The Tip.It Times

Issue 31 99gp

Pescaling Schmeskaling

An accompanying article written by oddfaery2 and edited by Tip.It

>>>WARNING -- The Hunt for Red Raktuber quest spoilers<<<

The Penguins are at large again, this time misguiding our investigation....

Jagex Got Hip

An accompanying article written by skatedog111 and edited by Tip.It

Sometime around the end of 2008, Jagex was brewing up social plans to try and change the face of the company; not for game publishers, other companies, or investors, but for its pl...

When Kingdoms Collapse - Part 1

A fictional article written by Foodfight13 and edited by Tip.It

King Roald glanced at the document briefly then handed it back to his advisor...

Did you know… don't have to keep circus costumes in your bank? Just destroy them, and you can get them back from the Ringmaster any time you want them. (Thanks to pokemama!)

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Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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