Harmony Island

By Headnazgul

To reach this island you must first start The Great Brain Robbery quest then speak with Brother Tranquility just north of the docks on Mos Le'Harmless. He will transport you to the windmill on Harmony Island. To leave, speak with Brother Tranquility again.

After completing the quest, you can grab your diving apparatus and fishbowl helmet and plunge into the flooded passage to fight underwater Zombie Pirates any time you like. You do not need diving equipment to visit the island itself, as the 'gas' has cleared.

After the quest, the windmill basement is the only place to find Dr. Fenkenstrain if you need to replace your Ring of Charos.

You can plant a crop (3 seeds) in the allotment patch. There is a Tool Leprechaun, but no farmer for hire to watch your crop. You may also have to fend off zombie attacks to farm here.

Harmony Island Map Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Zombie Pirate (Level 57) Sorebones (Level 57) Sorebones (Level 57) Sorebones (Level 57) Sorebones (Level 57)

Pirate Zombie: Level 57
Sorebones: Level 57
Barrelchest: Level 170 / The Great Brain Robbery

RuneScape 2007
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