Construction Guide
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Introduction Beginner's Walkthrough Levels and Experience Rooms Rooms Layout Materials Overview People House Options Interface Agility Shortcuts Tips and Tricks Credits IntroductionConstruction is a long-awaited members only skill. It allows players to build a mansion with up to 33 rooms, build furniture, decorate the house, and invite friends into their exclusive domain. So, what could you do in your house, you ask? Player-owned houses are very useful as they provide various teleportation options or an altar at which you can pray. But there are many fun activities to do in a house as well. You could ring a bell to call your servant, who will serve food or drinks. The food will be useful if you call your friends over for a friendly boxing match. You could also play many non-combat games with your friends, such as darts. Or you could simply spend your time watching through a telescope, making yourself beautiful or playing music. You could also craft toys, paint armour or warm yourself in front of a fire, to give just a few examples of the many things that can be done at home... An extremely useful reference for any player is the complete and sortable Construction Table, listing ALL rooms, items, materials, XP, and descriptions in one place (instead of only by room). Return to TopBeginner's WalkthroughTo begin, take 1000 coins to an Estate Agent's office in Varrock, Falador, East Ardougne, or Seers' Village (for detailed maps see the Estate Agents section.) He sells you a house at the initial location, which is in Taverley just north of the bank/lodestone. He also gives you a book, which has some information about Construction. Now grab some cash and some normal logs (at least 11) and head east outside Varrock's walls to the lumberyard (east of the Jolly Boar Inn). Buy a Saw right away from the Sawmill Operator at the Lumberyard's south entrance (13 coins). He will also take your logs and change them into planks for 100 coins each. Get several pack loads made, to save travelling back here again. You can also get Oak, Teak or Mahogany planks made, for higher fees (see Materials), although you won't be able to use them until your Construction level is higher. You should also buy some Bolts of cloth from him, for 650 each. Get a good supply - at least 5 to start. (Note that player-made Cloth woven at Looms will not work.) You will need nails. Iron nails fail some of the time - steel nails fail less often. At least 50 is a good starting supply. Don't invest in thousands, as Oak planks and above do not require nails. If you want to plant your garden first, go to Falador Park and buy at least 2 Bagged Plant 1 from the Garden Supplier east of the Tree patch. Bring your Watering can to your house along with the plants. If you want to build a Fireplace right away, bring 3 soft clay. Now get a hammer, your saw, 11 planks, 5 bolts of cloth, at least 11 nails (twice or triple as many to allow for breakage, but they are stackable), and perhaps 10K coins. Also bring your 2 Bagged plant 1's and 3 soft clay, if desired. Go to your house in Taverley. The large glowing portal is the entrance to your very own house, shown on the minimap with this icon: When you click on the portal, a selection menu appears. Choose building mode. You will be teleported to your house, in the build mode options you can choose between teleporting to outside of the house portal, or alternatively directly into your house. Welcome! Notice how quiet and peaceful it is. There will be nobody stepping all over the place unless you invite them! You arrive in a ghostly garden (each item is a potential "spot" to make or plant something). When you click inside your rather tumbledown shack you will see similar ghostly items. Walk to one of the chairs and select "Build". A menu of chair types will appear. Select the Crude wooden chair (the only one you can make at Level 1). Two planks and two nails will be consumed (assuming your nails don't break), and you will have a real chair for sitting! Make a second chair now. You will get a Construction level (total 116 XP)! At level 2 you can make a rug (2 cloth; 30 XP), as well as some torn curtains (3 planks, 3 cloth, 3 nails; 132 XP) which cover all windows in the room. This brings your level high enough to make a Bookcase (4 planks, 4 nails; 115 XP). Do it! Congratulations, you are now Level 5 and ready to build a Kitchen (5000 gp) and progress further in Construction! If you brought soft clay, you can also make a Fireplace (3 soft clay; 30 XP). If you brought Bagged Plant 1's, pick any plant location (small or big, 1 or 2) in your garden and plant them. You can start a second Garden for 1000 coins, as well, and plant more. Planting also earns equal amounts of Farming XP. Return to TopLevels and ExperienceA complete and sortable Construction Table, listing ALL rooms, items, materials, XP, and descriptions is now available. The table pops up showing only levels 1 to 20 at first, but allows you to sort and filter it many ways to focus on items of interest.
Return to TopRoomsAlmost all the rooms in your house offer special features. Listed below are some of the most important features, which hopefully will help you in your game life. At every 5 skill levels, you are able to build a new room type. Costs rise with higher level rooms. Take careful note of the doorways each room offers, so that when you build the room you can position it accordance with your house needs. Stairway rooms may require additional effort, since the stair will ascend from the side of the room opposite the doorway where you installed it. (If you want the bottom of your stairs to face the front of the house, build the room from the doorway behind the desired location.) Click on the room name in the table below to pull up a sortable table of the items that can be built there, showing the level needed, materials, experience, hotspot, and uses.
Return to TopRooms LayoutAs your Construction level increases, you will be allowed to build your house in a larger layout. The limit is up to a maximum of 33 rooms in a 7 rooms by 7 rooms footprint. You are allowed one upper floor (start by building stairs in a hall), and one lower floor for your dungeon (start with dungeon entrance in a garden).
Your maximum allowed number of rooms also increases with higher Construction Level. This increase starts at level 38 up to level 99. The maximum room number to construction level is listed below.
Return to TopMaterials OverviewThe Construction skill employs a wide variety of materials. Here is an overview of the materials, including where you can buy them, how much they cost, and how you can use them. Each item type yields a consistent number of experience points (XP) when used to build something, so you can select the materials which are most cost effective for you. With every level you gain you will be able to construct more and more furniture for your own house. At higher levels, you can use different types of more expensive materials. Due to the rising fee scale charged by the Sawmill Operator, it is generally agreed that teak and mahogany planks are not cost effective for skill levelling (higher gp per experience earned). Although oak planks are a bit more gp per XP (2.5 times the sawmill fee for normal logs, but only 2 times the experience), they are faster because there's more experience per load. Normal (from logs) 3.46gp/XP, Oak 4.166gp/XP, Teak 5.55gp/XP, Mahogany 10.7gp/XP. Obviously, normal planks picked up from spawns cost nothing, but the collection time and number of loads required is usually discouraging, and the required nails must still be bought or made.
The Stonemason in Keldagrim also sells some highly expensive materials for the most advanced construction workers. See the Stonemason heading. Return to TopPeopleThere are a number of non-player characters (NPCs) who are critical to the Construction skill. Each offers different services for fees, and/or items you can buy. Estate AgentThe skill begins with an Estate Agent. There are four locations: in Varrock, located just west of the chapel (east of the palace); in Falador, east of the furnace; in Seers' Village, north-east of the bank; and in Ardougne, west-south-west of the market square. Estate Agents sell your basic house located in Taverley for 1K. You can also have them redecorate the exterior of your house, or move it to a new city, but the styles and locations available depend on your skill level. Note that the yard for most styles is grass, but the whitewashed stone has sand (desert look) and the Fremennik decor has dark hard-packed earth (Rellekka look). Click on a decor name below to see what the inside and outside will look like.
Use your level 40 Magic teleport (1 Law, 1 Air, 1 Earth rune) to your house. It saves a lot of walking. Wielding an elemental staff would save one pack space. Using a Dust rune would also save a space in your pack. Using a teleport tablet (made in a Study) saves two spaces! You may move or redecorate your house as many times as you wish to pay. Different locations offer different travel amenities, and bank access may play a key role in selecting your home location. From Rimmington, players have a choice of banking in Falador or Draynor Village, or taking the Port Sarim ship to bank on Pest Control island. Homeowners in Taverley may wish to use a Falador teleport, a Burthorpe games necklace teleport, the Dwarven passage from Catherby, or possibly even the White Wolf Mountain glider. Pollnivneach residents will want to use flying carpets and bank at Shantay Pass. Rellekka homeowners might take advantage of the Fremennik lyre teleport, and possibly use the Etceteria bank. Brimhaven residents can glory amulet to Karamja and walk home, or sail to/from East Ardougne. Yanille homeowners have it best, with a bank right down the street. Amulets of glory and duelling rings are a convenient way to get to banks (Edgeville and Castle Wars). Fairy rings and other transport methods may also be helpful (see Tip.It's Getting Around Guide.) Return to PeopleSawmill OperatorThe Sawmill Operator is located at the entrance to the Lumberyard north-east of Varrock. He sells saws, cloth and nails, and changes logs into planks for a fee. Although normal planks spawn around Runescape, this man (generally referred to by players as "a thief", "that bandit", and "the richest man in Runescape") is the only source for oak, teak and mahogany planks.
Players can make nails themselves, of course (using the Smithing skill), rather than buying them here. Suggestions for improving materials transport efficiency include chopping logs near your house, then having your (level 30+) servant take them to the sawmill. This avoids repeated bank runs. The Enlightened Journey quest provided a new sawmill travel option - the balloon. Upon unlocking the appropriate travel routes, players can fly from the Castle Wars balloon (located north-east of the building) to the Varrock sawmill for the cost of one willow log. Carrying the willow log and cash for the sawmill operator leaves 26 slots for logs to be planked. Wearing lightness clothing (agile legs, agile top, boots, hunter cape, gloves) is suggested, as well as a ring of duelling to return to Castle Wars. Return to PeopleStonemasonThe Stonemason is located in Keldagrim, on the west side of town, south of the Bank. He sells construction materials. The fee, purpose, and experience points earned for each item used are listed below.
Return to PeopleGarden SupplierThe Garden Supplier is located in Falador Park, east of the Tree patch. She sells bagged plants, flowers, trees and hedges that can be put in your Garden or Formal Garden. The prices range from 1K to 100K coins. All bagged plants look identical. Each plant level (1, 2 or 3) can be placed in each plant space (Small plant 1, 2, Big plant 1, 2). The resulting plant will be different for each combination of plant number and location number. Remember to bring your Watering Can when you want to plant. You also get some Farming experience for each planting.
Return to PeopleTaxidermistThe Taxidermist is located in Canifis, north-west of the tavern. If you slay a beast and find its' head (or hand in one case), you can bring it to her and have it stuffed for a fee. She also stuffs Bass, Swordfish and Shark, but these are specially-named items that you fish up - the normal ones won't do. Mount the stuffed items in your Skill hall to display your trophies. Note that when you remove the trophy display, the trophy item is *not* recoverable. This is also true if you remove your Skill hall - your trophies are gone forever. Players report killing or fishing hundreds of creatures before getting a trophy item, so keep this rarity in mind. Trophy items are not tradeable.
Return to PeopleHeraldThe Herald Sir Renitee is located in Falador, in the White Knights' Castle. He is upstairs on the east side, sitting in a chair at a desk. He assigns family crests at random. Your first crest assignment (must have at least level 16 Construction) is free. If you do not like your assigned family crest, he will change it for a fee of 5K, but you may also need to bring a specific item or meet certain qualifications (listed in the table below) to be allowed to get your desired crest. Your family crest can be used on various decorations around your house (Dining Room, Skill Hall and Throne Room), and applied to armour and banners at certain Heraldry stations in a Workshop, depending upon your crafting skill level (at least 38). Only steel or rune full helms and kiteshields can accept crest colours. The final armour appearance will be identical on steel or rune. Note that applying family crest colours to armour is not reversible nor removable at this time (they also cannot be re-painted). Also, if you change your crest, the items you have already decorated will retain your old crest. The table below shows the appearance of each crest on a full helm, a kiteshield, a banner, and on the crested decorations in your home.
As a sideline, he sells portraits, landscapes and maps, which can be used to decorate your Quest Hall. Available portraits and landscapes are based upon your quest adventures.
Return to PeopleReturn to TopServantsWhen you achieve Construction level 20 and have two bedrooms (each with a bed), you can hire a low-level servant. The Servants' Guild is located in East Ardougne, north of the market square. To hire a servant, simply talk to them and pay them. Though still standing there, they will be at your house. The Master Servant explains what tasks the servants can perform. All of the servants will greet your guests, serve some food, and take items to and from the bank, but the higher level servants can finish bank runs faster. When asking servants to withdraw items from the bank you will be asked to enter your bankpin if you haven't already done so since you logged in. Higher level servants can also carry more items for you. Some servants can also take wood to the sawmill and get planks. Servants will take the payment from your bank if they need paying. Your servant will also follow you around unless you tell them not to, You can fire your servant if you like. You may only have one servant at a time. The last errand can be repeated by right clicking "fetch from bank".
* Indicates the price after completing Love Story Return to TopHouse Options InterfaceSeveral house-related options are available to you through your Options menu. To access these options, click on the house icon from your Options menu. This will bring you to the House Options menu (shown below). From this menu, you are able to customize several options concerning your house. Building Mode On/Off: Toggles Building Mode On and Off. Building mode must be turned on in order to build/destroy objects and furniture in your house. Please note that other players are unable to enter your house when building mode is set to On. Turning building mode to On will cause you to lose any items you may have dropped on the ground previously. A message will pop up reminding you that you will lose these items if you switch to On. You are unable to drop any items while building mode is set to On. For players who have a bank PIN set, you will be prompted to enter your PIN number when attempting to turn on building mode. When teleporting, arrive In house/At portal: Toggles the spot you arrive at after teleporting to your house (Teleport to House spell or tablet). If "At Portal" is selected you will arrive at the entrance Portal outside of your house. If "In House" is selected you will arrive at the exit portal inside your house. Please note: if you have "In House" selected, you will arrive in your house in whatever mode (either Building or Normal) your Building Mode option (above) is set to. Expel Guests: By clicking this button, you will instantly expel (kick out) any other player who is in your house. They will arrive beside the entrance portal just outside of your house. Leave House: By clicking this button you will instantly exit your house and arrive at the entrance portal just outside of it. Number of rooms: This number lets you know how many rooms you currently have built in your house. Return to TopAgility ShortcutsMany shortcuts require players to bring a crossbow and grapple or a rope every time they want to use them, but with a few materials and a high enough construction level, you can build hidey-holes and rope racks to hold these items right at the shortcut! Each shortcut requires a saw and hammer, as well as other varying items and construction levels. Visit these pages for more information on the crossbow shortcuts and eagle transportation system.
Return to TopTips and TricksGeneral General Some items you build will provide endless supplies of minor items you can use in your house. For example, your first wooden larder (level 9) supplies milk and tea (leaves). Your first wooden shelves (level 12) supply cups, kettles, and teapots. Some of the supply items cannot be taken out of the house (they disappear out of your inventory), such as tea, beer from your barrel, and beer glasses. (Note that beer from your barrel cannot be used to rebuild the barrel.) However, the workshop tools and bookcase quest books can be taken outside. Some construction items such as planks, nails, and flatpacked items can be obtained from treasure trail clues. Refer to our Treasure Trail Guide to learn more about obtaining and solving clue scrolls. When removing and rebuilding items for training purposes, keep in mind that the removed item is destroyed and you normally get nothing back. This includes those hard-to-find monster and fish trophies. Very few items are *recovered*: only armour displays in a skill hall, and sword and guild displays (Amulet of glory, legends cape, antifire shield) in a quest hall. You are forced to withdraw all your costumes before you can remove your costume room, but it is reported that if you remove an entire Skill hall or Quest hall, you lose *everything* in it! Building and removing oak larders (8 oak planks) is considered the fastest way to level up. At level 74, players can build oak doors (10 oak planks) instead. Making flatpacks at the workshop bench is another good method. Flatpacks can be dropped, given to other players or sold in stores - there is no player market except for the very highest level items. Items that can be flatpacked are limited to only the most traditional types of furniture, plus ale barrels. The list of flatpack-able items by hotspot name includes barrels, beds, bookcases, chairs, clocks, dressers, seating (dining room), tables, and wardrobes. Additionally, all costume room items can be flatpacked. If you need a furniture item and do not have the required skill level, consider asking a higher level friend to make it for you. In addition, players who have completed the Hard Fremennik Tasks can sell their unnoted flatpacks to Advisor Ghrim in Miscellania. It is not possible to enter Building Mode if you are being followed by a pet or summoning familiar, and Teleport to House will disable building mode in these situations. Carried pets and summoning pouches are allowed, but may not be used while in building mode. Using a Sacred clay hammer will help you save some money, as it will give you double experience points, with a maximum of 25,375 xp per hammer. An alternative way to gain Construction is doing the Livid Farm minigame, where you get 54.6 experience points by repairing fence posts. Return to Tips and TricksConstruction level boosting You can make tea that raises your Construction 1-3 levels temporarily. You will need a larder, shelves, a sink (such as level 7 pump and drain), and a stove (at least a level 11 firepit with hook). Fill the kettle with water and put it on the fire to boil. Put the tea leaves in the teapot. When you see the message that the kettle has boiled, take it off the stove. Pour boiling water from the kettle into the teapot (makes four servings). Pour it into cups. Add milk if desired. Different levels of shelves offer different types of teapots and cups. The better the shelf, the higher the skill boost. See the table below.
In the Evil Dave Recipe for Disaster subquest, players learn how to make a special stat-boosting stew. Jagex states that the orange spice is related to Construction (among other skills). Unfortunately, the stew's stat boosts are random, and might even reduce your stats (-6 to +6). Check Tip.It's Cooking Guide for known details. A reward from completing the Eyes of Glouphrie quest is the Crystal saw. When carried, it (invisibly) increases your construction level by 3. This boosted level does not apply to rooms, garden plants, dungeon monsters or anything that does not require a saw (things you buy). Using it with construction tea (described above, with a skill bonus of 1 to 3), it can raise your level by up to 6. It can also be used in combination with Evil Dave's stew, with a random outcome of -3 to +9. The god chisels also grant an invisible boost of one level in addition to an XP bonus of 1% when worn. You can earn one by building the same God Statue four months in a row. Return to Tips and TricksConstructor's Outfit & God Chisels Along with the level boosting items above, RuneScape also has its own Constructor's outfit! This outfit consists of five pieces: boots, gloves, hat, legs and shirt. The full set is untradeable and can be stored in the costume room of your player owned house. Each piece of this outfit, gained from playing the Temple Trekking minigame, gives an experience bonus when worn. Each piece gives a 1% bonus and the whole set provides a 5% bonus. In addition to this outfit, a God Chisel will also give a 1% bonus, for a maximum of 6% when using everything.
Return to Tips and TricksRepairs in the Workshop Formerly useless items found around Runescape can now be repaired at your workshop repair station (or at the home of a friend!) Some minor skill experience is earned for each successful repair. Failing earns no experience. Repairing a broken arrow on a level 15 repair bench earns 8 Fletching XP and may yield a headless/bronze/iron/steel/mithril arrow. Repairing a broken staff earns 14 Crafting XP and may yield a plain staff or a staff of air/earth/fire/water. A user reports that a broken staff of Iban cannot be repaired here. Repairing (sharpening) a rusty sword on a level 35 whetstone earns 25 Smithing XP and may yield a bronze/iron/steel/mithril sword or longsword (possibly black as well). Repairing damaged armour on a level 55 armour stand earns 25 Smithing XP and may yield a bronze/iron/steel/mithril platebody. Repairing "broken" armour may yield bronze/iron/steel/mithril platelegs. Repairing barrows armour yourself still costs money, but it's discounted depending on your smithing skill level. The percentage discount is half of your smithing level, so a level 50 Smither will receive 25% discount, and 99 smithers pay nearly half price! It earns 25 Smithing XP per item repaired as well. Repairable "junk" items used to be found at random all over RuneScape, but Jagex has recently removed them from crates and sacks. Some locations remain: the H.A.M. cave, digging at the Digsite, picklocking/unlocking Zogre coffins, and Trawler fishing. There are also some broken arrow spawns at the Ranger's guild. Return to Tips and TricksGuest Access Admission to your house is governed in part by your Private Chat status. You can open your house to all players ("On") or limit it to your friends list ("Friends"). However, if you don't want guests but still want to use private chat, you can right click your exit portal and select "lock" to ensure your privacy. Guests are not admitted when you are in Building mode. According to Jagex, no one can enter your house when you are not at home. To visit a friend's home, you must be on the same world and at the same town portal they use (if your friend's house is in Yanille, you can't get there from the Rimmington portal). They cannot be in Building mode, and their privacy access must be at a setting that includes you (portal unlocked, and private chat to "on" or "friends" if you are on their friends list). Note that whenever you visit a friends house, you will always leave the house with at least the same amount of life points as you went in with. For example: You go into your friends house with 400 LP and leave, regardless of what you did in the house that caused your LP to drop below 400 (e.g. Dungeon fighting, Duel Ring fighting, etc.), you would leave with 400 LP. If your LP was restored to 500 LP by actions such as eating food, then you would leave with 500 LP (it is higher than the LP you started with). Also note that any poison you are affected by is removed when you leave the house, regardless of whether you received the poison while you were inside or outside the house. Return to Tips and TricksAdditional Experience Occasionally a lucky adventurer may find a long or curved bone as a drop from a monster that gives big bones. Rather than burying it for paltry prayer XP, take this unusual bone to Barlak in the underground goblin city of Dorgesh-Kaan (requires Death to the Dorgeshuun quest). He will pay 1K coins and 1.5K construction experience for a long bone, or 2K coins and 2.25K construction experience for a curved bone. Find him by leaving the goblin marketplace via the south-west corner, then travelling north along the corridor (see minimap). You must have level 30 Construction and a house to receive the experience. Before planting a grapevine in a hops patch using the Farming skill, a frame must be constructed. This requires 60 construction, 5 normal planks, and awards 75 construction experience. Return to Tips and TricksRequest Assistance If you find yourself a few levels short of making an item, or want to safely offer your skills to another player, the request assistance option will allow you to do so. Simply right click the player who has the skills that you need and request their assistance. If they accept, a pair of hands will appear in your bottom right corner, and you can build whatever they can. You keep the items, but they get the experience. There are a few exceptions when being assisted in the Construction skill. Only flatpack items that can be made on a workbench can be made using the Request Assistance option. Return to Tips and TricksSkill mastery and BeyondCape of AchievementOnce you have mastered the skill and reached level 99 you may want to buy a Construction cape from the Estate Agent in Varrock. If you already have another 99 skill, or obtain another one while wearing the cape (unless you have it keepsaked), it will become a Construction cape (t). Please refer to the Achievement Capes guide for more details. After obtaining 99 Construction it becomes possible to obtain a Designed shard randomly, which can be combined with other shards from the other artisan skills (Cooking, Crafting, Firemaking, Fletching, Smithing, Herblore, Runecrafting) to create an artisan's cape and artisan's helm. The cape has the same stats as a trimmed skill cape and the helm is purely cosmetic. True Construction MasteryAchieving 99 is the ultimate goal for many players, however the skill does not stop there. For players wanting to show off their dedication to a skill it is possible to obtain "True Mastery" by obtaining "120 Construction" which is 104,273,167 XP. The Construction master cape can then be purchased from the Estate agent in Varrock for 120,000 gp. It is worth noting that beyond level 99 there is no additional content for Construction as the level increases are invisible so training the skill gets no faster. To work out your theoretical Construction level check out our XP table. Return to Tips and TricksReturn to TopCreditsOriginal Guide by: pokemama, bambino, kwimbob and ks_jeppe Thanks to: 2hitwonder, 2nd05013, Adamskii, Adatas, Agent F, Agent Piroko, Albosky, alkatmsu, anonimouse69, APERSON, aragornkill, Baffler, Biabf, Bliazin, bobby1167, book_of_metal, Cameron, chaosmann, chenw, cocacolabottle, Cowman_133, darkblade986, DarkKnightRider, Darvaridae, dracoman_m, Ddraiggoch06, Dragnfly, dragontotem, dw_geek, DyingSilent, famfrit007, fredcook12, Georgelemmons, Ginger_Warrior, grimhald, Guitarted7, horseguy250, Huzzah, icantcmyeye, IceBlackIce, idunedain, inferno_char, jaklumen, Jookyrulz, Juhniz, L33tdemon, Lady_Shahdie, Laikrob, LJ13, Lood333, LordBaer, Masterd99, meand1, mr42, Neko Negde, nielsdek, oddfaery2, Outsanity, Pker_Dude_Jr, pokemama, quantumkik, Rcty, Reapershand, Rednightsky, rft, Rodskaeg, Rotschreck, SaidinWoT, salamander, SerpentEye, sheep455_is_the_best, sheepdean, Sheynara, Sirenix, sjefderat, skillcaster, Siobhana, smellysocks, soma2035, spike6099, SportsGuy, steakfork, Steve2136, subbss, TheLeonardo, tryto, Umega, Utopianflame, veziv, Vhellcat, virus1987, vlad_the_old, Vulxai, Warriormonkx, wizardmag, wyvren2000, Xena Dragon, Zaaps1 and zsandmann Last updated by: Howlin0001 Last updated on: 02-Jan-2016 Return to Top
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