Ali's Discount Wares Blackjack(d)

Ali's Discount Wares Blackjack(d) Shopkeeper: Ali Morrisane Type: Blackjack
Members: Yes Quest shop: Yes
Currency: GP(gold) City: Al Kharid
Location: North of the palace, near where the road begins to turn west.
Notes: You must have completed The Feud Quest and a part of the Rogue Trader Activity.

Prices confirmed 14-Sep-2009
Related links: The Feud Quest , Rogue Trader
Credits: Pokemama, aperson

Stock for Ali's Discount Wares Blackjack(d)
Base Amount Pic Item Shop Sells For Shop Buys For High Alch GE Market
10 Maple blackjack Maple blackjack 1,200 720 720 5,497 (5.5k)
10 Maple blackjack(d) Maple blackjack(d) 1,600 960 960 3,700 (3.7k)
10 Oak blackjack(d) Oak blackjack(d) 400 240 240 1,047 (1k)
10 Willow blackjack Willow blackjack 600 360 360 226 (226)
10 Willow blackjack(d) Willow blackjack(d) 800 480 480 1,686 (1.7k)
Last updated: 01-Jan-1970

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