Boil scroll
Bones to bananas
Bones to peaches
Bracelet of clay
Brass necklace
Broad bolt(unf)
Broad-tipped bolt
Bronze 2h sword
Bronze arrow
Bronze arrowtip
Bronze bar
Bronze battleaxe
Bronze bolt
Bronze bolt(unf)
Bronze boots
Bronze brutal
Bronze bull rush scroll
Bronze c'bow (u)
Bronze chainbody
Bronze claws
Bronze crossbow
Bronze dagger
Bronze dart
Bronze dart tip
Bronze fire arrow
Bronze full helm
Bronze halberd
Bronze hasta
Bronze hatchet
Bronze javelin
Bronze kiteshield
Bronze knife
Bronze limbs
Bronze longsword
Bronze mace
Bronze med helm
Bronze minotaur pouch
Bronze nails
Bronze pickaxe
Bronze platebody
Bronze platelegs
Bronze plateskirt
Bronze scimitar
Bronze spear
Bronze sq shield
Bronze sword
Bronze thrownaxe
Bronze warhammer
Bronze wire
Broodoo shield
Bruise blue snelm -round-
Bruise blue snelm -pointed-
Bull ant pouch
Bunyip pouch
- C -
Cabbage seed
Cactus seed
Cactus spine
Cadantine seed
Cadava berries
Cadavaberry seed
Call to arms scroll
Calquat fruit
Calquat keg
Calquat tree seed
Camelot teleport
Carved oak bench -flatpack-
Carved oak table -flatpack-
Carved teak bench -flatpack-
Carved teak magic wardrobe -flatpack-
Carved teak table -flatpack-
Castlewar brace
Cave eel
Caved oak magic wardrobe -flatpack-
Chaos rune
Chaos talisman
Chaos tiara
Cheese feast scroll
Cheese+tom batta
Chef's delight -flatpack-
Chef's delight -keg-
Chef's delight -mug-
Chef's delight(m)
Chilli con carne
Chilli potato
Choc saturday
Chocchip crunchies
Chocolate cake
Chopped garlic
Chopped onion
Chopped tuna
Chopped ugthanki
Cider barrel -flatpack-
Cider -keg-
Cider -mug-
Clean Avantoe
Clean Cadantine
Clean Dwarf weed
Clean Guam
Clean Harralander
Clean Irit
Clean Kwuarm
Clean Lantadyme
Clean Marrentill
Clean Ranarr
Clean Snapdragon
Clean Spirit weed
Clean Tarromin
Clean Toadflax
Clean Torstol
Coconut milk
Combat bracelet
Combat mix
Combat potion
Common kebbit fur
Comp ogre bow
Compost mound pouch
Compost potion
Cooked chicken
Cooked chicken(bad)
Cooked chompy
Cooked jubbly
Cooked karambwan
Cooked meat
Cooked meat(bad)
Cooked oomlie wrap
Cooked rabbit
Cooked slimy eel
Cooked sweetcorn
Cooking apple
Cosmic rune
Cosmic talisman
Cosmic tiara
Crossbow string
Crude wooden chair -flatpack-
Crushed nest
Crushing claw scroll
Cured yak-hide
Curry leaf
Curry tree seed
- D -
Dark kebbit fur
Dashing kebbit fur
Davy kebbit hat
Deadly claw scroll
Death rune
Death talisman
Death tiara
Defence mix
Defence potion
Desert camo legs
Desert camo top
Desert devil fur
Desert wyrm pouch
Diamond amulet
Diamond amulet(u)
Diamond bolt
Diamond bolt tip
Diamond bolt(e)
Diamond bracelet
Diamond necklace
Diamond ring
Diseased kebbit fur
Dissolve scroll
Doomsphere scroll
Dragon bitter -flatpack-
Dragon bitter -keg-
Dragon bitter -mug-
Dragon bitter(m)
Dragon bolt
Dragon bolt tips
Dragon bolt(e)
Dragon bracelet
Dragon full helm
Dragon impling jar
Dragon necklace
Dragonstone ammy
Dragonstone ammy(u)
Dragonstone ring
Dreadfowl pouch
Dreadfowl strike scroll
Dust could scroll
Dust rune
Dwarf weed potion(unf)
Dwarf weed seed
Dwarven stout
Dwarven stout(m)
Dwellberry seed
- E -
Earth talisman
Elemental talisman
Elite black full helm
Elite black platebody
Elite black platelegs
Eucalyptus logs
Earth battlestaff
Earth impling jar
Earth orb
Earth rune
Earth tiara
Ebon thunder scroll
Eclectic impling jar
Egg and tomato
Egg potato
Egg spawn scroll
Electric lash scroll
Emerald amulet
Emerald amulet(u)
Emerald bolt
Emerald bolts(e)
Emerald bolt tip
Emerald bracelet
Emerald necklace
Emerald ring
Empty pot
Enchant diamond
Enchant dragonstone
Enchant emerald
Enchant onyx
Enchant ruby
Enchant sapphire
Energy mix
Energy potion
Ess' impling jar
Essense shipment scroll
Eucalyptus pyre logs
Evil flames scroll
Evil turnip pouch
Evil turnip seed
Explode scroll
- F -
Falador teleport
Famine scroll
Fancy teak dresser -flatpack-
Farseer helm
Fat snail meat
Feldip weasel fur
Fire battlestaff
Fire orb
Fire rune
Fire talisman
Fire tiara
Fire titan pouch
Fireball assault scroll
Fish cutoffs
Fish pie
Fish rain scroll
Fishing mix
Fishing potion
Flighted ogre arrow
Forge regent pouch
Forinthry brace
Fried mushrooms
Fried onions
Frog-leather body
Frog-leather boots
Frog-leather chaps
Fruit bat pouch
Fruit batta
Fruit blast
Fruitfall scroll
- G -
Games necklace
Garden pie
Generate compost scroll
Geyser titan pouch
Giant chinchompa pouch
Giant ent pouch
Gilded 4-poster -flatpack-
Gilded bench -flatpack-
Gilded cape rack -flatpack-
Gilded clock -flatpack-
Gilded dresser -flatpack-
Gilded magic wardrobe -flatpack-
Gilded wardrobe -flatpack-
Gloves of silence
Goad scroll
Goat horn dust
Gold amulet
Gold amulet(u)
Gold bar
Gold bracelet
Gold leaf
Gold necklace
Gold ring
Gourm' impling jar
Graahk fur
Graahk headdress
Graahk legs
Graahk top
Granite crab pouch
Granite lobster pouch
Green d'hide body
Green d'hide chaps
Green d'hide vambraces
Green d-leather
Greenman's ale
Greenman's ale -flatpack-
Greenman's ale(m)
Green spiky vambraces
Grey wolf fur
Ground bat bones
Ground guam
Ground seaweed
Guam seed
Guam tar
Guthix balance
Guthix rest
- H -
Hammerstone hops
Hammerstone seed
Hard leather
Hardleather body
Harralander seed
Harralander tar
Healing aura scroll
Herbcall scroll
Holy symbol
Honey badger pouch
Howl scroll
Hunter potion
Hunters' crossbow
Hunting mix
Hydra pouch
- I -
Ibis pouch
Ice titan pouch
Immense heat scroll
Incomplete stew -meat-
Incomplete stew -potato-
Inferno scroll
Inoculation brace
Insane ferocity scroll
Irit seed
Iron 2h sword
Iron arrow
Iron arrowtip
Iron bar
Iron battleaxe
Iron bolt
Iron bolt(unf)
Iron boots
Iron brutal
Iron bull rush scroll
Iron c'bow (u)
Iron chainbody
Iron claws
Iron crossbow
Iron dagger
Iron dart
Iron dart tip
Iron fire arrow
Iron full helm
Iron halberd
Iron hasta
Iron hatchet
Iron javelin
Iron kiteshield
Iron knife
Iron limbs
Iron longsword
Iron mace
Iron med helm
Iron minotaur pouch
Iron nails
Iron pickaxe
Iron platebody
Iron platelegs
Iron plateskirt
Iron scimitar
Iron spear
Iron sq shield
Iron sword
Iron thrownaxe
Iron titan pouch
Iron warhammer
Iron within scroll
- J -
Jade bolt tip
Jagnerberry seed
Jungle camo legs
Jungle camo top
Jute seed
- K -
Karam. overlord pouch
Kebab mix
Kebbit bolt
Kebbit claws
Kebbit spike
Kebbit teeth
Kebbit teeth dust
Krandorian hops
Krandorian seed
Kwuarm seed
Kyatt fur
Kyatt hat
Kyatt legs
Kyatt top
- L -
Lantadyme seed
Large oak bed -flatpack-
Large teak bed -flatpack-
Larupia fur
Larupia hat
Larupia legs
Larupia top
Lava rune
Lava titan pouch
Law rune
Law talisman
Law tiara
Lean snail meat
Leather body
Leather boots
Leather chaps
Leather coif
Leather gloves
Leather vambraces
Light orb
Limpwurt root
Limpwurt seed
Locust meat
Long kebbit bolt
Long kebbit spike
Lumbridge teleport
- M -
Macaw pouch
Magic focus scroll
Magic logs
Magic longbow
Magic longbow(u)
Magic mix
Magic potion
Magic pyre logs
Magic roots
Magic seed
Magic shortbow
Magic shortbow(u)
Magic staff
Magic string
Magical cape rack -flatpack-
Magpie impling jar
Magpie pouch
Mahogany armchair -flatpack-
Mahogany bench -flatpack-
Mahogany b'kcase -flatpack-
Mahogany cos box -flatpack-
Mahogany dresser -flatpack-
Mahogany 'drobe -flatpack-
Mahogany logs
Mahogany magic wardrobe -flatpack-
Mahogany plank
Mahogany pyre log
Mahogany stock
Mahogany table -flatpack-
Mahogany toy box -flatpack-
Manta ray
Mantis strike scroll
Maple logs
Maple longbow
Maple longbow(u)
Maple pyre log
Maple roots
Maple seed
Maple shortbow
Maple shortbow(u)
Maple stock
Marble cape rack -flatpack-
Marble magic wardrobe -flatpack-
Marigold seed
Marrentill potion(unf)
Marrentill seed
Marrentill tar
Mature cider
Mature wmb
Meat pie
Meat pizza
M'gany arm'r case -flatpack-
M'gany cape rack -flatpack-
M'gany treas' chest -flatpack-
Minced meat
Mind bomb
Mind rune
Mind talisman
Mind tiara
Mist rune
Mith bull rush scroll
Mith crossbow
Mith grapple -complete-
Mith grapple -partial-
Mith grapple tip
Mithril 2h sword
Mithril arrow
Mithril arrowtip
Mithril bar
Mithril battleaxe
Mithril bolts
Mithril bolts(unf)
Mithril boots
Mithril brutal
Mithril c'bow (u)
Mithril chainbody
Mithril claws
Mithril dagger
Mithril dart
Mithril dart tip
Mithril fire arrow
Mithril full helm
Mithril halberd
Mithril hasta
Mithril hatchet
Mithril javelin
Mithril kiteshield
Mithril knife
Mithril limbs
Mithril longsword
Mithril mace
Mithril med helm
Mithril minotaur pouch
Mithril pickaxe
Mithril platebody
Mithril platelegs
Mithril plateskirt
Mithril scimitar
Mithril seeds
Mithril spear
Mithril sq shield
Mithril sword
Mithril thrownaxe
Mithril warhammer
Molten glass
Moonlight mead
Moonlight mead(m)
Moss titan pouch
Mud battlestaff
Mud pie
Mud rune
Multichop scroll
Mushroom & onion
Mushroom potato
Mushroom spore
Myre snelm -pointed-
Myre snelm -round-
- N -
Nasturtium seed
Nature impling jar
Nature rune
Nature talisman
Nature tiara
Ninja impling jar
- O -
Oak armchair -flatpack-
Oak armour case -flatpack-
Oak bed -flatpack-
Oak bench -flatpack-
Oak bookcase -flatpack-
Oak cape rack -flatpack-
Oak chair -flatpack-
Oak clock -flatpack-
Oak costume box -flatpack-
Oak dining table -flatpack-
Oak drawers -flatpack-
Oak dresser -flatpack-
Oak kitchen table -flatpack-
Oak logs
Oak longbow
Oak longbow(u)
Oak magic wardrobe -flatpack-
Oak plank
Oak pyre logs
Oak roots
Oak shaving stand -flatpack-
Oak shortbow
Oak shortbow(u)
Oak stock
Oak toy box -flatpack-
Oak treasure chest -flatpack-
Oak wardrobe -flatpack-
Obsidian golem pouch
Ochre snelm -pointed-
Ochre snelm -round-
Ogre arrow
Ogre arrow shaft
Ogre club
Oil lamp
Oil lantern
Oil lantern frame
Onion & tomato
Onion seed
Onyx amulet
Onyx amulet(u)
Onyx bolt
Onyx bolt tip
Onyx bolt(e)
Onyx bracelet
Onyx necklace
Onyx ring
Opal bolt
Opal bolt tip
Opal bolt(e)
Oph. incubation scroll
Opulent table -flatpack-
Orange dye
Orange feather
Orange salamander
Orange tree seed
Oyster pearl
Oyster pearls
- P -
Pack yak pouch
Palm tree seed
Papaya fruit
Papaya tree seed
Pearl bolt
Pearl bolt tip
Pearl bolt(e)
Pester scroll
Petrifying gaze scroll
Phoenix necklace
Pie dish
Pineapple pizza
Pineapple punch
Pineapple seed
Pirate impling jar
Pitta bread
Pitta dough
Pizza base
Plain pizza
Plant pot
Poison ivy berries
Poison ivy seed
Poisonous blast scroll
Polar camo legs
Polar camo top
Polar kebbit fur
Pot lid
Potato cactus
Potato seed
Potato with butter
Potato with cheese
Prayer mix
Prayer potion
Praying mantis pouch
Pre-nature amulet
Pyre logs
Pyrelord pouch
- Q -
- R -
Rabbit foot
Rainbow fish
Ranarr seed
Ranging mix
Ranging potion
Ravenous locust pouch
Raw admiral pie
Raw fish pie
Raw garden pie
Raw mud pie
Raw summer pie
Raw wild pie
Red bead
Red chinchompa
Red d'hide body
Red d'hide chaps
Red d'hide vambraces
Red dragon leather
Red dye
Red feather
Red salamander
Red spiky vambraces
Red topaz
Redberry pie
Redberry seed
Regen bracelet
Regrowth scroll
Relicym's balm
Relicym's mix
Rending scroll
Resore potion
Restore mix
Ring of dueling
Ring of forging
Ring of life
Ring of recoil
Ring of stone
Ring of wealth
Rocking chair -flatpack-
Rosemary seed
Ruby amulet
Ruby amulet(u)
Ruby bolt
Ruby bolt tip
Ruby bolt(e)
Ruby bracelet
Ruby harvest
Ruby necklace
Ruby ring
Rune 2h sword
Rune arrow
Rune arrowtip
Rune bar
Rune battleaxe
Rune boots
Rune brutal
Rune bull rush scroll
Rune chainbody
Rune claws
Rune crossbow
Rune dagger
Rune dart
Rune dart tip
Rune fire arrow
Rune full helm
Rune halberd
Rune hasta
Rune hatchet
Rune javelin
Rune kiteshield
Rune knife
Rune longsword
Rune mace
Rune med helm
Rune minotaur pouch
Rune pickaxe
Rune platebody
Rune platelegs
Rune plateskirt
Rune scimitar
Rune spear
Rune sq shield
Rune sword
Rune thrownaxe
Rune warhammer
Runite bolt
Runite bolt(p)
Runite bolt(unf)
Runite c'bow (u)
Runite limbs
- S -
Sandstorm scroll
Sapphire amulet
Sapphire amulet(u)
Sapphire bolt
Sapphire bolt tip
Sapphire bolt(e)
Sapphire bracelet
Sapphire glacialis
Sapphire necklace
Sapphire ring
Saradomin brew
Scrambled egg
Sea turtle
Shaving stand -flatpack-
Shoe box -flatpack-
Silver bar
Silver bolt
Silver bolt(unf)
Silver dust
Silver sickle
Skills necklace
Slayer respite
Slayer's respite
Slayer's respite(m)
Sliced mushrooms
Slime spray scroll
Slimy eel
Smoke devil pouch
Smoke rune
Snake hide
Snakeskin bandana
Snakeskin body
Snakeskin boots
Snakeskin chaps
Snakeskin vambraces
Snapdragon potion(unf)
Snapdragon seed
Snowy knight
Soda ash
Soul rune
Spicy crunchies
Spicy minced meat
Spicy sauce
Spicy tomato
Spike shot scroll
Spirit cobra pouch
Spirit cockatrice pouch
Spirit coraxatrice pouch
Spirit dagannoth pouch
Spirit graahk pouch
Spirit guthatrice pouch
Spirit jelly pouch
Spirit kalphite pouch
Spirit kyatt pouch
Spirit larupia pouch
Spirit mosquito pouch
Spirit pengatrice pouch
Spirit saratrice pouch
Spirit scorpion pouch
Spirit spider pouch
Spirit terrorbird pouch
Spirit tz-kih pouch
Spirit vulatrice pouch
Spirit weed seed
Spirit wolf pouch
Spirit zamatrice pouch
Splitbark body
Splitbark boots
Splitbark gauntlets
Splitbark helm
Splitbark legs
Spotted cape
Spotted kebbit fur
Spottier cape
Staff of air
Staff of earth
Staff of fire
Staff of water
Steam rune
Steel 2h sword
Steel arrow
Steel arrowtip
Steel bar
Steel battleaxe
Steel bolt
Steel bolt(unf)
Steel boots
Steel brutal
Steel bull rush scroll
Steel c'bow (u)
Steel chainbody
Steel claws
Steel crossbow
Steel dagger
Steel dart
Steel dart tip
Steel fire arrow
Steel full helm
Steel halberd
Steel hasta
Steel hatchet
Steel javelin
Steel kiteshield
Steel knife
Steel limbs
Steel longsword
Steel mace
Steel med helm
Steel minotaur pouch
Steel nails
Steel of legends scroll
Steel pickaxe
Steel platebody
Steel platelegs
Steel plateskirt
Steel scimitar
Steel spear
Steel sq shield
Steel studs
Steel sword
Steel thrownaxe
Steel titan pouch
Steel warhammer
Stony shell scroll
Stranger plant pouch
Strawberry seed
Strength mix
Strength potion
Stripy feather
Strung rabbit foot
Studded body
Studded chaps
Summer pie
Summoning potion
Sup. def. mix
Sup. energy mix
Sup. restore mix
Sup. str. mix
Super antipoison
Super attack
Super defence
Super energy
Super kebab
Super restore
Super strength
Superattack mix
Swallow whole scroll
Swamp lizard
Swamp plague scroll
Swamp titan pouch
Sweetcorn -in Bowl-
Sweetcorn seed
- T -
Talon beast pouch
Tarromin seed
Tarromin tar
Tatty graahk fur
Tatty kyatt fur
Tatty larupia fur
Teak armchair -flatpack-
Teak armour case -flatpack-
Teak bed -flatpack-
Teak cape rack -flatpack-
Teak clock -flatpack-
Teak costume box -flatpack-
Teak dining bench -flatpack-
Teak drawers -flatpack-
Teak dresser -flatpack-
Teak kitchen table -flatpack-
Teak logs
Teak magic wardrobe -flatpack-
Teak plank
Teak pyre logs
Teak stock
Teak table -flatpack-
Teak toy box -flatpack-
Teak treas' chest -flatpack-
Teak wardrobe -flatpack-
Teleport to house
Testudo scroll
Thieving fingers scroll
Thin snail meat
Thorny snail pouch
Tireless run scroll
Titan's con. scroll
Toad bark scroll
Toad batta
Toad crunchies
Toadflax seed
Toad's legs
Tomato seed
Topaz bolt
Topaz bolt tip
Topaz bolt(e)
Torstol seed
Tuna and corn
Tuna potato
- U -
Ugthanki & onion
Ugthanki & tomato
Ugthanki meat
Unblessed symbol
Unburden scroll
Uncooked apple pie
Uncooked berry pie
Uncooked cake
Uncooked curry
Uncooked meat pie
Uncooked pizza
Uncooked stew
Unholy symbol
Unicorn stallion pouch
Unpowered orb
Unpowered symbol
Unstrung comp bow
Unstrung emblem
Unstrung symbol
- V -
Vampire bat pouch
Vampire touch scroll
Varrock teleport
Veg ball
Vegetable batta
Venom shot scroll
Void ravager pouch
Void shifter pouch
Void spinner pouch
Void torcher pouch
Volcanic str. scroll
- W -
War tortise pouch
Warrior helm
Watchtower teleport
Water battlestaff
Water orb
Water rune
Water talisman
Water tiara
Watermelon seed
Weapon poison
Weapon poison+
Weapon poison++
Wergali seed
White bead
Whiteberry seed
Wild pie
Wildblood hops
Wildblood seed
Willow branch
Willow logs
Willow longbow
Willow longbow(u)
Willow pyre logs
Willow roots
Willow seed
Willow shortbow
Willow shortbow(u)
Willow stock
Wimpy feather
Winter storage scroll
Wizard blizzard
Wizard's mind bomb
Woad leaf
Woad seed
Wolfbone arrowtip
Wolpertinger pouch
Wood camo legs
Wood camo top
Wood dining table -flatpack-
Wood kitchen table -flatpack-
Wooden bed -flatpack-
Wooden bench -flatpack-
Wooden bookcase -flatpack-
Wooden chair -flatpack-
Wooden stock
Worm batta
Worm crunchies
Worm hole
Wrapped oomlie
- X -
- Y -
Yak-hide armour -body-
Yak-hide armour -legs-
Yanillian hops
Yanillian seed
Yellow bead
Yellow feather
Yew logs
Yew longbow
Yew longbow(u)
Yew pyre logs
Yew roots
Yew seed
Yew shortbow
Yew shortbow(u)
Yew stock
Young impling jar
- Z -
Zamorak brew
Zamorak mix
Original Guide by: SerpentEye
Thanks to: Howlin1, Jaffy1 & pokemama
Last updated by: Xena Dragon
Last updated on: 22-May-2012