The Heroes' Guild

heroes guild map

The Heroes' guild is located just north of Taverly and is members only. A player can enter only after completing the Heroes' quest. Some players find it convenient to use a Games necklace (enchanted sapphire necklace) to teleport to the Troll Invasion D&D, and then walk south to the Guild (see the Crafting Guide for necklace information).

Achietties greets everyone outside the main doors. The lobby of the building features statues of Arrav and Cammora, suits of armour, and decorative fonts.

Heroes Guild

The lobby doors to the west open onto a small private garden, containing four evergreens and some dead trees.

Upper floors

Upstairs, Helemos runs the Happy Heroes' H'emporium, which sells two dragon weapons, the battleaxe and the mace. To the south is a small chamber where heroes can take a rest after a long day of Dragon slaying. A small chapel west of the main room allows heroes to recharge their prayer points at the altar.

Ascending the chapel ladder leads to a private conference room on the top floor. It has a small table and is suitable for meetings. The top floor also contains two tiny tower rooms (north and south), accessible only by separate ladders from the floor below.


There is also a ladder down from the ground level (lobby) to the dungeon downstairs. Herein resides a lonely, caged Blue dragon who is unfortunately subject to many a slaying. You can range him, mage him, battle him or even blast him to kingdom come with a good ole dwarven cannon. There are also many rocks to mine in the depths of this dungeon: coal, mithril, adamantite, and runite.

The Fountain of Heroes in the furthest depths of the dungeon is where you can recharge your amulet of glory. When you have used up its 4 teleports, use it with the fountain to gain another 4 teleports. All amulets you bring will be charged at once! Remember that wearing the amulet also gives you a higher chance of finding gems while mining.

Heros Guild Dungeon Blue dragon (Level 112) Giant Bat (Level 27)
Key Coal Key Mithril Key Adamant Key Runite
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Original Guide by: Eeeeediot

Thanks to: darkblade986, Juhniz, pokemama, Wachtwoord

Last Updated by: Howlin0001

Last Updated on: 30-Jun-2011

RuneScape 2007
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