Dream Mentor

Difficulty: Master Requirements: Medium Length: Short

Start location: Inspect the fallen man in the Rune Essence mine on Lunar Isle.


Other: Level 120 Combat

Items: Seal of passage, At least 3 types of food (7 of two types, 6 of the third), Astral rune, Goutweed


Skills: High Combat

Items: Armour, food, weapon, combat boosting potions

Monsters: The Inadequacy (level 98), The Untouchable (Level 98), The Everlasting (Level 93), The Illusive (Level 88), A Doubt (Level 77)

Walkthrough hide »

1: Starting out
Items Required: Seal of passage
Items Suggested: Food listed in step 2

Speak to Lokar Searunner on the western most pier and then take the pirate ship to go to Lunar Isle. Once there, climb down the ladder in the north-east corner of the island. Crawl through the cave entrance and inspect the fallen man. You will see an interface of different areas the man needs help in: health, spirit, and armament. You will need to begin by raising his health with food.

Dream Mentor Status

2: Health
Items Required: 3 types of food (7 of two types, 6 of the third)

To heal the fallen man's health you will need to feed him food. He likes a variety of food, so you can't feed him the same thing twice in a row. You will need a rotation of at least 3 types of food and feed him them in turns until his health is back up to 40% (food 1, food 2, food 3, food 1, food 2, food 3, etc.). Once you have done this, the man will lean on his arm and you will need to heal his spirit by talking to him.

Dream Mentor Food Example

The above image is an example of the total food needed.

Just keep talking to the man and telling him encouraging things like "It will be okay" and "When we get out of here, I will buy you a drink." Once his spirit is raised, he will sit up. Now you need to feed him again to get his health to 70% and then talk to him again to get his spirit to 72%. He will stand up and tell you of his adventures and ask you to get him some armour from the bank.

3: Armament
Items Required: None.

Teleport to the Lunar Isle lodestone, run to the bank and speak to 'Bird's-eye Jack'. He will let you see Cyrisus's bank, and hand you Cyrisus's chest for you to carry Cyrisus's armour in. The most common set-up he requests is: the dragon helm, Ahrim's robe top, Ahrim's robe skirt, ranger boots, and abyssal whip. It is useful to have NPC contact to check which set-up he wants though, to avoid running back and forth playing guess and check. Take the armour in the chest and the 6 pieces of food back to the cave.

Dream Mentor Npc Contact

4: Fully Healed
Items Required: the remaining food (2 of each type), Cyrisus's chest

Give Cyrisus his armour and feed him the last six food items in the rotating style again. Now he will have 100% health and 100% armament. Talk to him until he has 100% spirit. After all three of his bars are at 100% he will tell you that he is scared of combat and to meet him at the Oneiromancer.

5: Preparing
Items Required: 1 Astral rune and a Goutweed
Items Suggested: Armour, food, weapons, and potions

Head to the Oneiromancer and talk to her about Cyrisus. She will tell you to make a dream potion to enter the Dream World with Cyrisus. Fill the empty dream vial she gives you with water, and add goutweed and ground astral rune to it.

Goutweed can be obtained from the chest in the basement of Trollheim Stronghold (refer to our Eadgar's Ruse Quest guide for more information). The ground up rune is made by using an astral rune on an anvil, and then grinding the astral rune shards with a pestle and mortar. Now take your potion, armour, weapon, food, and combat boosting potions to the brazier in the large building to the west of the city. Light the brazier and speak to Cyrisus to enter the Dream World. If you die or leave you can re-enter by speaking to Cyrisus again - you do not have to remake the potion.

6: The Final Battle
Items Suggested: Melee/ranged/magic armour (depending on how you intend to fight), decent food, weapons, and potions boosting your combat abilities

Beware: If you die in the Dream World you gravestone will appear near the brazier. Also, you cannot use prayers whilst in there, and if you leave you must restart from the first monster again. Throughout all four fights, whenever Cyrisus's courage bar fills he will fight for a short time and then retreat again. He will also occasionally cast vengeance on you. If for any reason you need to leave during the battle right-click on the lectern and choose the option to leave.

You will begin the fight against a level 98 The Inadequacy, who is the hardest to kill. He will spawn a number of level 77 A Doubt which you can ignore as they disappear when Inadequacy is killed. He will deal the most damage to you and he can hit hard. If you choose to melee him, get within his melee range quickly because otherwise he will attack with ranged. If you've got access to Ancients Magicks you might want to consider using Bloodfire Burst (68 magic) to heal with the leech effect, and mage him from a distance.

Next you will have to fight a level 93 The Everlasting, who has a very high defence but doesn't hit that often. During this fight you can use the lectern for a safe spot, and use ranged or magic to kill it.

Next you will have to fight a level 98 The Untouchable. He is fairly strong and has decent defence, but compared to Inadequacy, this fight will seem easy. Sometime during this fight Cyrisus should help attack for a short period, and again, like with the previous creature, you can use the lectern to hide behind, and use ranged or magic to kill it.

Dream Mentor Fight

Finally you will have to fight a level 88 The Illusive, who rarely fights but spends most of his time burrowing and running away. Turn your run on and just keep chasing him down, or again use missiles.

Once you have defeated all four monsters go and speak to Oneiromancer again to finish the quest and claim your reward.


Quest points: 2

This quest is a requirement for:

Tips, Tricks & Notes

  • You can feed the fallen man a variety of foods, including chocolate bars, monkey nuts, and farming produce in addition to the typical fish and common healing foods.
  • If you have lost your Seal of passage you can get a new one from Brundt the Chieftain in Rellekka.
  • Change from regular to Lunar spells by right clicking and praying on the Astral altar.
  • If you have low defence, you may need to carry food and armour around with you on Lunar Isle to protect from the Suqahs.
  • The experience lamp is worth 15,000 XP to constitution, defence, range, strength, or magic.


Written by: Jaffy1

Special Thanks to: abomb67

Thanks to: Ajc100, Baffler, chenw2, cowassasin, Enjay Icon, darkblade986, Emanick1, ezeeipancake, Forsworn66, Grizzlycomet, Howlin1, J35u5 M4,, lee3821, Masterd99, ml417, Octarine, oddfaery2, pokemama, Raven6666, Vyse263 , War Chipmunk, WoodenFruit

Last updated: 22-Aug-2015

RuneScape 2007
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