Prayer Guide
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Introduction Prayers Protection Prayers Curses Restoring Prayer Points Training Multipliers Funeral Rites IntroductionThe skill we know as prayer can be very advantageous. By calling upon the Gods of Runescape, one can perform such acts as regeneration, superhuman strength and invulnerability to magic, combat and ranging. The ability to call upon these gods must be trained however, and that is the art of prayer. The higher your prayer level, the greater your advantages. To use a prayer, open the prayer menu and a list of prayers will be shown. Click on the prayer you want to activate. If you want to turn it off again, simply click it one more time.
Each of the prayers can be turned on or off individually. When you use a prayer, you are given an advantage depending on the prayer you choose to use. However, you can only use one prayer for each category at a time. For instance you can have 'superhuman strength' (raises strength) and 'incredible reflexes' (raises attack) at the same time, but you cannot use 'improved reflexes' and 'incredible reflexes' simultaneously, since they both increase your attack. The prayer interface gives the option to show/hide stat adjustments - a useful tool for seeing how much a specific stat (Attack, Defence, Magic, Ranged, and Strength) is being boosted or drained. The displayed figures are rounded towards 0. For example, a stat that is being boosted 10.5% will be displayed as 10% and a stat being drained -10.5% will be rounded to -10%. The displayed percentages include both prayers you are using to boost your own stats and effects other players are using on you. As well, you can right click the prayer icon at the top right of your screen to select prayers, or groups of prayers, more effectively. Simply right click the icon, then select the prayers you wish to group. Then, you can quickly and easily turn the prayers selected on with a single click of the prayer icon.
Return to TopPrayersUsing prayers will slowly drain your supply of prayer points. When all of your prayer points have been drained, all active prayers will be deactivated. You will need to recharge your prayer points (at an altar, for example) before you can use prayers again. The rate at which your prayer points are drained depends on the prayers you are using, and the prayer bonus of the equipment you are wearing - please refer to our Prayer Drain Calculator for more detailed information. The prayer icon near the minimap will tell you how many prayer points you have remaining.
You can't use two prayers that boost the same skill at once. For example, if you're using a prayer that boosts magic by 15%, you cannot turn on another prayer that boosts it by 10%. Similarly, only one protection prayer can be on at a time, although you can use Protect from Summoning in conjunction with other protection prayers. Having a high Prayer level allows you to use your prayers for longer periods of time, an advantage that is invaluable when it comes to duelling, player killing and training. Return to TopProtection PrayersThe protection prayers (Protect from Melee, Protect from Missiles, Protect from Magic and Protect from Summoning) are incredibly useful. When fighting against monsters, they will typically provide 100% protection from an attack of that type. Some NPCs, however, have the ability to hit through prayers. When fighting against other players, they will reduce the damage dealt by an attack of that type by 40%, while increasing the amount of times you block your opponent's attacks. When in use, a little icon will appear above your head. This icon is visible to other players as well. Protection prayers can be invaluable when you are in a tight spot, or when you are training. A good training technique against high level monsters that typically do a lot of damage is to wear equipment that gives good prayer bonuses while using the Protect from Melee prayer. Your prayer points will drain quite slowly, allowing you to last a while. Bring prayer potions to extend the duration of your training session even further. Please refer to the equipment section of this guide for a list of equipment with prayer bonuses. Return to TopCurses (Members only)Members who have completed the Temple at Senntisten quest gain access to an ancient hymnal, which unlocks the ability to use Curses. Similar to Lunar/Ancient magicks, you have to switch from normal Prayers to Curses in order to access the Curses list. You do this by praying at the altar in the Senntisten Temple (located under the digsite.) Players have reported that one feature of the Curses set of prayers is a lower drain rate. To switch back to the normal prayer list, simply pray at any other altar. You will be asked if you would like to switch back to normal Prayers, or just recharge your Prayer points. Praying at the Senntisten Temple altar will also boost your Prayer by 15% over your max Prayer level.
"Deflect" curses stop 100% of damage dealt by NPCs, and 40% of damage dealt by other players - similar to normal "Protect From" prayers. They also have a chance to deflect damage that would have hit (if you were not using prayer) back onto your opponent. You can only have one "Deflect" curse activated at a time, with the exception being Deflect Summoning, which can be used in conjunction with any one other Deflect curse (ex. you can have Deflect Summoning and Ranged on at once, but not Deflect Melee and Ranged). As with protection prayers, some NPCs have the ability to hit through "Deflect" curses. Also, "Deflect" curses will not damage NPCs that can only be killed in a specific way (can only be killed by a certain weapon, etc.) You can have multiple Sap and Leech curses active at once. However, you cannot have the Sap and Leech curse of the same type active at once (i.e., you cannot have Sap Mage and Leech Magic active at the same time.) You cannot have Soul Split, Wrath, or any Deflect curse activated at the same time. You can only have one of these curses activated at any given time. You cannot activate Turmoil and any Sap or Leech curse at the same time. Once you activate a Sap or Leech Curse, your opponent's stat is instantly decreased by 10%. If you keep the Curse activated, this amount will gradually increase to 20% for Sap curses, and 25% for Leech Curses. Upon deactivation of the Curse, the initial 10% stat decrease will be restored to your opponent. However, any drain exceeding the initial 10% will have to slowly restore as normal. The same concept applies to your own boosted stats when using a Leech Curse. Return to TopRestoring Prayer PointsThere are a few ways to recharge your prayer points when they have run out. The normal solution is simply to find an altar. Altars are found all over the map, mainly in churches. There are several altars that give a boost above your normal maximum level when you pray at them:
Members also have several portable solutions:
Return to TopTraining MethodsPrayer is by far one of the hardest skill to train up. Each of the "old" skills boasted at least one level 99 before someone finally reached 99 prayer. To help you out, we've listed a few of the best places to train. The chaos temple, in level 13 Wilderness, has 15 bone spawns and an altar as well. Green dragons in the level 13 wilderness north-west of Edgeville are good and fast experience since they are lower levels than blue dragons, and are close to a bank. If you don't like the Wilderness, the Edgeville Dungeon Hill giants are also good. They drop Big bones, and are the best in F2P. In P2P, some good places include the Blue and Baby blue dragons in the Taverley members dungeon and the Ogres in the Blood rune chest dungeon (north-west of Ardougne). Another good choice in P2P is cremating shades in Mort'ton. You get good experience from cremating shades there, and you'll get a lot of good rewards using the chest keys, too. More information can be found in the Splitbark Armour Guide. Members have also found that the use of a Home Chapel Altar to sacrifice bones is the quickest method to level up. Lower level members may also want to talk to the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village for experience. He gives you various tasks and for some of them, you receive prayer experience. It won't be much: a maximum of 400. But hey, it's something. Keep in mind that he won't always reward you with prayer experience; he can also give you herbs, seeds, gems and runes. Members have an extra option to train prayer. The bonecrusher is a reward from the Dungeoneering skill. It costs 34,000 tokens to purchase and requires level 21 in both Dungeoneering and Prayer to use. When you have a bonecrusher in your inventory, it will automatically convert bones dropped by monsters and Hunter creatures into Prayer experience. For more information on Dungeoneering, please refer to our Dungeoneering Guide. Return to TopExperienceOne of the methods to train prayer is to bury bones. The different types of bones are:
Note: The curved and long bones can be traded in for both gold coins and construction experience in Dorgesh-Kaan after completing the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest. The prayer experience is nothing in comparison to these rewards. Return to TopZogre bones (members only)New higher experience bones were introduced for members in the Zogre Flesh Eater Quest. Kill Skogres (Skeletal Ogres) and Zogres (Zombie Ogres) to get Zogre bones and Ogre coffin keys. Use the Ogre coffin keys, or thieve the Ogre coffins (requires level 20 Thieving) to randomly get the higher level bones. The Zogre tomb map may be helpful.
As with normal bones you can use them to worship at the Ectofuntus or with a Home Chapel Altar to earn tons of experience! Return to TopDemonic AshesThere are three different types of ashes. These can be scattered (similar to burying bones), collected in a prayer urn (which gives some bonus xp), used like bones at a home chapel altar, or used without grinding at the Ectofuntus. The table below shows the available types of ashes. Clicking on a certain type of ash will take you to a listing of demonic creatures that drop it.
Return to TopPrayer UrnsUrns collect ashes while you are fighting demonic creatures, and can be teleported away for free experience once they are filled. Ashes from higher leveled monsters fill the urn faster than those from lower leveled monsters, but the experience for teleporting the urn away is the same regardless of what fills it up. Each urn requires a different crafting level to make and will give a different amount of experience when you fill it up and teleport it away. Before you can start filling an urn, you need to activate it with an air rune. Adding the rune requires the same crafting level as making the urn. Please view our Urns Section in the Crafting Guide for more detailed information on making urns and how many you are allowed to have. You can check the level of your urn by right-clicking the urn in your inventory and choosing the check-level option. It will also give you a message once it is 1/4 full, 1/2 full, 3/4 full or completely full. If you have any empty or partially filled urns in your inventory, ashes dropped by demonic creatures will automatically be stored in them. Completely filling an urn requires ashes whose total experience equals 25 of the highest level ash allowed for that size urn: 100xp for impious urn (25 impious ashes), 312.5xp to fill an accursed urn, or 1562.5xp to fill an infernal urn. Teleporting a filled urn provides 20% more XP than simply scattering those ashes.
Return to TopPyre Ship Bonus Experience (members only)If you have studied the barbarians methods of firemaking, you can release the spirits of fallen barbarian heroes by burning their bones on a pyre ship. Doing this will give you a 300% bonus to your prayer experience for a certain number of bones. A message will appear in your chat screen when you have the bonus applied to bones you bury.
Return to TopEctofuntus (members only)In the area of the Ghosts Ahoy quest (completion of the quest is not required), members can train prayer at the Ectofuntus using the same method that is used to get Ecto-tokens needed for the quest. The process is very simple, though tedious due to all of the walking, but the experience gained per bone is far greater than simply burying them. The items required are Pots, Buckets, and any type of Bones (Ghostspeak amulet from the Restless Ghost quest is now optional). An Ectophial (Ghosts Ahoy quest reward) is also helpful to save some walking. Just to the north of Port Phasmatys (located East of Canifis past the Haunted Woods) is a tower. Located in the centre of this tower is the "Ectofuntus". Prayer experience is gained by worshipping the Ectofuntus. To do this you must have a Pot of ground bones and a Bucket of slime (ectoplasm).
Note that the Ghostspeak amulet is no longer required in order to speak with the ghosts (but you must collect your tokens if you already have 260 ectotokens worth of bones and slime into the ectofuntus in order to continue). Ectofuntus gives 4 times the experience of just burying bones. Experience values for most bones are shown below, but the formula applies to all bones.
The whole process involves quite a bit of walking and so it's rather time consuming. Below is a good strategy to use to save some time. You will need to wear a Ghostspeak amulet (this is now optional) and a Ring of duelling (If just can't afford Rings of duelling then using the Ring of kinship from dungeoneering is a good alternative). Start by taking a filled Ectophial, nine Buckets, nine Pots and nine bones of your choosing.
Note : You can also fill your buckets before worshipping. Say you have 50 bones. Make 2 trips with 26 buckets, ectophial and duelling/kinship ring. Fill them all at the bottom, and bank. Then just grind and worship, so you don't have to walk down every time. You can do the same with grinding, but there the difference is way smaller because of the pots needed. You can find a stock of 100 buckets in the Port Phasmatys shop! Those who have the summoning levels required may want to use the beast of burden familiars to help carry bones such as the Bull ant, Spirit terrorbird, War tortoise, or the Pack yak. Return to TopHome Chapel Altars (members only)Player-owned houses have brought a new concept to Prayer - the home chapel. Depending on the type of altar built and the burners used, one can earn anywhere from 100% to 350% of the experience normally obtained for burying bones. 100% means exactly the same experience as just burying. Note that the highest possible level (350%) does not exceed the 400% from the ectofuntus - however, there is no tedious bucket hauling and bone grinding. When you offer a bone at your altar, the game will now ask you how many you want to offer, so you can choose "all" or a specified amount, reducing the amount of clicking necessary. Getting the maximum prayer out of a home altar is dependent on using incense burners. (Mahogany and marble burners give the same bonus as the basic oak incense burner.) A single lit burner boosts the experience by another 50% of the normal amount; two lit burners increase the basic altar experience by an amount equal to the normal experience (100%). The information for each altar with or without burners is included in the table below. Burners are used by carrying two marrentill and a tinderbox with you, and simply clicking the burner. (Note that a lit burner has no "Light" option.) In general, the burning marrentills give out around the time you arrive with another load of bones from the closest bank.
Note that torches and candlesticks offer no bonus! Return to TopCremationCremation is an ability open to both free players and members that was available from the 2014 Halloween event and can be obtained randomly whilst killing various types of ghosts. The ability allows for bones to be burned on player started fires (permanent fires do not work) and it gives 250% Prayer experience per bone and gives 200% of the experience you would have gained from burying the bones normally as Firemaking experience. As bones are part of the Prayer skill, there are no level requirements to cremate bones and the experience reward is the same regardless of logs used to make the fire.
Ghasts (members only)The only creatures in Runescape that can be slaughtered for immediate prayer experience are Ghasts, located in Mort Myre Swamp or found during the Temple Trekking / Burgh de Rott Ramble minigame.
The Nature Spirit Quest is required to enter the Swamp and to obtain the proper equipment: the blessed Silver sickle(b) and a Druid pouch. Use the Silver sickle(b) to Cast-bloom (right-click the sickle while equipped or in inventory and select "Cast-bloom" or "Operate") while standing near rotten logs, branches or bushes in Mort Myre Swamp, causing Mort myre fungi, pears or branches to bloom. Pick up these items. Click on your Druid pouch to Fill it with these items. When a Ghast attacks you (or you attack it), one item from your Druid pouch is automatically used up to make the Ghast solid and attackable. The level 30 ghasts aren't hard to kill. The only drawback to training near these is that when your Druid pouch is empty, attacking Ghasts will quickly rot your food. If you are escorting a band of travellers in the Temple Trekking / Burgh de Rott Ramble minigame, you may randomly meet the higher level ghasts shown in the table. Their level will depend on the route you select. Return to TopShade Cremating (members only)By playing the Shades of Mort'ton minigame you can earn prayer experience, although it is rather slow but you can get some rewards in the process. You must have completed the Shades of Mort'ton Quest in order to play and it will also be useful to have completed the In Aid of the Myreque Quest so you can use the Burgh de Rott bank just south of Mort'ton.
Read our Shades of Mort'ton (Splitbark Armour) guide for more details. Return to TopBurning Vyrewatch Corpses (members only)Once you have completed the Legacy of Seergaze quest, you can cremate Vyrewatch corpses in the Columbarium at the Salve Temple. You'll receive 80 prayer experience and the firemaking experience of the logs you use. (See Firemaking Guide.) You can only use teak pyre logs or better to cremate these corpses. More information can be found on our Temple Building guide. Return to TopHoly EquipmentThere are weapons and armour that add bonuses to prayer which help slow the drain rate.
Return to TopHalos (members only)Members can obtain Halos from playing the Castle Wars minigame. Each halo costs 300 tickets to purchase and slows the drain rate of certain prayers. They offer no prayer stat boost, however.
Prayer books (members only)Members can start collecting Prayer books by completing the Horror from the Deep or The Great Brain Robbery quests. Prayer books are wielded in the shield spot, and give a +5 prayer bonus. When completed, they also give stat boosts (depending on book type), allow you to bless silver symbols and to 'preach' aloud from the books. Once you've completed the Horror from the Deep quest, you can choose between incomplete books of either Guthix, Saradomin or Zamorak. After completing at least one of these books, you can also choose between incompleted books of Armadyl, Bandos and Zaros. You can eventually collect all books, so you don't have to stay with the one you choose first. When you first get a book it will just be called "Damaged book". It only offers a +5 Prayer bonus. You need to add four torn pages to your book to complete it. Torn pages are obtained from Treasure Trails (all clue scroll levels), by cremating Vyrewatch or by purchasing them from other players. Torn pages are uniquely named, numbered (1 through 4) and coloured to relate to a god, as shown in the table below. When you get a page matching your Damaged book, simply "use" the page on the book. It can never be removed. If you wish to see what pages your book is still missing, right-click the book and choose the "check" option. When you have completed your first book, you can visit Jossik again at the Lighthouse to purchase another book of a different god for 5000gp. Jossik will not sell you a new book if you still own an incomplete or damaged book. If you ever lose a book, visit Jossik. He will return it, including whatever pages it contained when you lost it. The different completed Prayer books and their stats are listed in the table below. Additional capabilities such as Blessing, Last Rites, Preach and Wedding rites are available from the completed book; just right-click the book and select the "Preach" option. Using them drains 25% of your special attack. You can also use some completed Prayer books to bless silver symbols (see our Crafting Guide for more information) if your Prayer level is 50 or higher. Saradomin books can be used to bless Holy symbols, Zamorak books can be used to enchant Unholy symbols and Guthix books can be used with both. Using a book in this matter costs four prayer points. Separately, you can obtain the simply titled Prayer book during The Great Brain Robbery quest, with which you can cure any poison affecting you by reciting the prayer in this book while wearing a blessed holy symbol. The amount of prayer points this costs depends on the potency of the poison. If you only have a portion of the required prayer points, the poison will only be partially cured. The prayer does not give temporary immunity to poison.
Return to TopSpirit ShieldsAfter completing Summer's End, you are given the base form of the Spirit Shield. You are able to further improve this shield by blessing it by combining it with holy elixer(a drop from the Corporeal Beast) and using it with a Saradomin Altar(85 prayer required), gaining a Blessed Shield and 1500 prayer experience(if you don't have the 85 Prayer requirement, you can take it to Brother Jared at the Monastery, but he will charge you 1,000,000 coins to perform this service for you). You can further improve this shield by affixing Sigils to it: these are also dropped by the Corporeal Beast. There are several different sigils: these are Arcane, Divine, Elysian, and Spectral. These sigils grant better stats and/or special abilities. To attach any of the sigils you will need 90 Prayer and 85 Smithing, and doing so will grant 1800 smithing experience. To do this you should bring a Blessed Spirit Shield, a hammer, and the sigil of your choice to an anvil.
Two of the shields have special effects when used: These are the Divine Shield and the Elysian Shield.
Return to TopGrave Repairing and BlessingWhen a player dies and loses items on death (with the exception of dying within the Corporeal Beast's Lair, during all minigames, or in PvP wilderness) a grave will appear to protect the items lost. To help this grave last longer; up to an hour at most, others must either bless or repair it as one can not bless or repair their own grave. To either bless or repair a grave, right click upon it and select the relevant option. If the time on the grave is about to run out, the "repair" option will appear. Repairing or blessing a grave will not cost any prayer points. If the grave is not in need of repairing, only the 'read', 'bless' and 'demolish' options appear. This occurs even after it has been blessed. Note: To repair, you must have level 2 prayer or above. Blessing requires a minimum level of 70. Return to TopSkill mastery and BeyondCape of AchievementOnce you have mastered the skill and reached level 99 you may want to buy a Prayer cape from brother Jerred in the Monastery west of Edgeville. If you already have another 99 skill, or obtain another one while wearing the cape (unless you have it keepsaked), it will become a Prayer cape (t). Please refer to the Achievement Capes guide for more details. After obtaining 99 Prayer it becomes possible to obtain a Holy shard randomly, which can be combined with other shards from the other combat skills (Attack, Constitution, Defence, Magic, Ranged, Strength, Summoning) to create a Combatant's cape and Combatant's hood. The cape has the same stats as a trimmed skill cape and the helm is purely cosmetic. True Prayer MasteryAchieving 99 is the ultimate goal for many players, however the skill does not stop there. For players wanting to show off their dedication to a skill it is possible to obtain "True Mastery" by obtaining "120 Prayer" which is 104,273,167 XP. The Prayer master cape can then be purchased from brother Jerred in the Monastery west of Edgeville. It is worth noting that beyond level 99 there is no additional content for Prayer as the level increases are invisible so training the skill gets no faster. To work out your theoretical Prayer level check out our XP table. Return to TopCreditsOriginal Guide by: Nathaninch and Ks Jeppe Special Thanks to: Jaffy1 Thanks to: -Hero-, ah_sam1, All Bogs, Allrace2000, angmojoe, Arceus, Areshamasaki, aspeeder, axen 2050, Binyam, bluehooloovo, bubbels, Buttwhoopchi, cane13, celestrana, Cowman_133, creepybacon, ctim, dan2012, darkblade986, Das, Drakos, elebecque, enriquepage, essiw, Eyehawk78, Flippi273, Gandorf61, Gugge, Haldir07, hawkxs, Headnazgul, Howlin1, iamgod8, Inferno_char, Irma Redwing, Jimmyw3000, jjjon123, jkb504, Jonesen, Juhniz, Kaphias, Kill_Life, kwimbob, l337ubernoob, Lady_Shahdie, lichey, liggins0, linkzelda30, Lood333, Lowspell, manoman, Martse, MasterMarduk, Maxmax99, mik0082, Michaelgodd, Misplacedme, oddfaery2, o_knames, Omnitec, Paw_Claw, pokemama, Psx0, Psycho Snail, quantumkik, Redwolf_Elf, Rien_Adelric, RussetAlpha, Saladin643, Scot, Sebas379, Seer, SerpentEye, Shasta_Sms, sheepdean, Sire Gecko, sjefderat, Slicer92, Smellysocks, Soothsayer, souldragon0, Speedyshel, SportsGuy, Sy_Accursed, TecMaster532, Teshiburu, TheLeonardo, sedsarq, The Sith, the_best371, tortilliachp, tryto, uath13, Whitestrike, Woodcut Lvr, Vaki_Sanake, Vap13, vlad_the_old, Vulxai, Wachtwoord, Wannable, Warriormonkx, Zaaps1, zxzxzxzx99 Last updated by: Howlin0001 Last updated on: 17-Frb-2015
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