Lumbridge General Store

Lumbridge General Store Shopkeeper: Shopkeeper Type: General
Members: No Quest shop: No
Currency: GP(gold) City: Lumbridge
Location: North of the Castle.
Notes: Will buy any tradeable item you have for it's low alch value.

Prices confirmed 11-May-2012
Credits: Cowman_133, Dragonkng198, essiw, Misplacedme

Stock for Lumbridge General Store
Base Amount Pic Item Shop Sells For Shop Buys For High Alch GE Market
10 Bowl Bowl 4 1 2 166 (166)
1 Bronze dagger Bronze dagger Free 0 6 618 (618)
30 Bucket Bucket 2 1 1 114 (114)
10 Cake tin Cake tin 10 4 6 26 (26)
10 Chisel Chisel 14 5 8 37 (37)
30 Empty pot Empty pot 1 1 1 6 (6)
10 Hammer Hammer 13 5 7 217 (217)
1 Hammer Hammer Free 0 7 217 (217)
10 Jug Jug 1 1 0 33 (33)
10 Newcomer map Newcomer map 1 1 0 210 (210)
10 Security book Security book 2 1 1 323 (323)
10 Shears Shears 1 1 1 31 (31)
10 Tinderbox Tinderbox 1 1 0 169 (169)
1 Tinderbox Tinderbox Free 0 0 169 (169)
Last updated: 20-Jun-2012

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