Enlightened Journey, An

Difficulty: Intermediate Requirements: Medium Length: Medium

Start location: Talk to Auguste north of the herblore shop on Entrana.


Quest Points: 21

Skills: Level 36 Crafting, Level 30 Farming, Level 20 Firemaking

Items: 3 Papyrus, 1 Ball of wool a sack of Potatoes (10), 10 Silk, 1 Unlit candle, Yellow dye, Red dye, Bowl, 8 Empty sacks, 12 Willow branchs, 10 normal Logs, Tinderbox


Skills: Level 60 Firemaking (not required for quest; only for unlocking all possible routes)

Items: Boots of Lightness, Means to get to a normal Tree Patch

NPCs: Auguste

Walkthrough hide »

1: Concept Development
Items Required: 3 Papyrus, 1 Ball of wool a Sack of Potatoes (10), 1 Unlit candle
Items Suggested: 10 Silk, 8 Empty sacks

Talk to Auguste north of the Herblore shop on Entrana. He will tell you he wishes to leave Entrana by means of a hot air balloon. After a bit of discussion, he will send you out to collect items for his experimentation: three sheets of papyrus, one ball of wool, one full sack of potatoes, and one unlit candle.

2: Prototyping
Items Required: 3 Papyrus, 1 Ball of wool a Sack of Potatoes (10), 1 Unlit candle
Items Suggested: 10 Silk, 8 Empty sacks

Take the requested items to Auguste and he will tell you to construct an origami balloon. To do this, use your ball of wool on a papyrus sheet, then on your unlit candle. Give this to Auguste and you will get a cutscene where you release the origami balloon, which flies, then burns. Give him your remaining supplies for a second test. This one will fly steadily until a "flash mob" (a mob of angry peasants) destroys it.

3: Implementation
Items Required: Yellow dye, Red dye, 10 pieces of Silk, Bowl, 8 Empty sacks, 12 Willow branchs
Items Suggested: Means to get to a normal Tree Patch

Auguste is now ready to produce the real thing, and needs you to collect even more materials for him: Yellow dye, red dye, ten pieces of silk, a clay bowl, and eight sandbags, which are made by filling sacks with sand from a sandpit. He will also give you a willow sapling and a basket of apples to pay for its growth, so you can collect 12 branches from it for the platform; however, you do not have to use the tree he provides you, you may use your own. If you don't know where to find items, you can ask Auguste (for example, a bowl spawn can be found upstairs in the glassblower's house on Entrana.) Give him any items you have brought, then collect the rest and bring them to him. Use the willow branches on the platform to construct the platform. After doing so, Auguste will construct the balloon.

4: Product Testing
Items Required: 10 normal Logs, Tinderbox
Items Suggested: Boots of Lightness

Talk to Auguste, who will tell you that the balloon is theoretically ready for its maiden voyage. He will now tell you that it will be you piloting the balloon, not him, and he will instruct you on how to control it. You will need to bring 10 logs and a tinderbox to get the balloon started up. Bring these and get ready to pilot!

Balloon Navigation
Controls Instructions
Enlightened Journey Ballon Controls In order to pilot the balloon your total weight must be under 40kg. Your goal is to pilot the balloon from one target to another without colliding with anything: trees, buildings, birds, or even clouds, all of which could damage the balloon. Dropping sandbags makes you go up significantly, while adding logs makes just a little bit of lift. To see how many sandbags and logs you have left, look to the right of their pictures. There are two ropes in the balloon, a red one for emergency drops, and one for smaller drops. Relaxing moves the balloon one step to the right.

If you bail or crash, you may be in a small area requiring you to walk to the end of the road and click on the rubble to leave. After that you will have to return to Entrana with another 10 logs to attempt the puzzle again.
Puzzle Picture

To correctly pilot the balloon, take these steps:

Screen 1:

  1. Drop 1 sandbag
  2. Burn 1 log
  3. Relax 9 times
  4. Drop down 3 times
  5. Relax 6 times

Screen 2:

  1. Relax 3 times
  2. Drop 1 sandbag
  3. Relax 8 times
  4. Burn 1 log
  5. Relax 6 times

Screen 3:

  1. Relax 7 times
  2. Pull the red rope 1 time
  3. Drop down 1 time
  4. Relax 3 times
  5. Burn 1 log
  6. Relax 3 times
  7. Drop down 1 time
  8. Relax 1 time

5: Commercialisation
Items Required: None

Once you have landed, talk to Auguste, who will give you a jacket and cap as thanks for flying with him. You will now be able to return to Entrana and pilot the balloon through a few more puzzles in order to establish more routes throughout the game.


Quest points: 1

Tips, Tricks & Notes

  • If you do not know where to find an item, ask Auguste, who will direct you to one.
  • If you do not wish to go and buy a candle, it is possible to steal one from a table in the Entrana church.
  • You are allowed to use willow branches from any tree, not just Auguste's. They are traded on the Grand Exchange.
  • After the quest you can ask Auguste how to make origami balloons. Make one exactly as you did during the quest. Origami balloons can be dyed different colours.
  • To unlock the other balloon destinations (Crafting Guild, Varrock, Castle Wars and the Grand Tree), you will have to navigate there once, just like in the quest. Solutions are shown in the Balloon Routes guide.
    Unlocking a route earns 2,000 Firemaking Experience, and afterwards it costs only one of the related log (and no navigating) to take the flight.
  • After the quest, Auguste will combine gnome goggles and the bomber cap into "Cap and goggles".
  • Willow trees produce one branch every five minutes after their health is checked, and can produce up to six branches. Use secateurs on the willow tree to cut a single branch.
  • The Bomber Jacket and Cap you receive as a reward for completing the quest can be stored in your house's Costume Room. Refer to our Construction Guide for more information on the Costume Room.


Written by: SaidinWoT

Special Thanks to: Jaffy1

Thanks to: Cowman_133, drgnflybelle, gameking777, Howlin1, Mil, mister_moocky, Pawan, SATANsSTI, Sir Darknite, smellysocks, StGerolf, Unitedite, Xaphista, Vulxai, Zonnelief

Last updated: 17-Nov-2013

RuneScape 2007
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