Weekly Poll » 

This week's poll is up and waiting for your vote. The subject this week? Magic. Thanks to Tip.It Community members malo2 and D_V_Devnull for the topic suggestion. After you've voted, you can join the discussion about this week's poll here.

Tip.It Times » 

Happy end of week everybody! It's Friday once again, and you know what that means...time for a new Tip.It Times article! This week, our Editor takes a look at a serious subject that we often see being discussed on our forums...addiction to RuneScape. Please take some time out of your busy day to give it a read.

You'll no doubt notice a new addition to this week's article. In the past, we had a very popular feature called Did You Know? at the bottom of each week's Times article. We had to stop including it for a number of reasons, but due to popular demand, we've decided to bring it back. Each week, we will feature a fun and interesting fact about the game in the Did You Know? section at the bottom of the Times. We hope you enjoy it!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome hokap to the Tip.It Crew. On behalf of the entire staff, welcome to the nuthouse!

New Quest Guide and Weekly Hot Topic » 

Hello everybody, time for our weekly Hot Topic. Which item in-game is also referred to as "baby bread"? What is "not good for children, aim away from face"? If we've got you thinking, maybe you should check out this topic. Started by gunshafted just over a year ago and having been viewed almost 15,000 times, this week's topic contains a huge number of funny examines - proving once again that yes, the folks over at JaGex do have a sense of humour.

By the way, baby bread? Wheat. And what shouldn't you aim at your face? A cannon.

We've also got a brand new quest guide for you today. So if you need help figuring out the puzzles in the Tower of Life quest, our quest guide is the place to look for guidance. Feedback on the new guide can be submitted here.


Weekly Poll & Updates » 

Hi everyone, time for the Weekly Poll. We've often wondered why most people use the low-detail version of RuneScape. One would think it's because playing in high-detail isn't always possible on older and/or less powerful computers, but is that the only reason? Please take a moment to let us know. And if you don't use the low-detail version at all, we want to know that too.

Once you've voted, you can join the discussion about the poll topic and its results or post your thoughts about it here.

In other news, a Shadow Sword guide has been added to our General Guides page, and a few more of our calculators and planners have been re-designed. Our Farming Calculator, Farming Planner, Thieving Calculator and Thieving Planner have all had drop-down lists added, plus we've added the Sorceress's Garden content. We value your feedback, so if you have any comments and/or corrections for our new Shadow Sword guide, please submit them here.

Have a good week, everyone!

Times & TET Event » 

This week's issue of the Tip.It Times is now available for your reading pleasure. Please take a few moments out of your game play to give it a read, we think you'll enjoy it.

I'd also like to remind everyone about today's TET event, Castle Wars - With a Twist. Have you got what it takes to win? Join us later today at the Castle Wars site on server 99 to find out! Start time is 8:00 PM (UK Time), don't be late! For more information about this event, including start times for other time zones, be sure to visit the Event Details page.

Happy weekend, all!

Weekly Hot Topic » 

Hi all, time for our Hot Topic. This week, we'd like to draw your attention to this topic. Have you ever wondered how your RS character's skill levels rate for a player with your combat level? Tip.It Community members Xg4m3r and SirHartlar have devised a simple formula for figuring it out for you. I invite you to take a look through the topic, which has received over 500 posts and nearly 13,000 views since it was first created on September 9, 2006.

And, on behalf of the entire Tip.It staff, I'd also like to take a moment to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!

New Poll, New Content & New Updates! » 

Hi everyone. Time for a new weekly poll. A few months ago, we introduced a new branch of the TET (Tip.It Events Team) - TET-AU (Australia). TET-AU's main goal is to plan events just for the Australian Territory time zone, but of course, anyone can attend. We'd like to know how you feel about TET-AU and the events they've planned. So please take a moment to vote in the poll.

Once you've voted, you can join the discussion about the poll topic and its results or post your thoughts about it here.

And yes, it's true...we've got a Sorceress's Garden mini-game guide for you. It's not quite complete yet, as we're still working on the maps, but we're sure you'll find what we have so far very useful as you make your way through the Sorceress's Garden in search of ripe sq'irk. We value your feedback, so if you have any comments or corrections for our new guide, you may submit them here. And, to go with the two new mining maps we announced on Sunday, the Fremennik Isles Map is now available for you on the Special Maps page .

Finally, we also have more updates for you. Our Smithing Guide now includes the new furnace on Neitznot -- with a one-click bank just next door, it's now the closest furnace to a bank in the game! In addition, we've started making some pretty nifty changes to our calculators and planners - we're in the process of changing some of the sections into drop-down list format, which makes the calculator much sleeker and simpler to use. We've only just started the process, but so far, our Construction Calculator, Construction Planner, Prayer Calculator and Prayer Planner have all been updated.

Have a good week everyone!

More new content and updates! » 

Happy Sunday, everyone! It's not often that we post a news announcement on the weekend, but we have lots more updates & new content to tell you about, so we thought it would be best to post this announcement sooner rather than later.

First, for the new content...we have two brand new Mining Sites maps for you today! The first map is of the Jatizso Mine, located right outside Jatizso Village. The mine is a good place to load up on adamantite and mithril, but beware of all the ice trolls! Second, if you're looking for runite rocks, why not head out to the Neitiznot Runite Mine? Located just North of Neitiznot Village, you'll also find an abundance of coal for you to mine here. Both mines are only accessible once you've finished the new The Fremennik Isles quest.

Now for the updates. In addition to the new quest, this past week's game update contained lots of things which have now been added to our various guides. These include:

Whew! Yes, we have been busy! That's all for now, fellow RuneScapers. Enjoy the updates, and we'll see you back here tomorrow for our Weekly Poll!

Times and lots, LOTS more! » 

Hi gang. It's Friday and I have lots to tell you about today, so let's get right to it, shall we? First, because it is Friday, we have a new Tip.It Times article for you. Ever wonder what the most coveted thing in RuneScape could possibly be? Some great new armour? A wicked weapon? A really cool mask or a really rare party hat? Those would all be great to have, but there is one thing above all others that our Editor thinks would take the honour. Want to know what it is? Well, take a moment to read about it in The One Rare Almost Everybody Wants.

Now for new content and updates. Some of you may have already noticed, and we apologise for the delay in announcing, that our quest guide for the new The Fremennik Isles quest is now available to help you through the tricky parts of the quest. We're still working on adding a few pictures, so if you have some good ones we can use in the guide, be sure to submit them. And as usual, we appreciate your feedback - you can post your pictures and comments and/or corrections for the new guide here.

You'll also find that our Woodcutting Guide, Firemaking Guide, Woodcutting Calculator, Woodcutting Planner, Firemaking Calculator and Firemaking Planner have all been updated to include the Arctic Pine. We've also updated the Max Hit Calc to include the new helm and torso from the Barbarian Assault mini-game.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about tomorrow's TET event, Pillage and Plunder. Start location is the Shantay Pass South of Al-Kharid, at 10:00 PM (UK Time) on Saturday, 10th February. Check the Events Details Page for more information, such as what to bring and start times for other time zones. Finally, I'd like to let everyone know that we have added another new crewbie to the Tip.It Crew...on behalf of the entire staff, I'd like to welcome METALLICA as our newest crewbie. We hope you enjoy your stay with us!

That's all for now, folks. Have a good weekend, and remember to bring your waterskin to tomorrow's event!

Weekly Hot Topic! » 

Hey fellow 'scapers, time for our weekly Hot Topic.

Been playing Runescape for a long time? Think you know your way around the game and all the best info? Well how about all that completely useless knowledge you have built up?

Since December 12th when community member pansynator started this topic, over 600 replies and 35,000 page views have generated of our users sharing little Runescape facts they have come across that mean .... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Thats right, we are totally going backwards this week by sharing Runescape information with you that won't help you one bit when playing the game! Check it out here!

In other news, our Crew is hard at work getting all the info collected and documented from this weeks rather large update by Jagex, so check back often for the latest revisions of our guides!!

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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