Fur 'n' Seek
Difficulty: Novice
Requirements: Easy
Length: Medium
Start location: Speak with the Odd Old Man next to the limestone mine, north-east of Varrock and west of Paterdomus.
Items: 9 Bags of salt, 8 Logs (any type that you can light), Tinderbox, Mirror shield
Skills: Level 50 Combat
Items: Antipoison potion, Ring of slaying or Enchanted lyre or Dramen staff (fairy ring DKS) for transportation, Other transportation devices
Monsters: Black Unicorn (level 48), Unicorn (level 22), Hobgoblin (level 42), Fox (level 64), Fenris Wolf (level 70), Grizzly Bear (level 21), Cockatrice (level 64), Cave Crawler (level 106), Rock Crab (level 102)
Items Required: None
Speak with the Odd Old Man near the limestone mine, north-east of Varrock and west of Paterdomus. Though he will continuously be interrupted by the Bonesack on his back, he will eventually tell you that the Varrock Museum needs lifelike animal displays and has requested his help. However, he's unable to help them, and asks you to do it. Tell him you'll help.
The Odd Old Man will tell you he needs materials for nine monster displays (listed below). He tells you to kill each animal and collect its remains. Then you must prepare the remains through a specific process. First you will scrub the inside of each item with salt, then stretch it over a frame, and finally dry it by the heat of a fire before the Odd Old Man will accept it.
Collecting the Remains
Items Required: Mirror shield
Items Suggested: Antipoison potion, Weapon
You'll need to kill each of the nine animals he requested. Below is a list of each animal's location. If you lose track of which animals you haven't killed, look in your quest journal.
- (Adult) Black Unicorn (level 48) - Black unicorns are located north-east of the entrance to Rellekka. Kill one and take the hide it drops. Foals will not drop the hides.
- (Adult White) Unicorn (level 22)- White unicorns are located south-east of the entrance to Rellekka. Kill one and take the hide it drops. Foals will not drop the hides.
- Hobgoblin (level 42) - Hobgoblins are located on the northern shore of the Fremennik Province within Rellekka. Kill one and take the skin it drops.
- Fox (level 64) - Foxes are located south of the Rellekka house portal. Kill one and take the pelt it drops.
- Fenris wolf (level 70)- Fenris wolves are located south-west of the entrance to Rellekka. Kill one and take the pelt it drops.
- (Adult) Grizzly bear (level 21) - Grizzly bears are located south-east of the entrance to Rellekka. Kill one and take the pelt it drops. Cubs will not drop the hides.
- Cockatrice (level 64) - Cockatrices are located in the third room (if you follow the path) of the Rellekka Slayer Dungeon. You must be wielding a Mirror shield or else your stats will be greatly reduced while fighting a cockatrice. Kill one and take the skin it drops.
- Cave Crawler (level 106) - Cave crawlers are in the first room of the Rellekka Slayer Dungeon. They are highly poisonous, so bring an antipoison potion! Kill one and take the skin it drops.
- Rock Crab (level 102) - Rock crabs are located on the northern shore of the Fremennik Province within Rellekka (near the hobgoblins). They won't appear until you approach them. Kill one and take the carcass it drops.
Note: The Odd Old Man says to kill the monsters within the Fremennik Province. However, some monsters found elsewhere will drop the needed remains.
Preparing the Remains
Items Required: 9 Bags of salt, 8 Logs (any type that you can light), Tinderbox
Head to any bank and grab the bags of salt, logs, and a tinderbox. It doesn't matter where, but sometime before you return to the Odd Old Man, use a bag of salt with each of the remains until they're all scrubbed.
Go back and talk to the Odd Old Man. He will have a discussion with the sack of bones and take in the rock crab carcass without the need for you to process it.
To the east of his shack, there's a fire-pit. For each of the remaining remains do the following:
- Add a set of logs to the fire-pit.
- Use one of the remains with the massive ribs hanging on the shack beside the pit. This will stretch the remains and prepare it for tanning.
- Light the fire in the pit using a tinderbox.
- Once the fire goes out, retrieve the tanned remains from the ribs.
Speak with the Odd Old Man and he will take all of your tanned remains and you will complete the quest. (The quest itself is over, the next part is optional.) Here are your rewards:
- 2,500 Constitution XP
- 2,500 Slayer XP
- 1,500 Prayer XP
- 500 Crafting XP
- 500 Firemaking XP
- 2 Treasure Hunter keys
Optional Second Wishlist
After you complete the quest, the Odd Old Man's new wishlist will appear in your quest journal. Upon completing the second wishlist, you can unlock the Skeletal Horror.
You will have to clean the bones from this list just as you did in the original Rag and Bone Man quest. You will need a tinderbox, plus some pots, vinegar from Draynor Market, and a log for each bone. You do not have to kill the listed monsters all at once, you can just kill them during normal play. You can deliver any polished bone(s) to the Odd Old Man without having all of them.
- Foot bone of a large ape-like creature: Monkey Guard (requires Monkey Madness quest) OR Cave Horror OR Jungle Horror OR Gnoeal
- Sabre-like teeth: Sabre-toothed kebbit (knife, log, and 51 hunter required) OR Kyatt (teasing stick, knife, log, and level 55 hunter required) OR Nail Beast (from the Temple Trekking Minigame) OR Wallasalki
- Long, sharp claws: Gorak OR Nail Beast OR Giant Mole
- Fibula bone of the third leg of an adult three-legged creature: Turoth (REQUIRES adult turoth (level 87, 88, or 89), and 55 slayer)
- Very large hand: Crawling Hand
- Tail-bone of 9 different members of the dragon family: Green (Brutal Green Dragons will work), Blue, Red, Black (King Black Dragon is acceptable), Bronze, Iron, Steel, and Mithril Dragons (bring anti-dragon shield or a Dragonfire shield) AND Skeletal Wyvern (level 156, requires 72 slayer, bring elemental or mind shield or a Dragonfire shield for wyvern)
- Neck bone of a camel: Ugthanki Camel (bring desert gear)
- Shoulder of a giant: Hill Giant OR Moss Giant OR Ice Giant OR Cyclops OR Fire Giant
- Spine of a giant snake: Sea Snake Young (level 90, from Royal Trouble quest) OR Big Snake (from Recipe for Disaster on Crash Island)
- Pelvis of a four-legged, magic-casting water creature that dwells in caves: Aquanite (level 136, requires 78 slayer)
- Femur of a large follower of Bandos: Bork (level 130, requires 44 slayer) OR General Graardor (level 210, requires 70 strength)
- Humerus of a large tortoise: Tortoise OR Warped Tortoise (bring chimes)
- Golden Fleece: Buy from Lalli the troll near the Rellekka Slayer Dungeon for 1,000 GP. Fremennik Trials.
Use the vinegar on a pot, then put a bone in it. Go to the Odd Old Man's place and put logs (of any type) on the pot-boiler. Place the pot of bones on it and use a tinderbox on the set. When it's boiled off, pick it up and you'll get a polished bone and the pot. When you talk to the Odd Old Man he will take all polished bones you have with you.
Optional Final Fight
The Skeletal Horror uses mage and melee attacks but his mage is stronger, so it is suggested to wear strong melee defence armour and use protect from mage prayer. The first two forms use Melee+Magic while the third and forth forms only use Melee attacks.
After you have turned in all 20 bones from this wishlist, go north of the hide drying area to the bone stile. Proceed over the stile and head east until you are greeted with a cutscene.
Next, you'll come face to face with a level 91 Skeletal Horror. While you fight it, it will deteriorate and parts of its bones will fall off. These will be displayed as a yellow dot on the minimap. Pick each part up and bury it quickly to sharply reduce your foe's combat level. Below is a list of the body parts that will fall off (in order) and what level the Skeletal Horror will degrade to after each is buried:
- Right Hand -> Level 86
- Left Hand -> Level 84
- Tail -> Level 81
- Now, simply finish it off.
Return to the Odd Old Man. He will reward you for completing his second wishlist:
- 7,000 prayer xp
- 10,000 slayer xp
- 2 Treasure Hunter keys
- Have him enchant your bonesack or ram skull helm for a weekly teleport to Odd Old Man.
- Ability to fight Skeletal Horror once a week. This is reset on Wednesday nights. The weekly reward is Slayer and Prayer XP (the amount of experience is scaled with your Slayer and Prayer level).
Quest Itself:
- 2,500 Constitution XP
- 2,500 Slayer XP
- 1,500 Prayer XP
- 500 Crafting XP
- 500 Firemaking XP
- 2 Treasure Hunter keys
Optional Wishlist:
Quest points: 2
Tips, Tricks & Notes
- There is a Gnome Glider located at the Digsite which can be used to easily access the Odd Old Man. Similarly, a Digsite pendant can be useful in reaching him.
- A House Teleport (assuming the player's POH is located in Rellekka) can be used to teleport directly to the entrance of Rellekka.
- After completing both parts of the quest, players may fight the Skeletal Horror once a week. The guide is hidden below.
- This is NOT a safe area - if you die you will lose all but three of your items (unless you are skulled or use protect item.)
- Items required: None
- Items suggested: Super set, ring of life, one-click teleport, prayer potion, good food, weapon, melee armour, enchanted bone sack or ram skull helmet
- You can kill the Skeletal Horror once a week. To check how long you have left until you can kill the Skeletal Horror, go to your Quest Journal for Fur n' Seek and it will have a countdown at the bottom. Whenever the countdown has run down and you are able to fight him again, use your enchanted bonesack or ram skull helm to teleport to the Odd Old Man. From here, just walk a little bit north-east to get to the Skeletal Horror.
- The Skeletal Horror uses mage and melee attacks but his mage is stronger, so it is suggested to wear strong melee defence armour and use protect from mage prayer. The first two forms use Melee+Magic while the third and forth forms only use Melee attacks.
- Once you get to the Skeletal Horror, he will immediately start attacking you. As before in the quest, fight the Skeletal Horror and bury the body parts he drops until you have fully killed him.
- The weekly reward for killing the Skeletal Horror is
- 1250 Slayer XP
- 1000 Prayer XP
Written by: Rcty
Special thanks to: Jaffy1, pokemama, Rien Adelric, smellysocks, vincister, xecer
Thanks to: Bauke, bluehooloovo, brainymidget, Game_Freak67, Hooded Billy, Ibcrootbeer, Iglw, krogiecom, Laikrob, mackish, manoman, Monkeyguy789, Neohero1972, SerpentEye, Speedyshel, Sy_Accursed, wyvren2000
Last updated: 20-Jun-2015
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