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Squeal of Fortune
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Introduction The Basics Additional Spins - Spin Tickets Additional Spins - Buying Spins Rewards Limited Edition Rewards Discontinued Rewards Credits
This activity involves micro-transactions which can leave your bank account at risk if your RuneScape account is compromised. Stay safe! IntroductionThe Squeal of Fortune is an activity available to both free players and members. Every day a free player is entitled to one free spin a day of the wheel and two free spins for members which can provide rewards ranging from Fishing bait and Copper ore, right up to God armour and Sigil shields. Most of the high value rewards from the wheel are actually untradable and they come with the prefix "Lucky" - for example Lucky armadyl chestplate. They are also a slightly darker shade to their tradable counterparts, which makes them easy to identify them when worn by other players. Return to TopThe Basics![]() The Squeal of Fortune is a daily activity which resets at 00:00 GMT. Upon logging in for the first time on a particular day there will be a Goblin icon on the screen which, if clicked on, will bring up the wheel. If you do not want to play the wheel, you can hide the icon but it will reappear again the next time you log in. You can also access the Squeal of Fortune through the extras tab. ![]() The interface is simple to understand, you can either spin the wheel, purchase more spins or hide the wheel. To spin the wheel, click on the green button on the right side of the screen. It does not matter when you click to spin the wheel as there is no way to influence the reward you get from it. Once the wheel has stopped spinning you will be shown your prize and given the option to claim it, convert it to coins and, in the case of free players winning a members only prize, discard an item or subscribe to members. With the exception of experience lamps and coins, all prizes are sent to your bank upon claiming them. You cannot spin the wheel again until you claim, convert or discard your prize. ![]() Return to TopAdditional SpinsIn addition to the two free spins each player is entitled to per day it is possible to obtain extra spins through gaining Spin tickets by killing monsters, skilling, winning extra spins on the wheel, taking part in a specific Distraction and Diversion, completing quests and challenges or purchasing them through the Jagex website using various means such as PayPal or Credit/Debit cards. Purchasing spins is covered later in the guide. Combat: Spin tickets are dropped by almost every monster in the game which drops loot. The exceptions to this are monsters found within Daemonheim or monsters in Minigames. Skilling: Spin tickets can be obtained through the same skilling methods as the Shattered Heart distraction & diversion. For a list of methods click here. Distractions & Diversions: Every week you can obtain a spin ticket from either hunting Penguins, chopping Evil Trees, mining Shooting Stars or by taking part in the Circus. In addition to this the Troll Warzone minigame also offers a free spin ticket every month. Quests: Completing quests will earn you spins on the Squeal of Fortune, however this only applies to quests you have yet to complete or new quests. Players cannot receive spins for quests they have already completed. Daily Challenges: Completing your daily challenge in game will reward you with one free spin on the wheel. Membership Cards: There are special membership cards that, when redeemed, allow players to choose from a number of packages including spins on the wheel. Special Events: Sometimes Jagex have in-game events which provide additional spins on the wheel. For example throughout May 2012 paying members were rewarded with an additional spin every day. Note that the maximum number of earned spins you can have at a time is limited to 10; you will not be able to consume Spin tickets until you use up some of your earned spins. Return to TopBuying SpinsAnother way of obtaining additional spins is by purchasing them through the Jagex website. They can be bought using the following methods (not all payment methods are available in all countries):
If you are choosing to pay by Credit Card it is strongly advised you uncheck the "save my card details for next time" box or else someone who gains access to your RuneScape account would be able to view much of the cardholder's personal information, including your name, address, and location. Players are limited to spending $200 (£140 or €160) per day on spins, which works out at a maximum of 900 spins per day.
These prices are likely to be subject to change. To our best knowledge they are correct as of April 26, 2012. Return to TopRewardsThe Squeal of Fortune has a vast selection of possible prizes but unfortunately most of them are very rare and, more often than not, untradable. Due to the huge variety of prizes that can be obtained from the wheel, only the prizes that are exclusive to the wheel are listed. Most metallic weapons are possible prizes on the wheel, as well as various armour pieces, however these rewards vary depending on your level. Unwanted rewards can be exchanged from coins by clicking on the "exchange item for coins" button. The value of the item if you were to convert it to coins is shown just below the item.
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Monetary Rewards Experience Lamps Skilling Pendants Experience Boosting Outfits Recharge Gems Skilling Crates Armour and Weaponry Pets Cosmetic Rewards Monetary RewardsThere are three sizes of cash bag that can be won on the Squeal of Fortune which provide a random amount of coins based on your overall level and the size of the bag.
Experience LampsExperience lamps from the wheel can either be used on any skill (prismatic lamp) or they are sometimes tied to one specific skill. Only the small lamps are available to free to play players; the others are members only.
Skilling PendantsThere are two types of skilling pendant available of the Squeal of Fortune: a Pendant of Skill and a Prized pendant of Skill. The Pendant of Skill grants the wearer approximately the same amount of experience as a Large lamp. Similarly the Prized pendant of Skill grants the wearer approximately the same amount of experience as a Huge lamp. There are pendants for all 25 skills.
Experience Boosting OutfitsThere are four skilling outfits available on the wheel for Crafting, Cooking, Smithing and Herblore. Each item offers a 1% to experience gained and with each set having 5 items, you can get up to a 5% boost. If you own the sous chef's mitts and have the cooking gauntlets, the gauntlets may be used in place of the mitts while retaining the 1% experience boost. The same goes for the goldsmith's gauntlets with the blacksmith's outfit. Both are obtainable as a possible reward from the Family Crest quest. You can change the gauntlets to another type at any time by visiting Caleb, Avan or Johnathon in their respective locations. There is a fee of 25,000gp everytime you change them.
Recharge GemsRecharge gems can be used gain bonus experience in a chosen skill. Small recharge gems gain smaller amounts of experience whilst a large recharge gem will give you more bonus experience.
Skilling CratesSkill crates provide useful supplies for the following skills: construction, crafting, farming, fletching, herblore, smithing and summoning. The amount of supplies received depends on wether it is a small or a large crate, however all the supplies should be suitable for your level in the respective skill. Armour and WeaponryThere is a large variety of armour and weaponry available on the wheel for all players ranging from standard metal armour to cosmetic armour and untradable versions of powerful equipment. Lucky Armour and Weaponry Lucky items have the same stats as their normal counterparts. The only differences between them are the slightly different colours, and the fact that lucky items are untradable. Lucky items are available to members only.
Auspicious Katana Not to be confused with the ornate katana, the auspicious katana is a tier 75, two-handed weapon similar to a godsword.
This katana was introduced with the release of the Squeal of Fortune, however unlike the other "super-rare" items that were introduced with it, it has never been made a "rare" item and also unlike its original "super-rare" counterparts it is still available. This makes it currently one of the rarest items exclusive to the wheel. Tower Weaponry Tower weaponry was released onto the wheel with the aim of it being used as a cosmetic override using the dragon keepsake box from Solomon's General Store as their stats are that of level one weaponry.
Exquisite Armour & Weaponry Exquisite armour and weaponry is obtained from the wheel as tier 10, however it can be upgraded to tier 40 by right-clicking on it. The main purpose of this equipment is to provide cosmetic overrides to be used in tandem with the dragon keepsake box from Solomon's General Store. Skirmisher Equipment Skirmisher equipment is obtained from the wheel as tier 20, however it can be upgraded to be tier 30, 40, 50 or 60 by right- clicking on it. The main purpose of this equipment is to provide cosmetic overrides to be used in tandem with the dragon keepsake box from Solomon's General Store, however it may be useful for lower levelled players.
Slayer Masks The slayer masks provide some bonuses to players hunting their respective monsters including, but not limited to: slayer experience boost, damage boost, double drops and daily teleports to their respective monster. The boosts to slayer experience, damage and double drops expire after the required kill count is met, after this the masks become helms.
PetsPets were introduced onto the wheel with the removal of the original "super-rare" items. Unlike some other pets, these start out fully grown and have no need to be fed.
Cosmetic RewardsThe following cosmetic rewards are available as very rare prizes from the wheel and as such it is difficult to get full costume sets. The Ramokee, Archon and Warlord outfits were made more common for a short period upon their release into the game.
Cinco De Mayo To celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Runescape's Latin American debut, a number of masks were released onto the wheel. Each mask represents one of the 10 main Gods in Runescape.
Return to TopLimited Edition RewardsIn addition to the above rewards Jagex occasionally add promotional items for a short period of time. There are no other ways to obtain these items besides winning them on the wheel during the period they are available. On occasion, some promotions offer a better chance of getting pre-existing items on the wheel, these will not be listed here. The current promotional items available on the Squeal of Fortune are as follows:
Discontinued RewardsThe following items are no longer available from the Squeal of Fortune and are unobtainable within the game:
Quick Links
Original Super-Rare Rewards Monkey Mayhem Queen Black Dragon & Diamond Jubilee Summer Party Scream of Fortune D&D Tokens Part One Christmas Presents D&D Tokens Part Two Valentine's Celebrations Feast of Guthix Starlight Ore, Starfire Weaponry & Starfury Weaponry Cinco de Mayo The Lamp of the Djinn Crown of Seasons Other Discontinued Rewards Original Super-Rare Cosmetic RewardsThese items were released with the introduction of the Squeal of Fortune and remained on the wheel for 14 months before being replaced with new items. For the last few days of their existence, each item became a more common prize.
Monkey MayhemThese were the first limited edition items to be released onto the wheel as part of the Mad May celebrations in May 2012.
Queen Black Dragon & Diamond Jubilee CelebrationsIn honour of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II of England the Queen's Guard outfit was released onto the wheel. In addition to celebrate the released of the Queen Black Dragon into Runescape, Dragon Ceremonial gear was also released.
Summer PartyTo celebrate Summer, a selection of items were released onto the wheel to help people throw their own Summer parties across Gielinor.
Scream of FortuneTo celebrate Halloween 2012, a small selection of items were added to the wheel. The pumpkin amulet provides players with 2x experience in most skilling activities for a maximum of 68,800 experience.
Distractions and Diversions TokensThe Distraction and Diversion tokens allowed players to repeat immediately any D&D for as many times as they had tokens. They have since been released onto the wheel again, but with additional tokens.
Christmas PresentsCollecting all five of the different coloured presents from skilling, trading with other players or from the wheel allowed players to obtained the christmas tree hat. This became the second tradable rare with ties to the Squeal.
Distractions and Diversions TokensThe Distraction and Diversion tokens allowed players to repeat immediately any D&D for as many times as they had tokens. In addition to their previous release, daily, weekly and monthly tokens were released which allowed players to repeat any one D&D that fell into the category of that token.
Valentine's CelebrationsIn celebration of Valentine's day, a variety of romantic foods were released onto the wheel. After the event ended the foods remained in player's inventories and banks, however there is no way to obtain more and they cannot be traded.
Feast of GuthixIn celebration of Guthix after the events during The World Wakes, a small selection of items were added to the wheel.
Starlight Ore, Starfire Weaponry & Starfury WeaponryStarfury weaponry was principally released to provide cosmetic overrides for use with a dragon keepsake box from Solomon's General Store, however they are also viable weapons for lower levelled players.
Cinco de Mayo Food ItemsIn addition to the masks which have remained on the wheel, various foodstuffs were released to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and the introduction of Latin American Runescape. Adding one of the dressings to a plain wrap provided players with a boost in the relevant skill.
The Lamp of the DjinnThis promotion saw various lamp parts released onto the wheel which could also be obtained through skilling and combat. Players could try and obtain all the lamp parts through trading pieces and then combining them all into a lamp of the Djinn which provided generous experience across all skills. Alternatively, creating one of the smaller lamps with the three required pieces would provide a small amount of experience across a selection of skills. Any left over lamp pieces could be traded for experience before they were removed from the game.
Crown of SeasonsThe crown of seasons was the third of the tradable "new rares" introduced. In order to get one, players needed to acquire 500 of each of the items below from the wheel or by trading with other players (note: these items had to be traded in equal quantity, for example players could trade 100 charred branches for 100 fallen leaves but not 100 charred branches for 10 fallen leaves). Having 500 of the items allowed players to make the respective coronet. Once a player had all four coronets, they could be combined to create the crown of seasons which can be traded.
Other Discontinued RewardsThese items were released on their own and are no longer obtainable within game.
Return to TopCreditsOriginal Guide by: BloodAngel Special Thanks to: Jaffy1 Thanks to: All Bogs, aspeeder, Baffler, Boris5000, feeh lizardo, Forsakenmage, Lord Paul, McFlurry, Omnitec, Sy_Accursed, and Warriormonkx Last updated by: BloodAngel Last updated on: 26-Aug-2013
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