
By Cowman_133

The Pyramid dungeon is located south-east of the bandit camp. You must place the four diamonds of Azzanadra in their respective spots and climb the steps to the top to enter. In the Pyramid watch out for random trapdoors and scarabs that appear from the ground. Also mummies will come out of their tombs and attack. The spirit of Azzanadra is in the middle chamber of the bottom floor. It is an important part of the Desert Treasure Quest.

This Pyramid is located in the Kharidian Desert. You enter from the top floor and proceed to make your way downward through the pyramid. After you have completed the quest you can enter from a portal in the back of the Pyramid for direct access to the altar room at the centre of the bottom floor.

Worshiping at the altar will change your magic spellbook back and forth between regular magic and Ancient Magicks. Praying at the altar drains your prayer points to zero, although you can still switch spells if your prayer points are entirely drained.

Pyramid Dungeon Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Mummy (Level 103) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92) Scarab (Level 92)

Dungeon Monsters
Mummy: Level 103
Scarab: Level 92

Thanks To: Ginger Warrior, Jaffy1, Mindesto

RuneScape 2007
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