The Jack of Spades

Difficulty: Novice Requirements: Beginner Length: Short

Start location: Speak to Emir Ali in Al Kharid's palace.



4 free inventory spaces

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1. Start
Items Required: None
Items Suggested: None

Emir will tell you that the Pharaoh of Menaphos has sent a communication with the interest of reopening the trade between Al Kharid and Menaphos and would like an envoy to negotiate a deal. However, Osman thinks this is a ruse and cannot trust them. Nonetheless, Emir has tasked Hassan with the responsibility of the envoy and would like you to act as a mediator.

2. Getting up to speed
Items Required: None
Items Suggested: None

Jack of Spades Flying Carpet

After agreeing to help, Osman will meet up on the roof of the Al Kharid Palace. Ascend the stairs to the north-east of Emir. Osman can be found south of the stairs, he will ask you to be aware of your surroundings while in Menaphos, but don't take any risks. You can ask Osman questions about Menaphos. Ask him "What else should I know?" He will request that if you are in the Grand Library, you look out for books about tracing the succession of the city's pharaohs.

3. Envoy
Items Required: None
Items Suggested: None

Jack of Spades Menaphos

When you are ready to start the envoy, talk to Hassan, he is found up the stairs to the north-west. He will send a messenger parrot to let the Pharaoh know the envoy is on its way.

While Hassan is explaining the magic carpet, a cutscene will start in the Throne room of Menaphos between Jabari and the Pharaoh. They are talking about a benefactor and talking about taking the treasures from the crypts beneath the city and will mention the usurper, Jack of Spades and the civil unrest in the city.

Once the cutscene ends Hassan will ask if you are ready to start the envoy. You can go to Menaphos yourself or talk to Hassan and he will take you straight to Menaphos.

Once you arrive at the gate, they will start to open and a cutscene will start showing you some of the city. When you enter the city, Ambassador Jabari will greet and welcome you to the city. The Pharaoh won't be joining the envoy as he is busy dealing with come civil unrest started by the Jack of Spades. He will lead you to your quarters in the Merchant district and introduce you to Grand Vizier Ehsan. After the introductions are made, the Jack of Spades will appear and steal Ehsan's tax ledger, Hassan will offer your help to Grand Vizier Ehsan.

4. Finding Jack
Items Required: 4 free inventory spaces
Items Suggested: None

Jack of Spades

Talk to the guards outside of the house and they will tell you that the Jack of Spades was last seen heading into the Port District to the south and Admiral Wadud in the Golden Scarab Inn would know where to look next.

Before the admiral can tell you anything about the Jack of Spades, he appears and steals Wadud's prized trinket. Talk to one of the guards west of the Inn and they will inform you that Jack was last seen heading into the Imperial district and you should speak to Commander Akhomet outside the Golden Pyramid.

Talk to Commander Akhomet about Jack and she will initially refuse to help until Jack steals a ceremonial dagger from the Commander. She will mention that his hideout is possibly in the Worker district and suggests you talk to Batal in the Worker district.

Batal can be found on the west side of the fire pit in the Worker district. He will initially refuse to help you, but Jack steals Batal's coin purse. Batal suggests that you search the tombs below the city, an entrance can be found just south of Batal.

Enter the tomb and face Jack. He will reveal that he is Ozan in disguise! He snuck into Menaphos in search of the Kharid-ib and stole all those items to get your attention. He will give you the items he stole so you can give them back to gain favour in the city.

Return the items to gain 1,000 favour in the district you return the stolen item to. Speak to Hassan to complete the quest. Congratulations!

Jack of Spades Complete


  • 500 Agility XP
  • 500 Construction XP
  • 500 Dungeoneering XP
  • 500 Thieving XP
  • Access to Menaphos

Quest points: 1

This quest is a requirement for:


Written by: Howlin1

Special thanks to: Arceus

Last updated: 09-Jun-2017

RuneScape 2007
Find this page on the Internet Archive with a date as close to Aug 10, 2007 as possible.

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