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Lunar Diplomacy
Difficulty: Experienced
Requirements: Hard
Length: Long
Start location: Speak to Lokar Searunner on the westmost dock in Rellekka. Requirements: Skills: Level 61 Crafting, Level 40 Defence, Level 49 Firemaking, Level 5 Herblore, Level 65 Magic, Level 60 Mining, Level 55 Woodcutting Items: 400gp, Tinderbox, Pestle and Mortar, Guam leaf, Marrentill, Dramen Staff, Spade, any Pickaxe, Hammer, any Hatchet Suggested: Items: Armour, food, attack Runes, all four elemental talismans/tiaras (or an Elemental talisman) if not able to use the Abyss to access altars, teleport method to Rellekka (house location, Teleport tablet, Enchanted lyre). NPCs: Baba Yaga, 'Beefy' Burns, 'Bird's-Eye' Jack, Brundt the Chieftain, Cabin boy, Captain Bentley, 'Eagle-eye' Shultz, Ethereal Expert, Ethereal Fluke, Ethereal Guide, Ethereal Man, Ethereal Mimic, Ethereal Numerator, Ethereal Perceptive, First mate 'Davey-boy', 'Lecherous' Lee, Lokar Searunner, Meteora, Oneiromancer, Pauline Polaris, Rimae Sirsalis, Selene Walkthrough hide »1: Starting out Speak to Lokar Searunner to start the quest. He will tell you to speak to Brundt the Chieftain to get a seal of passage. Brundt is in the longhall just east of the dock. Next return to Lokar to sail to Lunar Island. You will arrive at Pirate's Cove. 2: Meeting people Climb to the top level of the docks and walk onto the ship. Speak to Captain Bentley and tell him you are ready to sail to Moonclan Island. You will travel in a circle and be right back where you started. You will now need to speak to a gaggle of people before you can get to Moonclan Island.
3: Five Symbols Put the lantern together and use the tinderbox with it to light it. Use the lantern on each of the locations to find the symbol, then use the 'Rub away!' option. The locations of the five symbols are: The cannon just east of the Cabin Boy: ![]() The wall chart on the north wall, west side of the Captain's room: ![]() The large crate in the south-east corner of the lowest level of the ship: ![]() The support closest to the Chef on the lowest level of the ship: ![]() The chest far north on the lowest level of the ship: ![]() Once you have erased all five symbols, go speak to the captain again and you can sail to Moonclan Island. ![]() 4: Moonclan Island Run to the south-west section of the city and speak to Meteora. She will tell you to speak to Oneiromancer. Run north to the bank and get your armour and food. You will need to run past aggressive Suqahs, which are mage and melee based monsters. Next, exit via the gate on the east side of the city and run south-east until you reach the Rune Altar and the Oneiromancer. Speak to the Oneiromancer and she will tell you that you need three items to complete a ritual that will help you understand the Moonclan. You will need a potion, a lunar staff, and lunar clothing. 5: Waking Sleep Potion Go and speak to Baba Yaga in the walking chicken house to the north of the city. She will give you an empty vial and say you need a guam leaf, a marrentill and a ground suqah tooth to make the potion. Kill Suqah until you get the tooth. Don't drop the hides because you will need them later on. If you don't have the herbs, Suqahs also drop those. Fill the vial with water and use the herbs with the vial, then grind the tooth with your pestle and mortar and use it with the unfinished potion. You now have your waking sleep potion. Return and speak to the Oneiromancer. She will take your potion and tell you how to make the staff. 6: Lunar Staff Take your Dramen Staff and use it with the air, fire, water, and earth altars in that order to make it into a Lunar Staff. It will still be able to teleport you to the Lost City. Take the Lunar Staff back to the Oneiromancer and she will tell you about the Lunar Clothes. 7: Lunar Clothes Once you have given the Lunar Staff to the Oneiromancer you need to get the 8 pieces of the Lunar Clothes. They are:
8: Ceremonial Brazier Once you have the full set of lunar clothing head back to the Oneiromancer and speak to her. She will give everything back to you. Stop by the bank and pick up a tinderbox, food and your best hatchet. Go to the Ceremonial Brazier, which is in the large building on the west side of town. Re-equip everything, use the potion with the kindling, use a tinderbox with the Brazier to light it and then use the soaked kindling with the Brazier. You will appear in the dream world. 9: The Dream World Once you get to the dream world you will see 6 platforms; on each is a game and an Ethereal Man or Woman (depends on your character's gender). Speak to the Ethereal Man/Woman and then do the game. After each game, you must speak to the Ethereal Man/Woman again. Each portal is a game:
Once you have completed all of the games and spoken to the Ethereal Man again, he will make you fight Me. Me is a duplicate of yourself with the exception of the level. You can use magic to kill Me. Just kill him and then you will be teleported back to the Ethereal Man. Speak to him, leave the dream world, and go back to the Oneiromancer. Talk to her and she will reward you for completing the quest. Reward
Quest points: 2 This quest is a requirement for: Tips, Tricks & Notes
CreditsWritten by: abomb67
Last updated: 07-Apr-2015
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