Zaromark Sliver

Zaromark Sliver

"A dangerous-looking Zamorakian."
Race: Human Level: 80 Life points: 700 Ratio: 0.88
Attack type: Melee+Ranged Max Hit: 0 Aggressive: Yes Retreats: No
Poisonous: No Members: Yes Quest monster: Yes Weakness: --
Evolution of Combat note
The combat stats of this monster may have changed since the Evolution of Combat update, and have not yet been confirmed in the live game. You can help the community by verifying the information in-game and then submit a report with your findings.
Habitat: Top floor of the Temple Salve, during the Legacy of Seergaze quest.
Notes: Switches between melee and ranged attacks depending on which protection prayer you have up. He can also use protection prayers and switch between all three of them, so either bring a salamander to fight it, or equipment for two of the three combat styles.

He can hit in the triple figures, so bring armour and food. Fights alongside Fistandantilus in a multi-combat zone.
Credits: Darkblade986, Ginger Warrior, Jard_Y_Dooku, Warriormonkx
RuneScape 2007
Find this page on the Internet Archive with a date as close to Aug 10, 2007 as possible.

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