- Enter your name and hit "Get stats!", or enter your current XP in the textbox
and then enter the amount of times you wish to use each method/item.
Hit Tip Me to find out the amount of XP you will finish on and the level
for that amount of XP.
- 'Number' is where you enter the amount of an item. 'Name' is the name of
the method/item. 'Lvl' is the minimum level you need to use
a certain method/item. 'XP' is experience gained for using that method/item.
- Green shows what you can access up to
that level.
- Red marks things out of reach for now.
- The entries marked with an asterisk (*) also require a certain Summoning level to capture.
- Imps marked with double asterisks (**) require a special magic box to capture.
- The Enhanced yaktwee stick provides a 5% bonus in Hunter experience to any actions that can be performed while holding it.
Last updated: 20-Nov-2011