A coordinate clue will give the exact location of your next clue with coordinates, for example, "04 degrees, 13 minutes North, 12 degrees, 45minutes East". Specific tools will be needed to find the location of your next clue/reward as well as dig it up. The tools include, a sextant (or meerkat familiars), a watch and a navigation chart; even with the exact digging location known, you will still need the tools in the inventory. To get the navigation tools, take your clue and head to the house north of the Observatory (which is north of Castle Wars). When you arrive at the house, you'll find a Professor and his assistant. Talk to the Professor, and ask him to help you with treasure trails. He will tell you to get a watch and a sextant.
To get the watch go to the Clocktower (located South of Ardougne). Speak with brother Kojo and ask him for the watch.
To get the sextant go to the Khazard Docks (located North-east of Yanille). Speak with Murphy and ask him for the sextant.
When you have your watch and sextant (or meerkat familiars), go back to the Professor and speak with him again. He will give you a long lesson on how to use the sextant. He will also give you a chart. If you didn't read his speech or didn't understand it, see below for instructions on how to use the sextant. Both the watch and chart can be added to your toolbelt. The sextant, however, cannot.
You cannot make your own watch and/or sextant if you've never had them before. But if you lose your watch and/or sextant and need replacements, you can make new ones yourself if you have level 28 craftingand you have access to a player-owned home with a workshop. To get a replacement chart, you must go back and visit the Professor again.
How to use the sextant to get locations:
When you have the sextant (or meerkat familiar, click on it to 'look through' and get your location. However, before it's able to tell you your position, you will need to click on the up and down arrows until you have the horizon in the middle of the eye piece. After that, use your right and left arrows to get the sun in the centre of the eye piece as well. When you have this, and your eye piece looks like the one to the right, click "Get location" under the sextant image (above your chat box).
If you are lucky to have obtained a meerkat pouch from a previous clue, you can summon the meerkat (level 3 summoning required) and use it in the place of a sextant.
How to use your location:
Now you know how to get your current location, but you still need to learn how to get to your desired location (the one on the clue scroll). First you want to find the right longitude (east-west). If your clue says 12 degrees, 56 minutes east, and you're at 6 degrees 12 minutes east, then simply walk East until you hit 12 degrees. Once you do that, you can try to hit the minutes by going a little more East. Then you try to find the right latitude (South-North). Go North/South until you hit the right place. This can be tricky, and the first 5 times you'll have to think and try a lot to get it right.
Alternatively, to help you with finding the right location, you can use the Treasure Locator Tool. This is a pop-up, so it might not open if you have a pop-up blocker active. This locator is not 100% accurate, but it's pretty close, and it should give you an idea of where to go with your sextant for the right location. We have also compiled a list of known coordinates in text format, if you feel more comfortable using that. But remember, you must have your navigation tools with you when you dig. We have made the treasure locator and the list of coordinates available to you to make it easier for you to find the location of your coordinates -- but that doesn't mean that you can forget about getting the sextant, watch and chart. You can't. And these navigation tools are not tradeable, so you don't have any choice about getting them.
When you're at the right location, and you've double checked it, dig with a spade on the spot.
One word of caution:
If you have a Clue Scroll (hard) coordinates clue that leads to a spot in the wilderness, be prepared to fight a level 65 or 74 Zamorak Wizard. The wizard is very protective of any treasure that may be buried in the wilderness, and he won't let you get it without a fight. He will attack you with Flames of Zamorak, and your best defence is to use prayer and have Protect-from-Magic on.
If your Clue scroll (hard) coordinates clue leads to a spot outside the wilderness, you'll have to fight and kill a level 65 or 74 Zamorak Wizard. Formerly you usually faced a Saradomin Wizard, but this NPC was removed from the game due to a Treasure Trails update in November 2014.
If you have a Clue scroll (elite) a Guthix Wizard will attack you, using all three combat styles, melee, ranged with rune knives and magic using Claws of Guthix.
Once you've killed your wizard, dig again in the same spot to get the casket containing your treasure/next clue. If you're not sure which level clue you have, think of the monster that dropped the first clue scroll in your treasure trail, then refer to the Basics page and the monster table.
If you are lucky to have obtained a meerkat pouch and some Fetch Casket scrolls from a previous clue, you can summon the meerkat (level 3 summoning required) and use the Fetch Casket scrolls in the place of a shovel to avoid invoking a Guthix, Saradomin or Zamorak wizard.
Important things to remember:
When you have a coordinates clue to solve, you must have the sextant, watch, chart and clue in your inventory to dig up the casket containing your treasure/next clue. And don't forget to bring your spade (if you don't have one stored in your toolbelt) with you! You can't dig anything up with your hands!
If you lose or misplace your sextant, watch or chart, simply go back to the NPC that gave it to you in the first place to get another. For the sextant, see Murphy. For the watch, see Brother Kojo. For the chart, go see the Professor.
You can also make a replacement sextant and/or watch yourself if you have level 28 craftingand have access to a player-owned house with a workshop. You cannot make a replacement chart if you lose it. To get a replacement chart, you must go back and visit the Professor again.
With certain clues, you might be asked to go to an area that is only accessible if you have completed or started a certain quest. This is particularly true for Clue scrolls (hard), but it can also happen for other level clues. For example, you may get a clue that leads you to the Kharazi Jungle, South of Shilo Village. To enter the jungle, you will need to at least start the Legends Quest. If your clue leads to the Canifis area in Morytania, you will need to have completed Priest in Peril and, depending on WHERE in Morytania the coordinates lead, you may also have to start Nature Spirit. There are other clues like this, so be aware that this CAN happen. In the Full List of Coordinates section below, we have included the name of the quest next to the coordinates' location if a quest is required to access the location.
If you're heading into the wilderness on a coordinates clue, bring only the basic necessities with you. This means bring only your clue, spade, sextant, watch, and chart, your weapon, and whatever food you need to survive an attack. If you get attacked by a monster or a player or cannot survive the attack from the Zamorak wizard, drop everything except your clue scroll before you die. You can easily replace the lost items, but you will lose your clue scroll if you hang onto these other things. Of course, this only works if you do not have a skull hanging over your head...
A meerkat familiar (available only from treasure trail rewards) can be used as a substitute for a sextant and the meerkat's scroll ability can be used instead of a shovel.
To find the coordinates you are looking for quickly, just use CTRL + F. If you have new coordinates to add that are not on this list, please tell us on our Website Updates and Corrections forum.
Approximate Location
Exact Location
00.00 North
07.13 West
Southern part of Isafdar, north-east of Tyras Camp. You must have started the
Regicide Quest and have level 56 agility to access this area. (The charter ship may be convenient.) Zamorak wizard will attack.
In Lumbridge Swamp go to the shack for the Lost City (Zanaris), and head slightly north-east until you see an open area with rocks on the ground. It's easy to spot once you see the area.
From the Elven camp in Tirannwn, go South over the log bridge, then West into the area where the rabbits/bears are. Go a little South-west. There's a stick trap there; dig just past the stick trap. You must have started the
Regicide Quest and have level 56 agility to access this area. Zamorak wizard will attack.
A bit south of Ardougne, on the East coast, north of the Tower of Life and Necromancer Tower. There's a small outcrop toward the water with a willow tree on it. Dig on the north-east side of the tree.
Ogre City, in the centre on the Eastern side. You must have started the Watchtower Quest to access this area. Some players get asked for 20gp to reach this area. If the guard won't accept 20gp, try giving him a rock cake (which can be stolen from the market (requires level 15 Thieving) in the middle of the city). Go up the ramp to the gate, all the way south along the western wall, and jump two obstacles to reach this dead end area. Zamorak wizard will attack.
The coordinates are located on the small island East of Ogre City, between the spear wall and the dead tree. However, to get to that island, you have to walk around the outside of Gu'Tanoth (Ogre City) until you get to the bottom. Start on the Castle Wars side (West side of Gu'Tanoth) and go South until you reach the bottom corner. Then start walking East. Not too far from the South-western corner, you'll see a dungeon entrance just beyond a some ruins near the slope. Go inside the cave, and you'll instantly appear on the island. No quests are required to get onto the island.
Refer to this map to see where the dungeon entrance is -- at the green dot in the bottom left-hand corner. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Crandor, near the broken walls and pillars and scorpions toward the north-east. You must have at least started the
Dragonslayer Quest to get onto Crandor Island.
Karamja Shipyard, east of the Southernmost house. Dig right against the house wall under the east window. The password to the Shipyard is ka-lu-min, but you must have started the Grand Tree Quest to access this area. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Arandar, South of the winding path to Prifddinas, amidst the red spider egg spawns. You must have at least started the
Regicide Quest and have level 56 agility to access this area. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Mort Myre Swamp, on the Nature Grotto island, just North of the tree. You must have started the
Nature Spirit Quest to get into Mort Myre Swamp. If you bring food, bring druid pouch(es). Zamorak wizard will attack.
In the Kharidian desert to the West of the Bandit camp, on the tip of the peninsula. Dig 3 steps to the West of the cactus with white spikes. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Mort Myre Swamp, directly across the river from the digsite, well south and west of the swamp gate entrance, one pond South of the fishing spots pond. Find the dead tree and dig next to it. You must have started the
Nature Spirit Quest to get into Mort Myre Swamp. If you bring food, bring druid pouch(es).
South edge of Kharazi Jungle pond. You must have started the
Legends Quest to get into the Kharazi Jungle, and carry a machete and hatchet. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Mort Myre Swamp, across the river from the digsite, straight south of the swamp gate entrance, north-east of the fishing spots pond. You must have started the
Nature Spirit Quest to get into Mort Myre Swamp. If you bring food, bring druid pouch(es). Zamorak wizard will attack.
Kharazi Jungle, on the small peninsula in the most South-western corner. Dig 2 steps North of the corpse.
You must have started the Legends Quest and bring a machete and hatchet to get into the Kharazi Jungle. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Inside the Tree Gnome Stronghold, on the other side of the river to the West. Cross the bridge into the terrorbird enclosure, and go out the north-eastern gate. Dig a little to the South-east of the gate towards the water.
Baxtorian Falls, on the second island in the river, bring a rope. Use a raft to get to the first island, then use a rope with the rock on the second island to get to the second island. Dig next to the dead tree. You must have at least started the Waterfall Quest to get to the second island. Clue scroll (medium).
Morytania, south of the Slayer tower, a little to the East of the gate in the fence, near a double root sticking out of the ground. You must have completed the
Priest in Peril Quest to get into Morytania. Clue scroll (medium).
North-east of the Air Obelisk (reached by travelling through wilderness section of Edgeville dungeon.) It's 3 paces east of the ladder. Beware of player-killers, this is level 7 wilderness. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Level 11 Wilderness, North of Edgeville. Trees south-west of the Wilderness Volcano, near the bronze arrow respawns and the bears. Dig in the middle of the 4 mushrooms. Zamorak mage will attack.
Near the entrance to Mad Eadgar's cave at the peak of Trollheim. You must have started the Troll Stronghold Quest to reach this area. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Troll camp west of Trollheim, at the top of the ramp leading into the Stronghold itself. Dig slightly south of the cave entrance into the Stronghold. You must have started the
Troll Stronghold Quest to reach this area. Zamorak wizard will attack.
Level 22 Wilderness, north of the black salamander Hunter area, East of the Boneyard and south of Clan Wars arena itself. Dig near the centre of the 3 volcanoes. Zamorak mage will attack.
Level 28 Wilderness Ruins located between the Wilderness volcano and the Boneyard areas. Clue is north of the eastern building. Zamorak Mage will attack.
Level 35 Wilderness, between Clan Wars and Red Dragon Isle, north of "Eastern" Ruins and Graveyard of Shadows. There are Chaos Dwarves and rocks. Dig in the middle of the 4 large, white rocks. Zamorak mage will attack.
(North of the Moss Giants) in level 36 Wilderness north of the Wilderness volcano (former Bounty Hunter Minigame), south-west of Red Dragon Isle, south-east of Lava Maze. The exact spot is a little to the North of the small pond. Zamorak mage will attack.
Altar South of Ice Giants in level 38 Wilderness, south-west of Lava Maze, outside of the building on the far West (south-western) side. Zamorak Mage will attack.
Miscellania, on the path to the northern mining area. Dig right before the end of the path. You must have completed the Fremennik Trials Quest to take the boat to Miscellania.
Demonic ruins in level 47 Wilderness, north of Clan Wars. Dig inside the building, one pace south of the burnt bones next to the large rib cage. Zamorak Mage will attack.
Rogues' Castle in level 53 Members Wilderness, directly to the North of the North tower. Be on the lookout for the level 305 Chaos Elemental, who likes to hide on the West side of the Castle. Get too close, and he will attack you! Zamorak Mage will attack when you dig.
North of the entrance to the Ardougne Teleport House area (Deserted Keep) in level 55 Members Wilderness. Dig a little to the north-east of the cobweb. Remember to bring a knife or a slash weapon to cut the cobwebs at the entrance. Zamorak Mage will attack.
North-west outside the level 56 Members Wilderness agility course, towards the northern edge, close to the fence and the water. Zamorak Mage will attack.
Axe Hut in level 56 Members Wilderness, located north-east of Ardy teleport lever area; one step West outside the North door. Zamorak Mage will attack.