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Smithing Guide
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Introduction Smelting Forging Smithing Tables Experience Table Smithing and Fletching Smithing Minigames Smithing Aids Smelting Urns Helpful Hints Considerations Frequently Asked Questions Request Assistance Skill Cape Credits IntroductionSmithing is the art of turning mined ores into useful metal objects. There are two parts to smithing: smelting and forging. Smelting means using a furnace to convert your ores into metal bars. Forging means hammering metal bars on an anvil to make weapons, pieces of armour, dart tips and more.
SmeltingTo smelt an ore, you must 'use' it with a furnace (See image in box). Simply click on the primary ore in your inventory, and then click on the furnace. You will see your character smelting them in the furnace, and as a result, a metal bar will be deposited in your inventory. ![]()
Upon clicking on a furnace, a menu will appear asking which type of bars you want to make and how many; it's auto-set to make-all. Your other options are: custom, 1, 5 and 10. ![]() All ores except iron, silver, gold, blurite, and bane must be smelted with a secondary ore to produce a metal bar. Tin and copper are used together to make bronze. The making of steel, mithril, adamant, rune, and elemental bars require the addition of coal.
If you have the proper ingredients and are not smelting iron, you will have a 100% chance of getting a bar from your effort. The ONLY exception is when you are smelting iron ores. These have a 50% chance of conversion, as they have a chance of being impure. Every level after 15 smithing until 45 smithing will add to your success rate. Each level earns you an additional 1% chance of success. At level 45, you have an 80% chance of success. However, using the Superheat spell, wearing a Ring of forging (members) or using the Blast Furnace offers 100% success in smelting iron. All three methods still earn the full smelting experience. The Ring of forging is described further in the Helpful Hints section. Return to TopForgingOnce you have metal bars, they can be smithed into different objects - weapons, pieces of armour, dart tips and more. To do this, you will need a hammer and metal bars in your inventory. You can also use a hammer on your toolbelt, or an equipped Golden hammer to save inventory space. Then, you will need to find an anvil - see the image below. Anvils can be found in many cities (usually those that don't have furnaces), but Varrock is popular for smithing bars in lots, since there are 3 anvils there, all near the teleport location and banks. Note: All furnace and anvil locations are shown on the world map(s).
Click on the metal in your inventory, and then click on the anvil. A menu of objects you can smith will pop up. Click on the object you want to smith and an information box listing the requirements, materials, and the value of the item will be displayed. To craft the item, you simply need to set the slider to the number you wish to make and press the smith button.
If you do not currently have the level or materials to make an item it will appear darkened in the list of items. You receive smithing experience per bar that you forge into an object. You can use the Low Alchemy and High Alchemy Spells to convert your final objects into gold pieces. The low alch value is the same amount you would get from selling the item to a General Store with none in stock, and the high alchemy value equals the amount you'd earn selling the item to a specialty shop (such as a Sword Shop or Armour Shop) at normal stock level. Of course you can also sell smithed items to other players or through the Grand Exchange. Return to TopSmithing TablesBelow is a link to the smithing tables for each smithable metal. They will tell you the level you can smith each object, the experience points earned, and equipped stat information:
In addition to these metals, there are several types of special metals that can be smithed, as seen in the table below.
There are yet other types of smithing as well, from Barbarian Smithing to armour made in Player Owned Ports - see below for details.
Dragon shield parts can be obtained as monster drops or from other players.
Godsword shards can be obtained from monster drops within the God Wars Dungeon or purchased from other players.
*You gain 100 smithing exp for each stage of smithing the godsword blade. Advanced Spirit Shields: You can attach sigils to your Blessed Spirit Shield(please see the Prayer Guide for more information on blessing and the shields abilities) on a hammer and an anvil.
Dragon Platebody: You can smith the three pieces of the dragon platebody together using a Blast fusion hammer, a special hammer obtained from a Blast Furnace Dwarf at the Dragonkin Forge in the Ancient Cavern for a cost of 1,000,000gp.
Bane items: You can smith bane bolts or bane arrows after the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest. First tune a bane ore to either Abyssal demons, Basilisks, Dragons or Wallasalki using the Tune Bane Ore lunar spell. The bar must then be smelted in a furnace, and then can be smithed at the anvil in Kethsi. To reach Kethsi, first go to the DIR fairy ring, and then to the AKS fairy ring.
Tetsu armour: After sufficient progress has been made in the Player Owned Ports minigame, players with 90 Smithing can make Tetsu armour from plates, a high level voyage reward. Superior Tetsu armour is not tradeable but has higher stats and can be repaired. Standard Tetsu armour cannot be repaired and will degrade into nothing. Smithing experience is gained for each item made, see the item entries or the Player Owned Ports guide for more information.
Malevolent armour: Malevolent armour is made from malevolent energy and reinforcing plate. Malevolent energy is found in the Barrows - Rise of the Six minigame. Initially it is (unstable), but it transforms into a stable version one it leaves the Barrows dungeon normally (i.e. not by dying or teleporting out). Reinforcing plate is bought from Saro in west Keldagrim for 500,000gp a piece. Malevolent armour cannot be repaired and will degrade into nothing (with the exception of the malevolent kiteshield, which cannot be made, but can be repaired by Bob in Lumbridge for a fee of up to 1,500,000gp or on an armour stand). Smithing experience is gained for each item made.
Return to TopExperience TableFor quick reference, here is a list of the smelting and smithing experience for each basic type of metal bar. (An unsuccessful iron smelt earns zero xp.)
Return to TopSmithing and Fletching (members only)While the Smithing skill is mainly intended to create armour and weapons for melee fighters, it is also useful for rangers via the Fletching skill. Members can use Smithing to create various items used in Fletching to make ranged weapons and ammunition. For example, they can smith a metal bar (bronze to rune) into 5 throwing knives (member-only ranged weapon). Or, they can smith a metal bar (bronze to rune) into 15 arrowheads or 10 dart tips (dart tips available only after the completion of the Tourist Trap quest). Use the Smithing tables to see the level needed to make these items. These arrowheads and dart tips could then be made into arrows or darts by using the Fletching skill (check the Fletching guide for more details and the needed levels). Members who have completed the Zogre Flesh Eaters quest can use metal nails to fletch brutal arrows at the appropriate levels. Additionally, the Smithing skill can be used with Fletching to make crossbows and bolts. Members can make crossbow limbs from a metal bar (bronze to rune), which they can transform into a crossbow using fletching. They can also make 10 unfeathered bolts from a metal bar (bronze to rune), then add feathers in order to be able to use them as crossbow ammunition. Moreover, these bolts can have gem-based bolt tips added, and they can also be enchanted for additional damage and effects. Please note that blurite-based crossbows and bolts can only be made after the completion of the Knights Sword quest and that the silver bolts are made using the Crafting skill. Check the Smithing tables and the Fletching guide for more details and the needed levels to make these items. Finally, do not forget that members can smith a mithril grapple from a mithril bar at level 59 Smithing and add it to a mithril bolt to make a tool useful to take some agility shortcuts. Return to TopSmithing AidsThere are several different types of aids and bonuses for the Smithing skill, as summarized below.
Return to TopSmithing Minigames (members only)For those who would like a little variety in their smithing training or those who would like to save on coal, the Artisan's Workshop and the Blast Furnace are two smithing minigames worth a try. Blast Furnace (members only) The Blast Furnace is a large smelting machine located in East Keldagrim in the basement of the factory. There are anvils to smith at in the basement as well. What makes the Blast Furnace valuable is that it only requires half the normal amount of coal to smelt any given bar. So, for example, a steel bar usually requires two coal per iron ore. At the Blast Furnace you would only need one coal per iron ore. To run such a large machine it takes a group effort from a number of different players, be it pedalling the bicycle to operate the conveyor belt, adding coke to the stove, operating the air pump, or monitoring the temperature gauge. It is possible to solo this minigame but if you're having a hard time try going to world 58, the designated Blast Furnace minigame world. Please refer to our Blast Furnace minigame guide for more information. Artisan's Workshop If you want to try out some different training methods visiting the Artisan's Workshop brings a number of options. Located in the south-east corner of Falador next to the mining guild, the dwarven artisans in the workshop offer a variety of training methods for smithers of all levels. Among these training methods are cart track production, smithing dwarven burial armour, helping out in the cannon repair shop, and smithing ceremonial swords. Depending on your smithing level some training methods may be better suited than others. Additionally, performing small repairs to parts that break in the workshop will net you some experience as well. Note: Cart track production and some aspects of dwarven burial armour are available to non-members. Training: To train in this area it is necessary to provide all of your own ores and coal. The bars made at all other furnaces in Runescape cannot be used - you must bring your ore and coal to the workshop and smelt special ingots. All the smithing techniques require ingots which vary in quality from I through IV. The higher quality ingot you want to make, the more ore and coal it will take. You can store up to 4000 ores and 8000 coal in the large furnace in the centre of the Artisan's Workshop, and you can convert ore and coal to ingots or vice-versa at any time. Something to note is that you do not get to keep any of the products of your training. However, for each ingot you train with you will also get more smithing experience than if you had smelted and smithed the equivalent in normal bars. Rewards: Training in the Artisan's Workshop will gain you respect from the dwarven tutors. The more time you spend there and the better you become at smithing the more respect you will earn. Once you have reached certain levels of respect you can 'turn it in' for rewards. These rewards include bonuses to training in the workshop, ceremonial sword plans and a couple decorating options for your dwarven multicannon. Check out our Artisan's Workshop guide for more information. Return to TopSmelting UrnsUrns collect metal scraps while you are smelting which can eventually be teleported away for free experience once it is filled. There are four different smelting urns. Each urn requires a different crafting level to make and will give a different amount of experience when you fill it up and teleport it away. Smelting higher level bars will fill the urn faster than lower level bars, but the experience for teleporting the urn away is the same regardless of what fills it up. Please view our Urns Section in the Crafting Guide for more detailed information on Urns. Before you can start filling an urn, you need to activate it with a fire rune. Adding the rune requires the same crafting level as making the urn. You can have up to ten non-empty urns in your bank at once. This includes partially filled urns, completely filled urns and anything in between. You can check the level of your urn by right-clicking the urn in your inventory and choosing the Check-level option. It will also give you a message once it is 1/4 full, 1/2 full, 3/4 full and completely full.
Note: Smithing bars will NOT fill urns. Neither will smelting gold and silver ore, or smelting bars at the Blast Furnace or Artisan's Workshop. However, making cannonballs WILL fill urns. Return to TopHelpful Hints
Return to TopFinancial ConsiderationsBasics As a result, the buying of ores and/or bars is a common process of obtaining the needed raw materials. In this case, questions emerge: Should I smith steel or iron? How much will it cost? How many bars will I need? The Smithing Calculator on this site will help you decide how much. Regarding what to smith, read on. Details Rings of Forging have made smithing, in some ways, easier than before, but mass smithing is still a money-lost operation. How much you lose depends on your cost of materials. Let's start at the end - the payoff. The most money can be made by using the High Alchemy spell on the finished item. The best option is to make plate bodies, as they use 5 bars (saving you time) and yield the most money per bar. Iron plate bodies "alch" for 336 gp, while steel plate bodies alch for 1200 gp. Experience points are also a payoff. Since the magic experience will be the same for either steel or iron, it will not be considered in this discussion. Iron plate gives 125 xp, while steel gives 187.5 xp (for Smithing only.) Iron or Steel
Steel plate, on the other hand, requires:
Another analysis examines how much experience is earned (for both smelting and smithing) for the number of ores used.
Discounting the cost of the ring of forging, iron is the clear winner in experience per ore. The results do not change when using the Keldagrim Blast Furnace, where the number of coal used is halved (and a Ring of forging is unnecessary). Halving the number of coal brings rune, adamant, mithril and steel to between 25 and 28xp per ore ... but iron still wins out at 37.5xp per ore. As you see, the decision as to which metal to smith and the cost to do so is complex. However, the Smithing Planner tool might be of help in forming your decision. Please note that on average, free players will need 10 iron ore to smith iron platebodies instead of 5, as the ring of forging is for members only. Alternatively, members can use smithing to make arrow heads, then either sell them or fletch them to make arrows. You can sell the arrows for profit or use them for ranging. However, because you will be smithing these one bar at a time rather than five at a time for plate bodies, it will take more time. Return to TopFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat about Black items? "Black" does not exist as ore or bars and thus cannot be smithed. Black items are only available in stores, as monster drops or occasional finds (Digsite and Treasure Trails). How can I trim my armour? Trimmed and gold-trimmed items cannot be smithed - these are available as Treasure Trails rewards only. NOBODY can "trim" your armour for you, so don't fall for this old scam. Keep in mind that trimmed, gold-trimmed, god and gilded armour all have the exact same stat effects as their plain counterparts - there are no added effects for these types of decorative armour. I can mine granite, so can I smith a granite shield, helm, body or legs? No, sorry. Return to TopRequest AssistanceIf you find yourself a few levels short of making an item, or want to safely offer your skills to another player, the request assistance option will allow you to do so. Simply right click the player who has the skills that you need and request their assistance. If they accept, a pair of hands will appear in your bottom right corner, and you can smith whatever items they can. You keep the items, but they get the experience. There are a few restrictions to requesting assistance in Smithing:
Return to TopSkill mastery and BeyondCape of AchievementOnce you have mastered the skill and reached level 99 you may want to buy a Smithing cape from Thurgo the dwarf, south of Rimmington near the Ice Cave dungeon. If you already have another 99 skill, or obtain another one while wearing the cape (unless you have it keepsaked), it will become a Smithing cape (t). Please refer to the Achievement Capes guide for more details. After obtaining 99 Smithing it becomes possible to obtain a Molten shard randomly, which can be combined with other shards from the other artisan skills (Construction, Cooking, Crafting, Firemaking, Fletching, Herblore, Runecrafting) to create an artisan's cape and artisan's helm. The cape has the same stats as a trimmed skill cape and the helm is purely cosmetic. True Smithing MasteryAchieving 99 is the ultimate goal for many players, however the skill does not stop there. For players wanting to show off their dedication to a skill it is possible to obtain "True Mastery" by obtaining "120 Smithing" which is 104,273,167 XP. The Smithing master cape can then be purchased from Thurgo the dwarf, south of Rimmington near the Ice Cave dungeon. ![]() It is worth noting that beyond level 99 there is no additional content for Smithing as the level increases are invisible so training the skill gets no faster. To work out your theoretical Smithing level check out our XP table. Return to TopCreditsOriginal Guide By: Eeeeediot and misplacedme Thanks to: Adamskii, Adam007, agamotto, Albosky, alex333, Aurhora, bluehooloovo, Cowman_133, Daigotsu, dargonhuman, Darkdude98, Daynuh, diederik22, Doelpaal, DroolMAN, essiw, Ezeeipancake, Fudgy999, ghostman, Ginger_Warrior, Griffin_3542, ho3f3l, Howlin1, idunedain, inferno_char, Jaffy1, jeff d, jimmy_jim, Jimmyw3000, Juhniz, Kill_Life, knittinqueen, Lady_Shahdie, Lansal, Lood333, lucas, mchainmail, mucco, None2None, Octarine, ooielandr, peche, pokemama, quantumkik, rctechs rc, SaidinWoT, sam_gwydion, saruman44, SerpentEye, Shasta_Sms, sheepdean, Speedyshel, spikerkid, Sy_Accursed, Thatguyphil, Tonyjr, tortilliachp, tryto, ventuzz, wallyweams, Warriormonkx, wioneo, Xerock, Zaaps1 Last Updated by: Arceus Last Updated on: 28-Jun-2015
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