Daemonheim Tasks

This minigame is very dynamic, involving different levels of tasks. Because of this, the minigame risk ratings are given in the task summaries (found at the beginning of the Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite task listings).



The Daemonheim Tasks contain tasks that can be completed by low, medium, and high level players.

In general, Jagex allows players to use stat boosting items to increase a stat to do a task. However, player assists do not work.

In the Achievement menu in the Noticeboard interface, you will see tasks from the Daemonheim area. If you click on an individual task, it will bring up more information on the task. All the tasks are listed further down in this guide.

Each time you finish a task, you will get a message in the top central part of your window stating that you've completed a task. Open the Task List and you'll see a small check mark next to that task. If you do not have the requirements for a task, a small lock will appear in the corner of the task.

Note: Items in your toolbelt have not been listed in this guide.

You can perform the tasks in any order and at any level (Easy, Medium, Hard or Elite) that you wish.

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Easy Tasks

Easy tasks follow this criteria:

  • Easy-ranged quest requirements.
  • Easy-ranged skill requirements.
  • Easy to medium level of difficulty.


Skills: 30 Attack, 30 Magic, 30 Ranged, 23 Dungeoneering, 20 Divination, 9 Smithing OR 8 Crafting.

Quests: None

Items: 10 novite bars, or 9 salve cloth, or 12 protomastyx hides (or a combination), 1 piece of Daemonheim food, 1 Dungeoneering Combat Familiar pouch.

Recommended Items: Gold Charm & Novite Ore (for the Level 1 Summoning Familiar).

Completed Easy Tasks:Hide/Show

Complete Code Task Quest Requirements Other Requirements
E1 Setting Up - Make a full suit of tier 1 armour (helm, body, legs, boots, gloves). None 7 Smithing or 8 Crafting, 10 novite bars, 12 Protomastyx hides or 9 salve cloth (or a combination).
You can create any combination of tier 1 armour or robes to pass this task. An anvil, furnace and sewing machine are all available in the start room.
E2 It's Dangerous to go Alone - Complete a dungeon in a team of more than 1. None None
Any floor and complexity are accepted for this task, as long as it isn't a solo dungeon. Every door need not be opened.
E3 Kitchen Aid - Feed a team mate some food to heal them. None None
Any food item within Daemonheim can be used to complete this task. Simply use the food item on the team mate to heal them.
E4 The Lone Dungeoneer - Complete a dungeon solo. None None
Any floor and complexity can be used to complete this task, the fastest way is doing a small floor of complexity level 1. Every door need not be opened.
E5 Dere-licked - Complete an abandoned floor on any complexity solo. None 23 Dungeoneering
Any sized abandoned floor on any complexity can be used to complete this task. Every door need not be opened.
E6 Take it from the top - Reset your current floor progress. None 2 Dungeoneering.
It's best to complete all your available floors before resetting your progress. Right click your Ring of Kinship and open the party interface to find the reset button.
E7 Change of a Dress - Switch to another bind loadout. None None
You will need two separate bind sets to complete this task. You can change your binds by right clicking the Smuggler on any floor.
E8 Gorajo Fandango - Use a combat familiar to help fight a boss using their standard attacks. None None
Any combat familiar may be used on any boss within a dungeon, and their special attack scrolls need not be used to complete this task. A cub bloodrager is the lowest leveled option, requiring one gold charm and one novite ore.
E9 You're not the Boss of me - Defeat the boss on floor 1 solo. None None
Any complexity and size of floor 1 can be used for this task, and any of the 3 bosses that appear may be defeated to complete it.
E10 A Road less Travelled - Pass the guards guarding the Wilderness entrance. None None
It's quickest to teleport to Daemonheim and then walk south-west to the guards to complete this task. It is advised to bank all of your items before attempting this task, as you may be killed in the Wilderness.
E11 Invisible Ink - Use a ring of kinship on a fire. None None
This task must be completed on a dungeoneering floor, using a Ring of Kinship on a fire outside of a dungeon will not complete this task.
E12 Untouchable - Complete a floor solo without dying. None None
Using food is recommended to have a better chance of not dying. Any floor, size and complexity can be used to complete this task.
E13 Fashion Victim - Wear a full suit of any tier 1 armour (helm, body, legs, boots, gloves). None None
Simply equip all the items you created during the "Setting Up" task to complete this task. Any combination of tier 1 item can be used.
E14 Sinking Fast - Complete a sinkhole. None None
You can access the Sinkholes D&D by speaking to Talsar in the Daemonheim camp. He will teleport you to the Sinkhole when it appears every hour at 30 past the hour.
E15 Tales of Old - Complete an unabridged Fremenik Saga after talking to Skaldrun. None 6 Dungeoneering, 30 Attack, 30 Magic, 30 Ranged
Skaldrun can be found in the Daemonheim camp, and right clicking him will give you the option to 'Start-Saga'. Any unabridged saga will complete this task.
E16 A Flicker in Darkness - Use a crater to convert a memory of tier 2 or higher to energy. None 10 Divination
Wisps can be found randomly in rooms on a dungeon floor at Complexity 6, and can be converted to energy using the rift in the starting room.

For information about the rewards for this set of tasks read below.

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Medium Tasks

Medium tasks follow this criteria:

  • Medium-ranged quest requirements.
  • Medium-ranged skill requirements.
  • Medium level of difficulty.


Skills: 35 Dungeoneering, 32 Magic, 45 Divination, 30 Attack, 30 Ranged, 40 Farming, 36 Herblore, 43 Fletching, 40 Hunter and 40 thieving. 25 Crafting and 54 Runecrafting are recommended.

Quests: None

Items: Portent of Passage (level 45+), 3 law runes, 3 cosmic runes, 1 Spinebeam Branch, 1 Frost Dragon Bone, Wormwood seed, void dust and a vial of water. Either a coal bag, gem bag, herbicide, bonecrusher or charming imp.

Recommended Items: 5 Zephyrium bars and 5 Bovistrangler branches.

Completed Medium Tasks:Hide/Show

Complete Code Task Quest Requirements Other Requirements
M1 You Got Some Nice Drapes There - Complete a furnished floor solo on any complexity. None 35 Dungeoneering
Any complexity and size will do for this task, as long as the floor is under the Furnished category.
M2 I want it All - Gain the Beast Mode title on a complexity 6 floor solo. None None
'Beast Mode' requires the team/player to exhaust every single resource on the path from the start room to the boss room. You can do this easiest by entering a small solo floor. Every member on a team would receive this title.
M3 And I want it Now - Complete a complexity 6 floor solo in under 6 minutes. None None
Be careful with floor choice for this task, a floor which may involve a lengthy-time boss fight such as the Skeleton Hoard or Stomp will hinder your chances. A small sized dungeon is paramount to succeed. Any floor can be used to complete this task.
M4 Marm's Armoury - Make use of either a coal bag, gem bag, herbicide, bone grinder or charming imp. None 34 Dungeoneering, and either a coal bag, gem bag, herbicide, bonecrusher or charming imp.
The cheapest item is the gem bag at 2000 tokens which can be claimed from the rewards trader, however it requires 25 Crafting to use. For an item with no level requirement, the herbicide is the only available option. However, at 34,000 tokens each, this gives them an effective level requirement of 62 Dungeoneering.
M5 Tactical Retreat - Flee from any boss using a self-made gatestone. None 32 Magic, 1 personal Gatestone, 3 Law runes, 3 Cosmic runes (54 Runecrafting recommended)
To complete this challenge, create a personal gatestone using 3 cosmic runes, and drop it in any room other than the boss room in a dungeon (starting room recommended). Then, enter the boss room, and attack the boss. With 3 Law runes, you can then cast teleport to gatestone to complete this challenge.
M6 Port Enter - Create and use a portent of passage V or above to attempt to pass through a skill door. None. 45 Divination
You can find wisps to earn memories and energy in random rooms during a C6 dungeon of any size. You can convert these memories in the starting room to more energy, and any energy tier 5 or higher can create a Portent of Passage needed. You have to use the portent on a skill door which you don't have the requirement for, as long as your Portent of Passage has the strength to open it.
M7 Totem Pole Position - Hand in a total of 20 items in a single sinkhole. None None
To find a sinkhole, speak to Talsar in the Daemonheim camp. When you enter the sinkhole, any 20 items will help complete this task, including the chosen resource items for that sinkhole as well as the combat and exploration totems.
M8 Nice to meet you, Wall - Kill Rammernaut without getting charged, or make him stun himself. None 35 Dungeoneering
Rammernaut can be found on floors 18-29 of Daemonheim. To complete this challenge, you both need to avoid Rammernaut when he shouts "CHAAAAARGE!", as well as making sure he doesn't hit into a wall. One strategy to achieve this is to run in circles around Rammernaut when this special attack occurs, and only reengaging in combat when he stops charging.
M9 300 - Complete Three's Company with 100%. None 6 Dungeoneering, 30 Attack, 30 Ranged and 30 Magic
Three's Company is a Fremennik Saga, available to play at Skaldrun in the Daemonheim Camp. See Tip.it's Fremennik Saga guide for help on completing this saga at 100%.
M10 Drink Me - Boost your Magic level with a self-made tier 2+ potion (from seed). None 40 Farming, 36 Herblore, Wormwood seed, void dust and a vial of water
Any Magic boosting potion in Daemonheim will work, as long as it is entirely made from planting the necessary seed and then creating the potion from the harvested herbs. The lowest level potion requires wormwood leaf and void dust.
M11 Spinal Trap - Set a spinebeam trap that you made yourself. None 43 Fletching and 40 Hunter
You can either buy (from the Trader) or woodcut your Spinebeam branch within Daemonheim for this task. You must fletch the trap yourself by clicking on the branch , but you don't need to catch anything with it; as long as the trap is set.
M12 Cache Box - Unlock a 40+ chest. None 40 Thieving
You need to find a Chest in a C5/C6 Dungeon which requires level 40 or more Thieving to complete this task. They spawn randomly in rooms during the dungeon.
M13 Up to the Gods - Sacrifice a frost dragon bone on a prayer altar from a dragon you killed yourself in a solo dungeon. None None
Frost Dragons can only be found on frozen floors 1-11, using frost dragon bones obtained outside of Daemonheim on a player owned house altar will not count for this task, as it must occur within a solo dungeon. A Prayer altar can be made in the dungeon in the portal spot using 5 Bovistrangler branches and 5 Zephyrium bars, or can be found randomly throughout the dungeon.

For information about the rewards for this set of tasks read below.

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Hard Tasks

Hard tasks follow this criteria:

  • Higher-ranged quest requirements.
  • Higher-ranged skill requirements.
  • Higher level of difficulty.


Skills: 71 Dungeoneering, 54 Runecrafting, 70 Divination, 65 Prayer, 75 Construction, 69 Cooking, 60 Attack, 55 Thieving, 75 Strength, 55 Agility, 30 Ranged, 30 Magic (68 Farming recommended).

Quests: Salt in the Wound, A Clockwork Syringe (partial completion).

Items: 225 of any ammo binded, 5 Bovistrangler branches, 5 Zephyrium bars, Spinebeam wand/ branches, Raw Bouldabass, Raw Cave potato, Raw Edicap Mushroom, a total of 361,215 Dungeoneering tokens, Diving Apparatus, Fishbowl Helmet, 1 Rune essence.

Recommended Items: Rusty coins (inside Daemonheim) and some combat gear outside Daemonheim.

Completed Hard Tasks:Hide/Show

Complete Code Task Quest Requirements Other Requirements
H1 Occult Classic - Complete an occult floor solo on any complexity. None 71 Dungeoneering
Any occult themed floor can be completed for this task, of any size and any complexity as long as it is completed alone.
H2 Stacked - Start a floor with 225 of any type of ammo bound to you. Salt in the Wound 225 of any type of ammo bound
You must complete Salt in the Wound to get 100 extra items to bind in Daemonheim. Once this is done, any items from runes to arrows that can be bound as an ammo type will be acceptable to complete this task. You can obtain ammo inside Daemonheim by collecting it from monster drops, or creating it via Fletching or Runecrafting yourself.
H3 Kinprovements - Wear a ring of kinship with a fully upgraded role. e.g. Tank, medic. None 323,215 tokens
Though this task has no official requirements, the amount of tokens needed to fully upgrade any ring tier amounts to an effective requirement of 84 Dungeoneering. To upgrade a ring, right click it inside Daemonheim and choose "Customise". Here you can switch the ring type, as well as upgrade the ring for any chosen tier using tokens.
H4 Lawful Crafting - Craft some law runes while inside a dungeon. None 54 Runecrafting, one rune essence
You will need to either find or buy rune essence from the Smuggler whilst in the dungeon, and then use the essence on a runecrafting altar (one is available in the start room) to craft any number of Law runes.
H5 Thanks for the Memories - Harvest memories from a tier 8 (or higher) spring. None 70 Divination
You can find wisps to earn memories and energy in random rooms during a C6 dungeon of any size, and any memories harvested above and including tier 8 will work for this task.
H6 Healing Factor - Use the Rapid Renewal prayer for 1 minute within a dungeon. None 65 Dungeoneering, 65 Prayer, 38,000 Dungeoneering tokens
You first must buy the Scroll of Renewal at the Rewards trader inside the Daemonheim camp, costing 38,000 tokens to buy. Once it has been bought, you can then read it to permanently unlock the Rapid Renewal prayer. You can then simply use the prayer inside any Dungeon for one minute to complete this task.
H7 Alcrabholic - Kill a 'rum'-pumped crab. A Clockwork Syringe (partial completion) 50 Dungeoneering
To access rum-pumped crabs, partial completion of A Clockwork Syringe is needed. If you've already got access to the crabs, simply return to Braindeath Island and enter the combat 'rumgeon' wearing a Fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus along with some combat gear, and kill one of the crabs within to complete the task.
H8 Hoof Rot - Have Bal'Lak the Pummeller walk onto his own rifts in a solo dungeon. None 65 Dungeoneering
Bal'Lak the Pummeller can be found on floors 33-35 of Daemonheim. To lure him onto a rift that he summons, he must first be attacking you for him to follow them. The lurer can then run behind the rift (being careful not to step onto it) and have Bal'Lak follow the player. This will make him walk over the rift, completing the task. Luring Bal'Lak in a team will not complete this task, it must occur in a solo dungeon.
H9 A Prayer Opportunity - Build a prayer altar in the starting room and fill up your prayer points from it. None 75 Construction, 5 Bovistrangler branches, 5 Zephyrium bars
Bovistrangler branches and Zephyrium ore can be bought from the Smuggler on C6 floors to be used for this task, costing 151250 coins which can be found as monster drops, or by selling other items. Alternatively, you may be lucky and can find both resource items in the dungeon. To build the altar, right click on the Group Gatestone portal and select replace, where you will be able to choose the prayer altar. Don't forget to recharge your prayer with it to complete the task.
H10 The Wanderer - Imbue a catalytic wand on a runecrafting altar. None 50 Runecrafting, spinebeam wand
To imbue a catalytic wand on a runecrafting altar, you first need a spinebeam wand. It's recommended to have 48 Fletching for you to be able to craft one from a spinebeam branch yourself, however you can obtain one from a team mate. You need to then right click a runecrafting altar (one is available in the starting room), select 'Imbue-staff' and then choose to create the catalytic wand to complete this task.
H11 Get Stuffed - Make a bouldabass & edicap potato from the raw ingredients and eat it in a boss fight. None 69 Cooking, Raw Bouldabass, Raw Cave potato, Raw Edicap Mushroom
You need to create the potato using raw ingredients, this means you have to either fish or buy the bouldabass raw, and buy the edicap mushroom seed (or receive it as a drop), farm the mushrooms as well as a raw cave potato. This can however be done by a team mate, but 68 Farming is recommended to be able to do this yourself. You must however cook and assemble the bouldabass & edicap potato yourself from the raw ingredients to complete this task.
H12 Epic Epic - Complete all Sagas with 100%. None 71 Dungeoneering, 30 Magic, 30 Ranged, 55 Agility, 60 Attack, 55 Thieving and 75 Strength
Every saga can be accessed with Skaldrun in the Daemonheim camp. Refer to Tip.it's Dungeoneering Saga guide for advice on each saga, and how to complete them 100% to complete this task.

For information about the rewards for this set of tasks read below.

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Elite Tasks

Elite tasks follow this criteria:

  • Experienced-ranged quest requirements.
  • Very high-ranged skill requirements.
  • Elite level of difficulty.


Skills: 95 Dungeoneering, 86 Divination, 80 Constitution, 98 Crafting, 90 Magic, 90 Defence, 90 Cooking. (High fishing level recommended).

Quests: None.

Items: 50 Brilliant energy, 4 bound items, 95 Smithing, 2 Promethium ores, 1 Spiritbloom cloth, 1 Thread, 1 Needle, 1 Raw Heim Crab, 1 Raw Red-eye, 1 Raw Dusk eel, 1 Raw Giant Flatfish, 1 Raw Short-finned eels, 1 Raw web snipper, 1 Raw bouldabass, 1 Raw salve eel, 1 Raw blue crab, 1 Raw Cave moray, and 1 Blue crab

Recommended Items: Good Combat gear & Food in Daemonheim.

Completed Elite Tasks:Hide/Show

Complete Code Task Quest Requirements Other Requirements
X1 Any fin is Possible - Cook 1 of each type of fish. None 90 Cooking, 1 Raw Heim Crab, 1 Raw Red-eye, 1 Raw Dusk eel, 1 Raw Giant Flatfish, 1 Raw Short-finned eels, 1 Raw web snipper, 1 Raw bouldabass, 1 Raw salve eel, 1 Raw blue crab and 1 Raw Cave moray.
Each type of fish needs to be cooked on a fire inside any sized dungeon on any floor to complete this task. The raw fish can either be bought from the rewards trader or fished within a dungeon itself. You do not need to cook every fish on one floor, it can be achieved over multiple floors.
X2 Orbful - Craft and wield a spiritbloom orb. None 98 Crafting, 90 Magic, 90 Defence, 1 Spiritbloom cloth, 1 Thread, 1 Needle.
To craft the spiritbloom orb, you need to first obtain spiritbloom cloth, which can be woven from spiritbloom itself. This can be bought from the Smuggler for 81,600 coins, or harvested within Daemonheim if found in a room (requiring 90 Farming). You can then weave the cloth into an orb, it must also be wielded to fully complete this task.
X3 Top Hat - Create a promethium full helm from scratch. None 95 Smithing, 2 Promethium ores
You first need to obtain 2 Promethium ores, which can be bought from the Smuggler on C5/6 floors or mined (though this requires 90 mining). Bring these ores to the furnace in the starting room, and use them on the furnace to create 2 promethium bars. You can then use these bars on the anvil with a hammer to create a full helm, completing the task.
X4 In the Darkness Bind Them - Wear 4 bound items. None 90 Dungeoneering, 4 bound items.
You simply need to bind 4 wearable armour items and use them as a loadout with the Smuggler, who can access the interface for you once you right click and select "Bind-setup". Then you can select this loadout, automatically wielding the 4 armour pieces for you completing the task.
X5 Pass the Port - Create and use a portent of restoration IX. None 86 Divination, 80 Constitution and 50 Brilliant energy, and 1 Blue crab
To create this portent, you first need to find Brilliant Wisps on a C6 dungeoneering floor, which spawn randomly throughout rooms. From these you can harvest both Brilliant energy, and brilliant memories which can be converted into more brilliant energy in the starting room. You need 50 brilliant energy to weave into one portent of Restoration. To fully complete the task, you also need to be hurt to half of your health and automatically healed by the portent of restoration.
X6 Gulega-d to Rest - Kill the warped gulega, but avoid his 1 lifepoint attack in a solo dungeon. None 95 Dungeoneering
The Warped Gulega can be found on Warped Dungeoneering floors at level 95 Dungeoneering. The attack which this achievement refers to occurs when the Warped Gulega smashes its arm onto the floor, at which point 4 tentacles will approach the player. You need to run out of the spot you were standing on before the tentacles hit you down to 1 life point. Should you kill the Warped Gulega without being hit by this attack in a solo dungeon, you'll complete this task.

For information about the rewards for this set of tasks read below.



Once you have completed the Daemonheim task set, you are rewarded with a Daemonheim aura.

All Easy Tasks complete

After completing all the easy tasks speak to Drangund, the Dungeoneering Tutor, to receive a Daemonheim aura 1 and additional rewards:

When worn:

  • One consequence free death per day whilst in a dungeon.

All times:

  • Access to a Heim crab weapon cosmetic override.
  • Ability to choose at the start of a dungeon which boss you encounter once per day.
  • Choose a secondary ring role which has 25% its normal effect.

Experience Lamp(s): 2,000 XP

All Medium Tasks complete

After completing all the Easy and Medium tasks, speak to Marmaros, the Rewards Trader, to receive an upgraded Daemonheim aura 2 with more abilities and additional rewards:

When worn:

  • The aura will act like Ava's Accumulator and the bone grinder, whilst inside Daemonheim.
  • Access to an extended portion of the resource dungeon on the Daemonheim Peninsula.

All times:

  • Ability to bind one potion in a new slot.
  • A supply of law and cosmic runes available from the Smuggler for free in every dungeon.
  • Secondary ring role effect is boosted to 50%.

Experience Lamp(s): 8,000 XP

Dungeoneering tokens: 2,000

All Hard Tasks complete

After completing all the easy, medium and hard tasks, speak to Talsar to receive an upgraded Daemonheim aura 3 and additional rewards:

When worn:

  • The Backhand ability will now unleash your inner Thok.
  • Access to an extended portion of the resource dungeon in the Dwarven mine.

All times:

  • Secondary ring role effect is boosted to 75%.
  • Access to 2 more bind pool slots.
  • Reduced cost for recharging items.
  • 10% increase in rewards from sinkholes.

Experience Lamp(s): 20,000 XP

Dungeoneering tokens: 38,000


All Elite Tasks complete

After completing all the easy, medium, hard and elite tasks, speak to Thok to receive an upgraded Daemonheim aura 4. Completing the elite tasks gives all the following benefits plus previous ones:

When Worn:

  • Second gatestone and teleport spell
  • Access to an extended portion of the resource dungeon in the Brimhaven dungeon.
  • When activated in Daemonheim, the aura will grant prayer points when bones are buried.

All times:

  • Secondary ring role effect is boosted to 100%.
  • 10% discount from the Smuggler.
  • Access to Daemonheim hard mode.

Experience Lamp(s): 1 x 60,000 XP and 3 x 50,000 XP

Congratulations on completing the tasks for the Daemonheim area!

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Original Guide by: Omnitec

Special thanks to: Baffler

Thanks to: Shasta_Sms

Last updated by: Shasta_Sms

Last updated on: 07-Nov-2013

RuneScape 2007
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