Priest in Peril

Difficulty: Novice Requirements: Easy Length: Medium

Start location: King Roald, Varrock palace


Skills: Must be able to kill a level 33 enemy.

Items: Bucket and 25 Pure essence or 50 Rune essence

Monsters: Cerberus (level 33), Monk of zamorak (level 23)

Walkthrough hide »

1: Roald: King Roald will ask you to check on Drezel in the Guardian Temple north-east of Varrock. You can find it by going north along the fence that surrounds the Digsite area until it curves around. You'll come to a gate. Go through it and follow the road east to the temple.

2: Temple: Knock on the doors and tell them that you've been sent to check on Drezel. You will be asked to kill a dog. This is down the trapdoor in the mausoleum just north of the temple.

Priest in Peril dungeon

The dog is level 33, and relatively easy to kill. Once you've done this, go back and knock on the doors again. They will send you back to Varrock.

3: Roald: Go to King Roald again and tell him what you've done. He will be quite mad at you. When he's done shouting and yelling, ask him what you can do to make it good again. Go back to the temple, this time go in and up the two sets of ladders.

4: Drezel: Talk with Drezel (you need to right-click on the cell door and select 'Talk through door') and he'll tell you a great long story (it's actually quite interesting if you like Runescape history). Now go downstairs and kill the level 23 Monks of Zamorak until you get a Golden Key. Once you have one, go back down to the place where you killed the dog (it won't attack you), but this time go further into the cave. Once you're at some monuments and a well, "study" all the monuments.

5: Key & Water: When you find the monument which has a key, "use" your Golden Key on it, and you will have the iron key to free Drezel. While you're down there, use your bucket on the well to get some water from the river. Go back to Drezel and use your iron key on the door. Speak with him and get him to bless your water, then use it on the coffin in the centre of the room. Speak with Drezel once more.

6: Draining the evil: Now get as many rune essences as you can hold. Notes are no good, but you can try to get more essences in your inventory with help of the rune pouches from The Abyss mini-quest. Go back to the place you got the iron key and the holy water, and proceed through the next door. You'll find Drezel again. Speak with him and tell him about what the rune essences can do. He'll need 50 of them so go back and get the rest.

Note: Drezel will not take the essences in notes!

7: Finishing the quest: Talk with Drezel and give him the last essences. You have now finished the quest.


Quest points: 1

This quest is a requirement for:

Tips, Tricks & Notes

  • While searching for the monument with the key, you will notice that the other monuments have other items made of solid gold. These include a solid gold candle, feather, hammer, needle, pot and tinderbox. If you bring a regular version of each of these items, you can use them on their respective monuments to obtain the golden versions. The golden versions have no purpose and cannot be obtained after finishing the quest.


Written by: GreatSilverWyrm, K788, and Ks Jeppe

Thanks to: Arti, Baffler, Cowman_133, Faymous, god gilmour, hitpoint99, Howlin1, Jaffy1, Magnum17, PvM Fredrow, shdw trooper, Tancy, Thamior Amakiir, tssknight, Warriormonkx, Xarron

Last updated: 23-Dec-2017

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