Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon

By Lalala7324 and Kaphias

The Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon is located south of the city of Dorgesh-Kaan and down the ladder from the Dorgesh-Kaan agility course. The Death to the Dorgeshuun quest must be completed before entering this area.

In addition to walking from Dorgesh-Kaan, the dungeon can also be accessed by fairy ring code AJQ, or through a passage from the Kalphite dungeon.

All monsters located in the Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon are slayer monsters. Some monsters are poisonous, so you may want to bring an Anti-poison potion with you. Be sure to bring the best lantern you can light.

South Dungeon Cave Bug (Level 8 & 12) Cave Bug (Level 8 & 12) Cave Bug (Level 8 & 12) Cave Slime (Level 26) Cave Slime (Level 26) Cave Crawler (Level 74) Cave Crawler (Level 74) Big Frog (Level 36) Big Frog (Level 36) Molanisk (Level 53) Molanisk (Level 53) Giant Frog (Level 44) Giant Frog (Level 44)

Dungeon Monsters
Cave Bug: Level 8
Cave Slime: Level 26
Cave Crawler: Level 74
Big Frog: Level 36
Molanisk: Level 53
Cave Bug: Level 12
Giant Frog: Level 44

Thanks To: Howlin0001, Jaffy1, Lady_Shahdie

RuneScape 2007
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