The Tip.It Times

Issue 10 99gp

A Beginning Ranger's Guide to Whack-a-Mole

An accompanying article written by Necromagus and edited by Tip.It

Deep in the bowels of Falador park lies a beast of formidable size and laughable intelligence. You see, when Wyson the Gardener flushed his supergrowth potion into the soil to be c...

War Running - Part 2

A fictional article written by Zonorhc and edited by Tip.It

'Peace?' Lord Prysin mused, wiping the blade of his longsword down with an oiled cloth. The window was open, allowing the cool evening air to waft in.

Did you know…

... that an Amulet of Glory with charges and wielded, also generates more Gems on Free to Play worlds when Mining? So if you are Mining on a site that is normally busy on P2P, realise that there is no difference in speed or amount of gems, no matter what world you mine on! (Thanks to The Tal Shiar Alliance!)

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